Baby Names

Any Ideas Based on Silly Nicknames

This is more for a girl. We have our boy name picked out which took forever. We have a Corianne and we call her Cori and a Taryn. I call them Cor Cor (pronounced like core) and Tar Tar (pronounced tear as to rip) if that makes sense hopefully lol I didn’t know if there were any other girl names that could be shorten to our own nicknames like Cor Cor or Tar Tar? Hope that makes sense. Didn’t know if there was anything close. Thanks for any ideas, just asking :) 
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Re: Any Ideas Based on Silly Nicknames

  • Natalie/Nat Nat
    Josephine or Jocelyn/ Jo Jo
    Danica or Danielle/ Dan Dan
    Louisa, Lucy, or Louise/ Lou Lou
    Cecilia/ Cece
    Sienna/ Si Si

  • I have a Natalie and call her Nattycakes, a Ryan and call her Ry Ry, and a Maxine and call her Maxie Max.

    Taylor - Tay Tay
    Bailey - Bay Bay
    Riley - Ry Ry
    Rachel - Ray Ray
    Maeve - Mae Mae
    Hannah - Han Han
    Jessica - Jess Jess
    Susan/Suzannah - Sue Sue or Nah Nah
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  • Great ideas. Thank you both for the suggestions! @leighry @mb0112
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  • Rosemary/Rowena/Rosemarie/Rosalie - Ro Ro
    Josephine/Josie - Jo Jo
    Lois/Eloise/Lauren - Lo Lo
    Lucy/Lucille/Lourdes/Luna - Lu Lu
    Amelia/Mia - Mi Mi
    Leona - Lee Lee
    Reagan/Desiree - Ray Ray
    Janea/Renea - Nae Nae
    Beatrice - Bea Bea
    Mae - Mae Mae
    Morgan/Margaret/Margot/Molly - Mo Mo
    Vivian/Veronica - Vee Vee

    This was fun!
    kids with flags
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