August 2019 Moms

Group 4 Check In (Aug 24-31) - W/O 02/10

Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:

Baby is the size of a(n):

What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): 

Upcoming Appointments:

How are you feeling?:



GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? 

*Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

Re: Group 4 Check In (Aug 24-31) - W/O 02/10

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: Aug 26 / 12 weeks tmr 

    Baby is the size of a(n): clementine 

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): ahhhh I should find out this week and I’m so ready to know!!! 

    Upcoming Appointments: not until Feb 25 

    How are you feeling?: pretty decent! Appetite seems to be increasing though still not feeling everything. Back pain sucks so much. 

    Rants/Raves: I am the type of person that needs to google everything I buy before I buy it. There is so much baby stuff required and I am in information overload. There are so many options and so many different things out there. It’s killing me. We went and looked at strollers yesterday and we settled on the Bugaboo Bee. It’s perfect for us and I’m excited to have 1 thing decided on. 

    I was speaking to my sister yesterday and I told her that they all need to get the flu vaccine before I visit with the baby next December (so premature but thought I’d throw it out there) and she was so irritating about it. I’ll spam them with articles about why it’s important so hopefully at least my parents get it. 

    This week was also hard trying to get back into my school routine! Tuesday, I came home from class and promptly fell asleep at like 8 PM. I’m hoping this week is better so I can get more school work done during the week.

    Questions: I guess related to above - for STMs, if this was important to you, how did you make sure people in close contact with the baby got their vaccine before interacting with a baby? 

    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? 

    My favourite city so far has been Madrid and Cape Town. For similar reasons, amazing food, great weather, and such a relaxing vibe. I would happily return many times to either of these cities. I also loved New Orleans a lot and really enjoyed the food there. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/24, 12+1

    Baby is the size of a(n): Toy soldier

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): will find out at the anatomy scan

    Upcoming Appointments: just had one this week, next one isn't until March

    How are you feeling?: I'm not sure, I keep getting these weird spurts of enery and thinking I'm finally over the exhaustion, but they don't last.

    Rants/Raves: I am so ready for my boys to be done with the phase where they wake up at 5 or earlier every morning.

    Questions: @AKuzReve is the monthly unmedicated thread still happening?

    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? Israel, in person it's nothing like it's portrayed on the news. The locals are super friendly and helpful, and you can feel the history walking down the streets.

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  • @mrosek91, yep posted! Since the 1st was Jan 13, I did this one now. Closer to when we’re further along I can do earlier in the month. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

  • @AKuzReve Good question - I am interested in answers from STMs! I also thought relatives that would be around baby fairly often should get the TDAP vaccine in addition to flu?

    @mrosek91 I hope your exhaustion ends as you get into second tri! How old are your boys? Hopefully they start sleeping in later soon!

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/31, 11+1

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): Should find out by 14 weeks from NIPT

    Upcoming Appointments: NT scan on 2/15, OB appt on 2/18 for NIPT draw

    How are you feeling?: Still feeling good! I had a little bleeding last week so I am anxiously awaiting our scan on Friday. 

    Rants/Raves: Really looking forward to getting through the next few appointments and getting results from the NIPT. Once I start showing and we find out the sex, I hope this will feel more real rather than just a dream! My mom and MIL are already making plans for a shower in July so that should be fun.

    Questions: Has everyone shared the news with family and friends? What about work? Anyone planning a social media announcement? We are planning to make one after getting the results from the NIPT and announcing the sex at the same time. I will likely tell work after another week once I hit 12 weeks - I’m overthinking how to bring up the conversation to my boss.

    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? Italy, we travelled to both Rome and the Tuscany area, but I would love to go back to both and travel to more of the country. I love the food and the culture and thought both the city and countryside were beautiful!

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/25/19, 12 weeks

    Baby is the size of a(n): clementine

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): team finding out on 2/23 from the Mat 21 test (having a small party as this is our 2nd and last kiddo)

    Upcoming Appointments: Tomorrow- ultrasound, VBAC second opinion on Friday

    How are you feeling?: So much better, still tired but bleeding stopped a few weeks ago (and that had been freaking me out since it never happened with DD) and not nauseous anymore really.

    Rants/Raves: I despise awkward pregnancy questions, my aunt just asked me how long DH and I were trying...which to me is akin to asking how many times we did it. 

    Questions: none at the moment. :)

    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? Tuscany...DH and I are planning on renting a home in 2021 for a month split between there and the Amalfi coast and I cannot wait. We took DD to Italy when she was 2 already so we feel pretty confident on it.

