***General TW that this thread might contain discussions mentioning MC and loss.***
Welcome to Waiting Room Wednesday!
You can express your thoughts, feelings, and frustrations on not TTC and connect with others who are in the same boat. TTC can be a long journey, and having to wait makes it feel even longer -- even if it is for a good reason. I invite you to resurrect this thread at any point in the week if you have something to say. Treat this like an ongoing conversation.
Benched = involuntarily not NTNP/TTC and "out of the game," usually due to medical reasons
TTA = avoiding pregnancy by using protection or FAM, usually for non-health-related reasons __________________________________________________________________
When do you think you will start TTC?
Any R/R?
GTKY: We haven’t done a WRW in awhile, so let’s use this as a bit of a roll call. Tell me 1 random thing about yourself.
Re: Waiting Room Wednesday 3/21
Any R/R? I get my “terminator chip” (as DH calls my nexplanon) taken out next Friday! Then we’ll be TTA for about a month and a half before our vacation. DH tried to convince me to go without condoms and just pull and pray but I told him I WILL NOT be pregnant during our vacation. He seems to think it wouldn’t be a big deal. *eye roll*
GTKY: We haven’t done a WRW in awhile, so let’s use this as a bit of a roll call. Tell me 1 random thing about yourself.
I played water polo for 10 years. My knees don’t appreciate it now though.
OHMYGOSH my H is the same way!! I told him specifically I am NOT going to a resort pregnant. We bought condoms. *TMI on the way* we had sex and started without a condom and he absolutely did a sneak attack.. I told him If I'm pregnant I'm going to be so mad at him hahah
When do you think you will start TTC? July (gosh that seems SO far away!!)
Any R/R? How about a half embarrassing story involving my time on the bench? Well I'm not going back on the pill so we bought condoms. My mom was over watching DS yesterday while I was at work. I tidied the house but absolutely forgot to take the monitor out of our room for her. There it was, sitting on my night stand. Next to the giant box of condoms... She not only got the monitor but also had to move the nightstand to get the plug in. I mean we have a DS so mom knows we have sex but still... I was mortified. We never spoke of it. When H got home he quickly emptied the box into the drawer of the nightstand and put the box in recycling. LOL.
Rave: our trip is booked!
GTKY: We haven’t done a WRW in awhile, so let’s use this as a bit of a roll call. Tell me 1 random thing about yourself.
Much like @meggyme My body also hates me for 10 years of cheerleading.
@kristah2 Yay so exciting that you booked your trip! And OMG I would be mortified too. Even if parents assume/know you have sex, it's still not something I'm comfortable talking about with them let alone having them find your condoms right out in the open! Glad it never came up
When do you think you will start TTC? I have a final interview for a dream job on Friday, so if I get the job we might delay TTC by a few months depending on their maternity leave policy and most likely wanting to qualify for FMLA. If I don't get the job, I'll be sticking with my current job for next year so we'll start TTC in April! Which I'm quickly realizing is in like a week.
Any R/R? Really excited/nervous about this interview, but also ready for a final decision either way! This process has been going on for 6 weeks now and it's really easy to daydream about this job, but I know I'm just getting my hopes up. Also, we got today and tomorrow off for snow, and my class tonight got canceled so I just finished shoveling the driveway and poured myself a glass of wine!
GTKY: We haven’t done a WRW in awhile, so let’s use this as a bit of a roll call. Tell me 1 random thing about yourself.
I didn't play any team sports after elementary school, but I did ride horses starting at age 8. I sold my horse 2 years ago and haven't ridden since - I miss it a lot, but my hectic schedule and my wallet are more relaxed now!