@amylonghorn LOL on the topic of nursing things I'm actually wearing a nursing bra you're supposed to wear at night right now. I just can't handle anything tight right now. Even bralettes are too tight.
I'm considering going straight to formula this time. Kid 1 BFing was a disaster pretty much from the get-go. Kid 2 I was successful for 12 weeks and then crashed and burned when I went back to work, BUT I was killing my self with supplements and meds to make it happen, and all that wreaked havoc on my body. I can't decide whether to give it a shot and see what happens or just go straight to formula. I definitely don't want to do the meds again.
***March '18 October Siggy Challenge: Halloween Costume Fails***
I'm considering going straight to formula this time. Kid 1 BFing was a disaster pretty much from the get-go. Kid 2 I was successful for 12 weeks and then crashed and burned when I went back to work, BUT I was killing my self with supplements and meds to make it happen, and all that wreaked havoc on my body. I can't decide whether to give it a shot and see what happens or just go straight to formula. I definitely don't want to do the meds again.
Not flameable to put your sanity and health first. I think breastmilk is wonderful, but not at the mother's expense. You also have two other children and adding a third is going to be that much more work. You are going to need to be in top shape to survive. I am sure whatever byou decide will be the best thing for your family.
I'm considering going straight to formula this time. Kid 1 BFing was a disaster pretty much from the get-go. Kid 2 I was successful for 12 weeks and then crashed and burned when I went back to work, BUT I was killing my self with supplements and meds to make it happen, and all that wreaked havoc on my body. I can't decide whether to give it a shot and see what happens or just go straight to formula. I definitely don't want to do the meds again.
Not flameable to put your sanity and health first. I think breastmilk is wonderful, but not at the mother's expense. You also have two other children and adding a third is going to be that much more work. You are going to need to be in top shape to survive. I am sure whatever byou decide will be the best thing for your family.
You know, after I posted that, I started thinking, Why is this even a confession? I'm not ashamed or feeling like I need to justify. I shoulda posted in Randoms that I'm having trouble deciding instead.
***March '18 October Siggy Challenge: Halloween Costume Fails***
You know, after I posted that, I started thinking, Why is this even a confession? I'm not ashamed or feeling like I need to justify. I shoulda posted in Randoms that I'm having trouble deciding instead.
I wish I could love tit that twice.
Sub the 6 for 4... I had been looking forward to that part. So far, just like my teenage years, they continue to disappoint. When my OB was doing a breast exam last week she's all, "Most women gain a cup size or so and then lose it afterwards after pregnancy" and said something about how most women want to go back to their old size. I just about laughed except for it was such an awkward moment to laugh and start talking about the size of my boobs.
Me: 34 DH: 38 Married: June 2011 TTC since Feb 2016 BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16 BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
I ate 2 lunches today! Or maybe it was two breakfasts. Yeah, that's it. Ate at 8. Ate again at 11. and again at 1:30. and we're going out for pizza tonight! good thing I exercised.
I ate an entire tray of nachos last night. Also, I love entering the password on my SO's phone wrong and locking him out because I think it's hilarious. Or sometimes, I move my DS's lego guys just a bit so I can watch him while he looks and wonders if Toy Story is real.
I still own my Super Nintendo console. And I am amazing at Super Mario World and Mario Kart. I see the "new" version coming out and am now wondering how much mine is worth. Also wondering if i should buy it in case mine breaks...
Me: 30 H: 30 Dx: PCOS Married: June 2013 TTC#1: January 2015 BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16 TTC#2: June 2017 BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
@bettyvonsomethingstein Girl I am sending you love for posting this. I had a similar FFFC a few weeks back in my A15 group. My DD breastfed great and we weaned in July after nearly 2 years of it. During those 2 years though, I was a horrible anxious nutcase. I feel like the hormones were NOT good for me and I didn't respond well to them at all. Plus the demand of a boob obsessed baby and then toddler 24/7 just made me crazy. I was always so worried about "ruining her" by not breastfeeding that I guilt tripped myself into continuing well past my comfort zone. I was a wreck. I also became very underweight (like 90 lbs) from nursing and couldn't keep up with the weight loss. I felt so unhealthy mentally and physically. No energy and no sanity lol.
