Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How to keep baby from peeing on me??

Obviously a FTM here. My baby boy keeps peeing all over me lately when I change him! He’s only 9 days old, but didn’t do this until the other day. It’s pretty much every time I change him, and only happens to me since hubby won’t change a diaper. I’ve tried putting a wipe/cloth over it and he gets so upset when I change him that he kicks it off and pees EVERYWHERE. Help!! 

Re: How to keep baby from peeing on me??

  • When you're changing him, just hold the diaper over his crotch for an extra minute. Or hold the wipe or whatever. If you keep your hand on it, he can't kick it off. 
  • Don't Take The Dirty Diaper Off Until Youre Ready To put On New One. Don't seal it though, just hold it, wipe him, then seal it. I'm Going Through the same thing with my son. Lol
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