Colorado Babies

Anyone deliver at Rose Birth Center? Denver Center for Birth?

Hi ladies, I’m interested in a birth center birth but can’t get in to your rose medical center’s birth center until my second trimester, in the meantime I toured Denver Center for Birth and Wellness today and am worried if I wait for my rose tour that I’ll miss my window to reserve DCB if that’s what I want!

Long story short, I’d love to hear from anyone who has delivered in the birth center at Rose. Do they let you eat? Did they allow you to labor naturally as long as you needed to? Did you feel supported? Do they allow you to deliver in the tub if you wish? Did it feel like a birth center or like a very homey hospital? Was your prenatal care more along the midwifery model or the traditional/OB style?

Would love to hear experiences at the DBC as well! Thanks so much!!!

Re: Anyone deliver at Rose Birth Center? Denver Center for Birth?

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