I’m both glad and sad I’m not alone in my late first tri worsening nausea. It’s brutal!
@dubcompanion ugh the second tri headaches. I forgot about those. I was hit bad with DD. I had a bad one the other night that made it hard to get back to sleep when I woke up to use the bathroom. My tools last time for the bad ones were 1000mg Tylenol and a heavy dose of caffeine
Me: 28 DH: 26 Married: November 2015 TTC#1: January 2016 BFP #1: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16 BFP #2: 10/06/16: 6 - EDD: 06/20/17 DD Born 06/23/17 TFAS: April 2018 BFP #3: 03/21/18 - CP BFP #4: 04/23/18 - EDD 01/04/19
I’m 11 weeks today and the nausea/food aversions are mostly gone. At least I thought they were til I was catching up on this thread and someone mentioned salmon. ::hork:: no thank you!
Exhaustion was pretty bad the past 2-3 weeks. This past week we were on vacation and I napped every single day when my kids did, which was amazing. I hope now that I’m getting closer to second tri that it will let up; that would certainly make going back to work this week a lot more pleasant.
I definitely look pregnant now (third time mom).
I’ve been moody, much moreso than with either of my last two pregnancies. Definitely getting the headaches, especially mid-afternoon. I also suspect I’m not drinking enough water sometimes. I’m 100% on the colder/icier the better train!
@AshVA & @AliKay20 That is so funny about the salmon! Can't even stomach the thought of it, but yet it is what every pregnancy meal suggestion page suggests. Blergh...
My energy is still LOWWWWWW and my mood is as well. Like, unreasonably low-- my anxiety is up and I'm ruminating on silly things from my past and crying over silly things in the present. I keep beating myself up emotionally over parenting mistakes with my 18 month-old son even though everything is going well. It's like I'm just overwhelmed at the thought of two (even though we desperately wanted this!) This has been a rough tri! Hoping things will get better in the next couple of weeks as hormones settle down. I have dealt with depression and anxiety since I was a teen but usually it's very under control. The last six weeks have been hard.
Last pregnancy I felt so happy, but I think that happened around the 20 week mark... Hoping that will be the case again!
11w 1d today. This last week my nausea has been pretty manageable. I mainly would just get a spike of nausea in the evening or afternoon, but no vomiting. I'm still scarfing down all the carbs and feeling like a bloated sausage.
I can feel my uterus well below my belly button but my waist and thighs are bigger than pre pregnancy. I've been off work almost 2 weeks (kinda - conference one week, vacation one week), and I'm dreading going back to the office. It is so obvious I'm pregnant. DD has asked about 3 times why my boobs keep getting bigger.
Almost 11w and my nausea seems to be subsiding and I'm still tired but not as bad. What has hit however is indigestion. I mean, even after just drinking water, I'm burping up bile. This didn't start until third tri with DS, is anyone else having issues too?
@ladystout08 I'm just under 14 weeks now, but I've been dealing with heartburn/burping for 2 weeks now. It's horrible. I didn't deal with this until third tri with my first as well.
Not really pregnancy related, but DD gave me her stomach bug. I must have puke 6 times today and lost even more out the other end. Couldn't even keep down water.. Now I'm having period like cramps that I'm hoping is only from dehydration and not something more sinister... Caved and took a zofran so I could at least drink water. I also feel really bad that I sent DD to my inlaws house for the night. I don't think she is back at 100% yet, but after 9 hrs of being so sick and taking care of her today I just couldn't do it anymore. DH was really helpful for a few hrs when he go home, but now I think he is starting to feel sick too... Who the F gets the stomach flu in July!!??!! I honestly don't know how you ladies with really bad MS or HG do it...
@UnbreakableKimmySchmidt Awesome! I've been waiting so (im)patiently to feel baby this time around. I was 20 weeks when I felt flutters with my first, 16 weeks with my second (had anterior placenta) and I'm hoping I start feeling baby #3 any day now. I *thought* I might have felt him/her the other night for a split second but I can't be sure. I have been having BH for the past two weeks though. I started feeling them at 13 weeks with #2 and 12 weeks with this baby (I think I was 28ish weeks with #1).
