September 2018 Moms

Ultrasound showed gestational sac and yolk sac; no fetal pole or heartbeat--What to Expect?

Hi all,

I went to have my first ultrasound on 02/12. Based on my LMP, I should have been 7 weeks and 5 days, but according to the Ultrasound I am only measuring to be 6 weeks and 1 day.  I got my first positive pregnancy test on 01/15, so I feel like the 7 week timeline is correct.  The tech was able to see gestational sac measuring 12.8mm and a yolk sac, but no fetal pole or heartbeat.  The dr did not want to make any decisions until after getting my hcg levels--I was told they were expecting them to be between 3000-5000.  My levels are 9810, and from what I have been told, with levels that high, a fetal pole and heart rate are expected to be seen.  I am really worried this means we will miscarry.  My drs say to keep hope and plan to come for another ultrasound.  I see them again on 02/26.  I have had no bleeding, and have had cramping my entire pregnancy.  Anyone else experience this and still get a happy ending?

We lost a son to SIDS in May 2015 and really hoped this would be our rainbow--not another storm.

Re: Ultrasound showed gestational sac and yolk sac; no fetal pole or heartbeat--What to Expect?

  • I'm so sorry for your past loss. 

    Unfortunately all you can do is wait and see. The ultrasound results aren't great but your hcg seems normal. Were you tracking ovulation at all? If not, any outcome is possible. Wishing you the best.

  • I was tracking my ovulation and my periods with an app on my phone since we were TTC. The dating seems accurate. I had my IUD removed in Sept so I don't know how accurate my cycles and ovulation really were based on that. The next two weeks are going to take forever  
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