Trying to Get Pregnant

Cramping at 9dpo

Hello, I had some cramping on 9 dpo that felt similar to period cramping. It only lasted a couple of hours and then went away. Af was due on the 14th and so far it hasn’t come. I have been pretty regular but I wasn’t really thinking anything about it until last night I had some spotting one time at work and now I’m back to nothing at all which never happens! I took a test this morning and got a bfn. What do you guys think? Advice? 

Re: Cramping at 9dpo

  • Hello, I had some cramping on 9 dpo that felt similar to period cramping. It only lasted a couple of hours and then went away. Af was due on the 14th and so far it hasn’t come. I have been pretty regular but I wasn’t really thinking anything about it until last night I had some spotting one time at work and now I’m back to nothing at all which never happens! I took a test this morning and got a bfn. What do you guys think? Advice? 
  • Hello, I had some cramping on 9 dpo that felt similar to period cramping. It only lasted a couple of hours and then went away. Af was due on the 14th and so far it hasn’t come. I have been pretty regular but I wasn’t really thinking anything about it until last night I had some spotting one time at work and now I’m back to nothing at all which never happens! I took a test this morning and got a bfn. What do you guys think? Advice? 
    How do you know AF was due the 14th? Were you temping to confirm ovulation, or just following what an app said? If not temping, you probably just ovulated later than normal.

    If you got a BFN, you are not pregnant at this time. If you go 60 days without AF or a BFP, call your doctor.
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  • Congrats you are so knocked up!  I am so jelly!
  • This thread has been closed. Please do not ask the Community if you are pregnant. Instead, please visit our 1st Trimester board to discuss early possible pregnancy symptoms and the thread pinned to the top of this board called, “What does a positive pregnancy test really look like?” where members are permitted to display their pregnancy tests.

    Please note that we remove posts that do not follow our guidelines and will issue warnings to users who violate the Terms of Use.

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