@Mandamay1414 Ugh, that sounds awful. Hope you feel better soon.
Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN May 17: IUI #2 = BFN Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies) Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201 Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715
U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125! EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
Is anyone else angry all of the time? I am so angry. About everything. I should be grateful right now. I'm nitpicking DH and picking fights with him. It's to the point where I'm getting sick of my own self, if that makes any sense. It's hormones, right?
@katiebird8878 I feel ya about the anxiety. I had it under control before I got pregnant. Now it's back full force. I have food anxiety and health anxiety. My mind is like a constant movie reel that never stops.
@CoastieGirl79 I have rage occasionally. I remember I was talking to my trainee and was just FURIOUS with her - for no reason. Just every time she spoke i had to clench my fists. It comes and goes - just regular hormone rages, I guess.
@ladystout08 I've had bad heartburn and indigestion since about 8 weeks. I didn't have it until the 3rd tri with DS. I hope I don't have to deal with it for 26 more weeks.
@Mandamay1414 I had a 24hr stomach bug this past week too! At first I thought it was just a little morning sickness but then I ended up getting sick about 7 or 8 times that day, it was terrible. Luckily it only lasted a day and took me about 2 to 3 to feel back to normal.
@drabong88 glad you a feeling better. I'm feeling a little better this morning, but DD still has diarrhea so she can't go to daycare. I'm so glad my sister is coming to help watch her today so I can actually rest. Resting with a 2 yo is impossible.
@merostomata I’ve been taking magnesium for years to help with constipation and it does nothing for headaches. At least nothing for me. But it definitely helps with constipation! @KLS123 It also may have helped with my nausea without my knowledge? My MS wasn’t too bad (i.e. no barfing, just nausea and food aversions).
The heartburn and indigestion are so real right now. The other night I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner and I got heartburn. UGH! And definitely having some round ligament pain. Must always remember to stand up slowly and not make any sudden movements. Fun times!
My wife and I have conceived a babe with my body and frozen donor sperm through IUI, with medication support (clomid, ovidrel, and injections of progesterone) IUI #1, #2, and #3: Dec 2017, Jan 2018, and Feb 2018 - all BFN HSG Test: April 2018 - all clear! IUI #4: April 15/16, 2018 - BFP!! EDD: Jan 7, 2019
@CoastieGirl79 YES on the anger. I'm normally a very mild-tempered person and my hormones have been raging something awful the last week or two. My fuse is pretty short and my BS tolerance is practically non-existent. Dinner with my in-laws this past weekend was a true exercise in self-control.
My wife and I have conceived a babe with my body and frozen donor sperm through IUI, with medication support (clomid, ovidrel, and injections of progesterone) IUI #1, #2, and #3: Dec 2017, Jan 2018, and Feb 2018 - all BFN HSG Test: April 2018 - all clear! IUI #4: April 15/16, 2018 - BFP!! EDD: Jan 7, 2019
@CoastieGirl79 Aside from the hormones, which can totally make you rage-y, it can also be the anxiety. I have (diagnosed) OCD and when one of my triggers makes me anxious, it often comes out as anger and/or irritation. My DH is also medicated for anxiety (we're a lovely pair) and his main outward symptom when his anxiety starts to increase is anger.
Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN May 17: IUI #2 = BFN Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies) Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201 Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715
U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125! EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
Well. I dunno if it's been a little bit of a funk after the loss of one of my athletes or what, but I've been having a hard time sleeping at night like from 3-6am, and then being tired all day. Like miserable tired. I'll try going to bed because I'm tired, but that doesn't help because I am still up at 3-6am. I usually get up to pee, but then once I am awake I feel gross, nauseous, dizzy, and just bleh. I fall back asleep until 9 typically when DS wakes up. Thank god he's a night owl and sleeps in.
Also, I've been pretty dizzy this entire pregnancy. Today, I had to take a break in Walmart from pushing DS because I felt like I was going to pass out. This pregnancy is completely different than DS.