  • @AKuzReve my parents were all in order for DD because my sister had two children before and required it so that was easy. I verbally told everyone in person at various points that the Tdap was non negotiable if they wanted to go to the hospital/meet her early and all close family members and friends complied easily for Tdap. For some reason the flu vaccine was less on my radar at the time but I understand adding that on as well. Those who I knew wouldn't comply (aunts/cousins) I made wait until after DD was vaccinated at approximately 10 weeks as first dose is given at 8 weeks and I wasn't remotely sorry to make them wait. Same rules will apply for #2 though family should all be within the window for the vaccines from last time but I'll be checking in just in case.
  • TinaThoTinaTho member
    edited February 2019
    @dogmomma096 I've been sharing the news as I see people though many have known for a few weeks- I'm close with my boss so I told her early on but last time I think I told her around 14 weeks. Even though I'm having a party I likely won't do a social media announcement until we go to Disney World in March and I'm not even committed to that. Last time I only posted something when I was 21 weeks with the caption babymoon as DH surprised me with a trip. 

    Also, yes, Italy is amazing. By far my favorite  and I still feel like there is so much more to see. We've been there twice and I'm already counting down to the next visit (though we are pushing it for a couple of years). 
  • @AKuzReve I forgot the January one went up late. Thanks for running that board, I will go update!

    @dogmomma096 the older one is almost 3, and the younger one is 15 months. As for announcing, I told the two people in charge of my department on Friday, I work in a different state from them, so I just called them, but for the first two I just planned a visit up (not unusual I try and visit the main office 3-4 times a year) and just popped into their office "to say hi."  For the rest of the team I haven't fully made up my mind but I'm thinking of just sending out a meeting invite that's marked MK maternity leave start date. I've slowly been telling friends and family since Thursday when we got our clean 12 week ultrasound. I find saying the words I'm pregnant super awkward so I've trying to find creative ways to work it into the conversation. For my sister and best friend I sent them a picture of the ultrasound with the caption "With number 3 this is an adequate announcement, right?" I don't have any social media accounts so not doing anything there.
  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:

    Aug. 24 / 12w + 1d

    Baby is the size of a(n): hard boiled eggs

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): finding out at the anatomy April 😫

    Upcoming Appointments:

    THREE this week (thanks, twins). 12wk checkup with the OB on 2/11, meeting with the genetic counselor to figure out testing on 2/12, followed by an NT scan, also on 2/12. Excited to see how much the little ones have grown!

    How are you feeling?: Bleh. I THOUGHT things were better after starting the Unisom / B6, but the last few days have been bad. Nauseous, exhausted, and man oh man do my boobs hurt.

    Rants/Raves: as mentioned above, my boobs are super sore, and my toddler really likes to treat me like a jungle she’s constantly bashing into them, and I’m sooo over it!

    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? 

    Probably Scotland. It’s gorgeous, there’s so much history, but also felt very much like home for a place that is (for me) so far from home. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @AKuzReve - congrats on the boy!! I insisted on influenza shots and Tdap updates for both our families. I have zero problem with cutting people off who don’t comply 😜

    @dogmomma096 - we’re all out there (family, friends, social media). Sorry, as a SAHM I have no advice on sharing with work. In general we start telling friends after we have a good ultrasound and see the heartbeat, and social media around the 12 week mark (we did 11 weeks this time b/c we had seen 2 good ultrasounds, and I’m starting to show...getting hard to hide it!). I think waiting until 12 weeks is completely appropriate for sharing at work.  
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @AKuzReve I'm not a STM, but it's mind boggling to me that anyone would take issue with a mom wanting to protect their baby from illness. My friends have all been apologetic for asking guests to hand sanitize when they came to meet the baby. As a guest, I was like.. yep! 100%!! I'd wear a mask too if a mom asked me too haha. I also bow out of get togethers if there is a newborn coming, and I feel at all unwell, or think I MIGHT have been exposed to anything at work, even if symptoms haven't shown up.
    So... I say lay down the ground rules, and anyone who doesn't want to comply, can wait to meet baby until you give the go-ahead. Also, congrats on the boy! 💙

    @dogmomma096 my work has known since I was about 5w by LMP (which turned out to be about 4w1 by fetal size). Since I ended up in the ER while on shift. I've been off work since Dec 30, so coworkers have noticed. DH has started telling them the news as they ask how I'm doing. (I'm kinda sad I don't get to do that).
    We were talking yesterday about telling extended family. I'd like to do it in person, but his family is so huge, AND I'm on bed rest, so I can't exactly travel around to see everyone haha. So I don't know what I'll do.
    Also, Italy is amazing!!! ❤️
    @aecm I totally just wrote a song (technically a parody) about nausea hahaha. Cuz I'm super cool... I hope it eases off for you soon!!
    Also omg I LOVE Scotland!!!!

