Birth Stories

All natural birth perfect but not by choice

I was 38w+1d when I was woken up out of my sleep at like 3:45am with these period like cramps. it felt like i had to number 2 so i went and sat in the bathroom. dealing with these cramps until 5:30am at which point i had noticed a little bleeding so i called my hospital. The cramps felt untimeable as it was constant. After explaining i was told i could come of i wanted to but it was my choice. At about 6:15 i told my SO that we needed to leave and he suggested to wait until we drop our LO off at prek before we went to the hospital. With no babysitters available this was the best option but the thought of waiting until 8 to head to the hospital was makingnme anxious. So i troed laying down walkimg around crawling nothing would stop the pain. I was proud of myself for handling the pain with mild yelling. The drive to LOs school is when the pain began to feel unbearable and not being able to move made it worse. After dropping him off i was 45 minutes away from my hospital. I tried breathing but during the drive shallow quicm breaths is almost all i could manage. SO tried to talk me through it and asked how was i feeling. I said like i need thw epidural right now!! We finally made it to the hospital at like 9am and they were like wanted to see if i was dialated. I told them last week at my appointment i was 1 cm and 50% effaced. When they checked i was 6cm and 100% effaced . i immediately asked for the epidural but i was denied because i needed to have a full bag of fluids through the iv before i could get one . i literally started crying to my SO saying i didnt want to do it naturally. 5 minutes after dealing with a nurse who failed 3 times at getting the iv my water breaks. And i can feel something feeling like it was partially out of my body. The baby was crowning. I was told not to push while theh gathered the doctors and nurses 1 push later i welcomed by beautiful baby girl in this world at 9:26. All naturally. I didnt get to complete mt paper work until after she was born. The nurses in recovery were so shocked at how quickly i was able to deliver and without tearing. So although it did not go as planned it was perfect. 

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