Me: 31 I DH: 31
Met: 9/8/08; Engaged: 9/8/11; Married 6/30/12
TTC#1: 8/2013; BFP: 9/30/13; born June 2014 (boy) TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18. TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy) 2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)
@tosh24 yes, you are quite the pair, lol! That's interesting that anger is a symptom of increased anxiety. Definitely something for me to think about.
@rooonilwaazlib I'm usually pretty mellow, too, but I do have an Italian temper. I'm impressed you were able to stay even keeled with the inlaws. This week the anger has been real, but I can feel myself mellowing slightly.
@luckymay2x I've been able to control my anger at work. I have an intern at work and it's a male. The last thing I need is this poor guy thinking he got assigned to some psycho hormonal woman, lol. I try really hard to not wear my expression on my face. The struggle is real.
@CoastieGirl79 I'm with you on the anger! My husband lost his keys to our condo which is honestly not that big a deal and will not affect my life at all after he makes a copy of mine today, but I had a weirdly strong reaction and it made me so ragey! I've also noticed an increase in anxiety (currently on medication but have no desire to increase the dose). I was actually just listening to an NPR story on the radio about a study they did where they found that most fights in baseball break out on really hot days. The theory being that the heat basically makes you full of rage. So I'm hoping I can blame a lot of this on the recent heatwave as well! Hopefully we all feel better as it cools down a little..
Aside from that my main symptom right now is the headaches. They are unrelenting and nothing I do seems to help.
Count me in on lack of motivation! I have a list of things to do around the house, and I just don’t care enough to do them, though I really should while I’m on summer break. Even if it’s not a pregnancy symptom, I’m glad I’m not alone.
Is lack of motivation part of common symptoms? I have ZERO motivation to do work. It’s a serious issue...
I know everyone else already answered but YES. Glad we’re not alone. It absolutely is. This was one of my biggest issues with DD. I had no motivation to do anything. After I gave birth I was amazed at how productive I was willing to be because I straight up forgot I wasn’t always lazy! I’m having the some problem this time.
Me: 28 DH: 26 Married: November 2015 TTC#1: January 2016 BFP #1: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16 BFP #2: 10/06/16: 6 - EDD: 06/20/17 DD Born 06/23/17 TFAS: April 2018 BFP #3: 03/21/18 - CP BFP #4: 04/23/18 - EDD 01/04/19
Is anyone else having an absurd amount of aches and pains? My neck hurts, my shoulder hurts, and my back hurts in multiple places. I haven't gained any weight and don't have much of a bump yet, so I really wasn't expecting the aches to start this early.
@AshVA yeah I notice random joint pain a lot. I don’t necessarily remember it happening this early with DD. Pretty sure we can blame relaxin for it though.
Also Tylenol is the worst. My second tri headaches have started and it makes me so sad to know all I can do is drink a coffee and pop some Tylenol.
Me: 28 DH: 26 Married: November 2015 TTC#1: January 2016 BFP #1: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16 BFP #2: 10/06/16: 6 - EDD: 06/20/17 DD Born 06/23/17 TFAS: April 2018 BFP #3: 03/21/18 - CP BFP #4: 04/23/18 - EDD 01/04/19
Huge headache today, and nausea can back a little but I can’t tell if the headache is agrivating it and maybe that’s why?
Also, when does Linea nigra start? After my shower this morning I swear I saw a faint line on my tummy that wasn’t there before. If that’s what it was I’ll be pretty sad. I figured if that happened it would be when my belly was a lot bigger.
Re: motivation. Lolllll I'm supposed to be developing a Q2 report today (presentation tomorrow) and here I am Also was just perusing Pinterest for gender reveal décor so that's...productive? In its own way lol.
My other symptoms are super mild right now, just a bit more tired than usual. Also feel SO bloated/chubby. No defined bump yet, so it just looks like I've been gaining weight right in my stomach area and it's making me a little self-conscious lol. I'll be excited to have a cute baby bump instead of a bloated pooch.
@mrsmang all the 11 wk. things I've been reading today say linea nigra can start like....now. So it sounds normal! But also, not excited for that over here.