    As for me..
    Aug 30, 11w2 (though TB keeps sending me notifications that are 1 day ahead! Then I log on and it shows the proper date. Wtf?)

    Apparently baby is the size of a lime. However yesterday it was a Lego man, which is waaaay smaller than a lime.. just saying..

    I'm team...not finding out. Though yesterday FB gave me a quiz about food preferences/aversions which apparently indicates it's a boy. And a different quiz on pregnancy symptoms indicates a girl. So.....guess I'll have to wait and see haha

    OB is gone for 2 weeks so next appointment isn't until Feb 22.

    I'm feeling... Cautiously optimistic. I'm SO scared that I'm getting hopeful. I haven't had any spotting since Wednesday. I even broke my rule and started looking up baby gear today.... I've still got intermittent nausea, which is good. Still pretty tired, and feeling  fat. I'm scared because I want this SO much...

    GTKY: oh my gosh. It's SO hard to choose! I've only been to about 20 countries... But there are things I love about a LOT of them!
    Scotland: the first time I went, I cried when I left. It felt like home, like I belonged there. It is a beautiful country, full of history and wonderful people.
    Italy: surprised me. I had very little interest initially. But took an ancient Roman civilization course in Uni as a GPA booster and ended up loving it. Rome was incredible, and Pompeii was incredibly unique and fascinating.
    Australia: we went as part of our Honeymoon. Everyone said I would be disappointed so I went in with lowered expectations. I would LOVE to go back .there is so much I didn't get to see and do. Scuba on the great barrier reef was amazing. The wild life is so different from here. Beautiful country, great memories, lots of adventure.
    New Zealand was the other half of our honeymoon. Soooo good! SO much to see and do. And really easy to get from City to city. Adventure capitol of the world! From black water rafting 200ft under ground, Lord of the Rings, swimming in the ocean with wild dolphins, zip lining and luging down mountains.... Oh my gosh. And Delicious but inexpensive wine.
    If you haven't been to Australia and New Zealand, you totally need to go!
    If I won the lottery, I'd be back in a heart beat!
  • @chillycanadian, when does your bed rest end? Also I know! I’m supposed to stay with my parents for a bit when we visit so hopefully they come around or I guess I’ll be exclusively at my in laws. I am dying to go to Australia and New Zealand and hoping we can go Spring 2021. My BIL and SIL live there so we would have somewhere to stay! 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

  • @AKuzReve that sounds amazing!!! And they are so lucky to live there! Such an incredible place!

    IF the spotting stops, I've got another 4 weeks of bed rest. Then hopefully I can be cleared for light duties at work. I thought it was bad enough on restricted movement. But at least I could do light house work. And I was feeling a lot worse at that point, so sleeping most of the time anyway. Then when the symptoms start easing up, I get put on full bed rest haha
  • @AKuzReve I am also nervous about worrying about flu shots & tDap boosters. There will be another baby born in ILs family the same time. I’m hoping it’s as important to her so I do not seem like the only one wanting it for everyone. 

    @dogmomma096  We have told parents, siblings, & a couple of v close friends. I have yet to tell work & am hoping to hold out until 15+ weeks. 

    @aecm I loved Scotland!!!  Even around Christmas, it was so green & lush on the countryside. 

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: Aug 30th

    Baby is the size of a(n): a spoonful of peanut butter  

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): I think we will find out  I’m still not 100% sold  

    Upcoming Appointments: RE graduation last week!  First OB appt is 02/19  

    How are you feeling?: I’ve been so sick this last week- bronchitis, strep, UTI.  I think I maybe am starting to turn the corner.  Pregnancy wise, everything seems pretty calm, other than that SCH symptoms  

    Rants/Raves: I found the baby’s HB at home for the first time last night!!!  


    GTKY: I loved Belgium for all the history & culture. And food lol. Scotland has also been one of my favorites, as mentioned above. Additionally, I have been to the Dominican a few times & have loved it each time. We stayed in a private area, so not at a resort. It was great to be able to experience more of the country that way. 