Today, I am peeing every 30 minutes. It’s annoying AF but I’m relieved bc my anxiety brain thinks the worst in anticipation of tomorrow’s appt. I am surprised at how much I can pee this frequently tho.
15+1 - I’m starting to get really uncomfortable lying on my back. My heartbeat accelerates, and I begin to feel lightheaded. It seems early especially because I don’t think my bump is that big yet.
I *think* I’m feeling kicks! But even as a STM, I’m not positive. Last pregnancy, quickening felt more like delicate bubbles at first. Unless I’ve just got an extra punchy kid this time. Or extra punchy gas.
@dubcompanion same on quickening. I’m pretty positive I felt a legitimate kick yesterday. It was in the right place. But it seems kind of crazy. And I have felt similar feelings in the wrong place (too high for now) so it really makes me second guess.
Me: 28 DH: 26 Married: November 2015 TTC#1: January 2016 BFP #1: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16 BFP #2: 10/06/16: 6 - EDD: 06/20/17 DD Born 06/23/17 TFAS: April 2018 BFP #3: 03/21/18 - CP BFP #4: 04/23/18 - EDD 01/04/19
@BitterBetty12 Same! I’ve felt “kicks” in the upper half of my belly where I know there is no uterus yet. It’s the lower abdomen “kicks” that keep me guessing.
Re: Symptoms - July
@dubcompanion ugh the second tri headaches. I forgot about those. I was hit bad with DD. I had a bad one the other night that made it hard to get back to sleep when I woke up to use the bathroom. My tools last time for the bad ones were 1000mg Tylenol and a heavy dose of caffeine
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP #1: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
BFP #2: 10/06/16: 6 - EDD: 06/20/17
DD Born 06/23/17
TFAS: April 2018
BFP #3: 03/21/18 - CP
BFP #4: 04/23/18 - EDD 01/04/19
Exhaustion was pretty bad the past 2-3 weeks. This past week we were on vacation and I napped every single day when my kids did, which was amazing. I hope now that I’m getting closer to second tri that it will let up; that would certainly make going back to work this week a lot more pleasant.
I definitely look pregnant now (third time mom).
I’ve been moody, much moreso than with either of my last two pregnancies. Definitely getting the headaches, especially mid-afternoon. I also suspect I’m not drinking enough water sometimes. I’m 100% on the colder/icier the better train!
*~* DS Jan.'15 *~* DD Nov.'16 *~*
That is so funny about the salmon! Can't even stomach the thought of it, but yet it is what every pregnancy meal suggestion page suggests. Blergh...
My energy is still LOWWWWWW and my mood is as well. Like, unreasonably low-- my anxiety is up and I'm ruminating on silly things from my past and crying over silly things in the present. I keep beating myself up emotionally over parenting mistakes with my 18 month-old son even though everything is going well. It's like I'm just overwhelmed at the thought of two (even though we desperately wanted this!) This has been a rough tri! Hoping things will get better in the next couple of weeks as hormones settle down. I have dealt with depression and anxiety since I was a teen but usually it's very under control. The last six weeks have been hard.
Last pregnancy I felt so happy, but I think that happened around the 20 week mark... Hoping that will be the case again!
I can feel my uterus well below my belly button but my waist and thighs are bigger than pre pregnancy. I've been off work almost 2 weeks (kinda - conference one week, vacation one week), and I'm dreading going back to the office. It is so obvious I'm pregnant. DD has asked about 3 times why my boobs keep getting bigger.
DS 05/29/2013
M/C 02/14/2017
M/C 06/05/2017
C/P 03/01/2018
BFP 05/17/2018 EDD 01/27/2019
*~* DS Jan.'15 *~* DD Nov.'16 *~*
*TW loss and children mentioned*
Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen
Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
@katiebird8878 I feel ya about the anxiety. I had it under control before I got pregnant. Now it's back full force. I have food anxiety and health anxiety. My mind is like a constant movie reel that never stops.
@Mandamay1414 feel better.
@Mandamay1414 I had a 24hr stomach bug this past week too! At first I thought it was just a little morning sickness but then I ended up getting sick about 7 or 8 times that day, it was terrible. Luckily it only lasted a day and took me about 2 to 3 to feel back to normal.
My wife and I have conceived a babe with my body and frozen donor sperm through IUI, with medication support (clomid, ovidrel, and injections of progesterone)
IUI #1, #2, and #3: Dec 2017, Jan 2018, and Feb 2018 - all BFN
HSG Test: April 2018 - all clear!
IUI #4: April 15/16, 2018 - BFP!! EDD: Jan 7, 2019
My wife and I have conceived a babe with my body and frozen donor sperm through IUI, with medication support (clomid, ovidrel, and injections of progesterone)
IUI #1, #2, and #3: Dec 2017, Jan 2018, and Feb 2018 - all BFN
HSG Test: April 2018 - all clear!
IUI #4: April 15/16, 2018 - BFP!! EDD: Jan 7, 2019
*TW loss and children mentioned*
Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen
Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
Also, I've been pretty dizzy this entire pregnancy. Today, I had to take a break in Walmart from pushing DS because I felt like I was going to pass out. This pregnancy is completely different than DS.
TTC#2: 2/2018; BFP: 2/26/18; MC 4/4/18.
TTC#2: 4/2018; BFP: 5/12/18; EDD: 1/19/19 (boy)
2 fur babies: Oakley Marley (11.5) & Ava Lynn (2)
@rooonilwaazlib I'm usually pretty mellow, too, but I do have an Italian temper. I'm impressed you were able to stay even keeled with the inlaws. This week the anger has been real, but I can feel myself mellowing slightly.
@luckymay2x I've been able to control my anger at work. I have an intern at work and it's a male. The last thing I need is this poor guy thinking he got assigned to some psycho hormonal woman, lol. I try really hard to not wear my expression on my face. The struggle is real.
Aside from that my main symptom right now is the headaches. They are unrelenting and nothing I do seems to help.
*~* DS Jan.'15 *~* DD Nov.'16 *~*
DS 05/29/2013
M/C 02/14/2017
M/C 06/05/2017
C/P 03/01/2018
BFP 05/17/2018 EDD 01/27/2019
*~* DS Jan.'15 *~* DD Nov.'16 *~*
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP #1: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
BFP #2: 10/06/16: 6 - EDD: 06/20/17
DD Born 06/23/17
TFAS: April 2018
BFP #3: 03/21/18 - CP
BFP #4: 04/23/18 - EDD 01/04/19
Also, Tylenol sucks.
Also Tylenol is the worst. My second tri headaches have started and it makes me so sad to know all I can do is drink a coffee and pop some Tylenol.
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP #1: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
BFP #2: 10/06/16: 6 - EDD: 06/20/17
DD Born 06/23/17
TFAS: April 2018
BFP #3: 03/21/18 - CP
BFP #4: 04/23/18 - EDD 01/04/19
Also, when does Linea nigra start? After my shower this morning I swear I saw a faint line on my tummy that wasn’t there before. If that’s what it was I’ll be pretty sad. I figured if that happened it would be when my belly was a lot bigger.
My other symptoms are super mild right now, just a bit more tired than usual. Also feel SO bloated/chubby. No defined bump yet, so it just looks like I've been gaining weight right in my stomach area and it's making me a little self-conscious lol. I'll be excited to have a cute baby bump instead of a bloated pooch.
@mrsmang all the 11 wk. things I've been reading today say linea nigra can start like....now. So it sounds normal! But also, not excited for that over here.
I *think* I’m feeling kicks! But even as a STM, I’m not positive. Last pregnancy, quickening felt more like delicate bubbles at first. Unless I’ve just got an extra punchy kid this time. Or extra punchy gas.
Married: November 2015
TTC#1: January 2016
BFP #1: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
BFP #2: 10/06/16: 6 - EDD: 06/20/17
DD Born 06/23/17
TFAS: April 2018
BFP #3: 03/21/18 - CP
BFP #4: 04/23/18 - EDD 01/04/19