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: Aug 31, 11+3

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lime 

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): I am on team healthy baby

    Upcoming Appointments: Feb. 20th

    How are you feeling?: Better today than I have in a bit. Not so tired or nauseous today :smile:

    Rants/Raves: None for now

    Questions: Worrying/wondering about the cyst on the placenta they found on the first ultrasound 

    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? 

    The Bahamas by far! I have never seen water so beautifully blue. I would live there in a heart beat! 

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 11w + 2d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lime

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): Don't know yet, but will find out. 

    Upcoming Appointments: Thursday

    How are you feeling?: More good days than bad now, but last week was rough.  I think it was that baby growing from a strawberry to a lime, haha. 

    Rants/Raves: Waiting on DH's blood work is making me really ragey

    Questions: N/A

    GTKY: Where is your favorite place that you have traveled and why? Ireland.  It's beautiful and underrated and I can't wait to go back.

    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • @chillycanadian We also went to New Zealand for our honeymoon! Jealous you guys were able to fit in Australia too. 

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 8/30 11w+3

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime 

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): will find out in April at the anatomy scan

    Upcoming Appointments: tomorrow NT scan

    How are you feeling?: all day nausea. Life has been hard. Trying to take care of my 16 month old and trying not to puke constantly. Luckily my hubbys job is flexible. 



    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why?

    Went to the South Island of New Zealand for our honeymoon and it was the most fun vacation. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: Aug. 31, 11 weeks 3 days

    Baby is the size of a(n): poker chip

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): don't know yet!

    Upcoming Appointments: Thursday! Physical with OBGYN and get to hear the heartbeat for the first time!

    How are you feeling?: Mostly good, tired

    Rants/Raves: So sick of people asking how I'm feeling. Like, I'm pregnant, not dying!


    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why?: Hubby and I traveled to Italy, Germany, and France last summer. Trip of a lifetime! Venice was a definite highlight.

  • @LosAngelesMama and @checkman15, welcome to the Group 4 check in! If you stick around, it’ll be nice to get to know you! 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

  • I want to say sorry for disappearing for a while. My husband was out of town and my toddler had my hands so full and honestly I was scared of having a loss, so I avoided the app.

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: Aug 30th, 11wks 5days

    Baby is the size of a(n): fig

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): we will find out in april

    Upcoming Appointments: just had an appointment on Monday, next wont be until I'm 17wks and before that I elected to do some extra bloodwork and screening I gotta go to MFM for.

    How are you feeling?: tired. Oh so tired. 


    Rant: I completely despise my husbands working hours. He's on evenings and with a toddler I'm just so wiped out. 

    Raves: In the last 2wks I've finally have had the energy to run again, and that has actually really helped me to start overall feel so much better. Also the u/s appt on Monday gave me so much relief and I'm just overjoyed and so excited.


    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? 

    Panamá. My mother grew up there, and getting to visit family and see where my mom calls "home" was so amazing. The food, the culture, everything was so much fun. 

  • velvetskyyvelvetskyy member
    edited February 2019

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: Aug 26 / 12w2d

    Baby is the size of a(n): plum

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): waiting to find out

    Upcoming Appointments: Friday, re-draw for NIPT since last yielded low fetal fraction

    How are you feeling?: tired and annoyed

    Rants/Raves: I'm so frustrated that I don't have the NIPT results, it is making me so anxious to find out if baby is ok.  I've never had issue with the test before.  I was hoping the OB would schedule me for an NT scan so I had a fallback if we don't get results before the window of opportunity for the NT scan is up.  (If it gets too close I will push them on it again)

    GTKY: Where is your favourite place that you have travelled and why? I have two favorite places. The highlands of Scotland and the North Shore of Hawaii rank at the top.  Both are spectacularly beautiful in different ways.  In Scotland it was like going home and seeing all the places that my family had once lived.  Hawaii was simply paradise.

    BFP 03/30/12 | EDD 12/07/12 | DS1 12/01/12
    BFP 06/25/17 | EDD 02/24/18 | DS2 02/19/18
    BFP 12/20/18 | EDD 08/26/19 

  • @AKuzReve I was lucky in that everyone I asked to get vaccinated (TDAP and Flu) were happy to do both. My boys were both born in wintertime so it really wasn't an option with everything going around.
    BFP 03/30/12 | EDD 12/07/12 | DS1 12/01/12
    BFP 06/25/17 | EDD 02/24/18 | DS2 02/19/18
    BFP 12/20/18 | EDD 08/26/19 

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:
    8/26, 12 + 4

    Baby is the size of a(n):
    Ripe Apricot

    What team are you on (Blue, Pink, or Green): 

    Upcoming Appointments:
    Had an appointment on 2/11 and everything looked good.  FTPS came back and the screening did not show any signs for concern. What a relief.

    How are you feeling?:
    I feel good except for my pregnancy acne that will not go away.

    I got a call from my OB's office yesterday saying that my urine culture tested positive for Group B Strep at my 12 week appointment, and I'm kind of mad about it. I did not experience that with my first pregnancy. I feel gross, even though I know its "very common." They put me on antibiotics now and I'll be on antibiotics at the time I deliver, too. 

    Am I allowed to have sex with my husband even though I tested positive for GBS? Does my husband need to be treated? I know it's not an STD, but I read that it can be passed through sexual contact and I don't want to reinfect myself.

    GTKY: Where is your favorite place that you have traveled and why? 

    Prague! It was my honey moon and it was also a beautiful, fun city!

  • @kminacap I am Group B positive, I was for both my past pregnancies as well, and for adults it really doesn't mean anything. My doctor was basically like, once you have it you have it, it could go away so we'll retest every pregnancy, but it's not likely. I'm actually pretty surprised your doctor put you on antibiotics now. I am not a medical professional, but my understanding is that the reason for the antibiotics is to minimize the amount of the bacteria on the surface to lower the chances the baby getting affected as they pass through the vagina.
    The hospital put me on an IV drip antibiotics when I got there once I was in labor and that was it. Technically it's a 20 minute dose every four hours, but neither of my babies waited long enough for the second dose.
    Also, they will not discharge the baby before 48 hours, because if the baby does catch it will show within that window. But again that's a precaution, and the chances, especially if you have antibiotics are very low.
  • @mrosek91 I feel like for DD1 they definitely released us before 48 hours and I was GBS+! All these differences are so interesting. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • @mrosek91 They said they wanted me to be on antibiotics now to reduce the lifespan of the infection. They said no matter what, they will treat this pregnancy as a GBS+ pregnancy and I will also be treated with antibiotics at the time I deliver. They also told me that it can become dormant and that is likely what happened with my first, but I don't even know how I got it to begin with. And I've had no symptoms whatsoever - I've never even had a UTI. 

    I was definitely caught off guard when they called me.
  • @peachy0709, they really are. It's amazing how so many different ladies hear so many different things.
    After I posted I realized my GBS+ story is actually a little unusual/funny so I was like I hope I'm right. But my doctors have been seriously so unconcerned that it helps me be unconcerned.
    I had the swab done at 35 weeks. My doctors office typically does a U/S at 36 weeks to check positioning. At that checkup my fluid levels were borderline low, and my doctor said go home, drink lots of fluids, and come back in a week, if they are lower once you hit 37 weeks, you'll be full-term and we'll induce. I spent the week worrying, and when I went back they thank G-d had gone up slightly. At that 37 week check-up my doctor said something about "since your Group B+..." and I was like "What?" She said "Yeah, did they forget to tell you last week" (at my OB you see whoever is available, so it was 2 different docs between the 2 visits.) I guess they were so preoccupied with the low fluids they forgot to tell me. But I was so relieved that I didn't need to be induced, and she made it sound like it was so not a big deal, that I never got worried about it.
  • mrosek91mrosek91 member
    edited February 2019
    @kminacap, looks like our replies got posted at the same time.
    It was like @peachy0709 was saying, it's amazing how many different opinions you will hear about the same thing. Even with "modern medicine." But it honestly isn't something to worry about.
    Most instances of Group B+ are asymptomatic. I feel like most people, myself included, only find out they have it because they are pregnant.
  • Yes, I'll echo @mrosek91 that's it is not a big deal.  I think a lot of the BMB/mom groups make it seem like it is, but I really didn't impact much for me with DD1.  I tested negative for DD2. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • @mrosek91 @peachy0709 So should I be concerned that my husband may have it? I don't want to be re-infected throughout my pregnancy, asymptomatic or not, I just don't want them to continuously put me on antibiotics. They made no mention of him when they called to tell me (and they are already closed for the day, so I can't call and ask until Monday).
  • @kminacap Honestly, I don't know - and I think that's probably a question better suited for a medical professional.  They are going to have you on the antibiotics regardless at delivery (if you test positive at any point during pregnancy, this is the policy) so I don't think "reinfection" is a concern.  Now in terms of the "constant" antibiotics, that is something I've never heard of.  I had a UTI with my first pregnancy and was on the antibiotics for that, but they never swabbed me again to "recheck" for GBS or put me back on antibiotics.  

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