This time I want to FF from day 1. For some reason I still feel guilty even though I know I'll be so much happier in the long run.
@becausescience the originals are going for about $100 on eBay. And I'd definitely buy the new one as a backup! Can't risk losing super Mario forever if yours breaks.
@jeanbean15@bettyvonsomethingstein I can't say it enough, FED IS BEST. Do what is best for YOU. And a big old FU to anyone who makes you feel guilty about it.
I breastfed my son for a long and miserable 6 months. He had a lip tie that was undiagnosed until after we weaned, even though he saw multiple IBCLC's. I had to drive an hour to see a recommended LC, and pay OOP, who finally diagnosed him. Because of the tie he was never able to have a secure latch. He always ate plenty, but the way he latched left me with chronically clogged ducts that I needed to massage/pump out, thus leaving me with chronic oversupply. I hated every single second that I breastfed and wish I had stopped much sooner.
Confession. I'm only planning on breastfeeding this time to save money. I have no desire to actually do it and will probably weaned before I hit my 6 month goal
I am wearing UGGs and it's 70 degrees right now. This is the closest it's felt to Fall and I don't care. They are sparkly too, so I look extra silly. Oh well!
I just went in Motherhood and she gave me the free sample pack and told me it was free bc it's my second baby. I didn't say anything (bc she is definitely not my second baby) and now I have tons of guilt. I might go return it. I think it's just samples and coupons, but I have lots of guilt now.
@bettyvonsomethingstein I BF until I didn't feel like it anymore. I didn't even have an excuse. I just didn't want to anymore. Everyone was questioning like I should have had an excuse. No thanks...I just felt in my mind that I was done.
ETA @DDRRT1982 You should not feel guilty. Why don't those deserve coupons for their 3,4,5,6 etc. baby.
I legit had to get a "full face" threading today at my usual eyebrow threading place. I just couldn't take the she-beard anymore. It was so embarrassing because the hairs going from my cheeks to sideburns were extra long... I don't know how I let it get so out of hand. I'm normally on the hairier side but pregnancy has made it go completely bonkers.
It was amazing though! Within 10-15 mins, her magic hands had very gently (and 99% painlessly!) removed everything and my skin was super soft and silky afterward. I'm loving the results!
@bettyvonsomethingstein Im sorry this popped up as a confession, undoubtedly bc of the "I love to mom shame" crowd out there. Love your second post!!!
@DDRRT1982 I was told you get the bag anytime you "come back"!
Confession: Too many times, I pee in a public restroom only to find I haven't pulled my pants down far enough and have peed on the back of my pants. I pull them up thinking, "Well, now I have piss on my back." I dislike when I do that. The confession is the frequency with which this happens. (Hand over face emoji)
@becausescience We got the NES mini last year and opted to keep our original NES simply because selling it wasn't really worth it. (It's in very used condition.) But we only play the new one because it doesn't have hit-or-miss cartridges and I, a child of the 90s, like the save feature.
Re: FFFC - 9/29
@antoto I love all things gummy - worms, bears, yum!!
Thanks, @DDRRT1982
You know, after I posted that, I started thinking, Why is this even a confession? I'm not ashamed or feeling like I need to justify. I shoulda posted in Randoms that I'm having trouble deciding instead.
Sub the 6 for 4...
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
This time I want to FF from day 1. For some reason I still feel guilty even though I know I'll be so much happier in the long run.
Because of the tie he was never able to have a secure latch. He always ate plenty, but the way he latched left me with chronically clogged ducts that I needed to massage/pump out, thus leaving me with chronic oversupply. I hated every single second that I breastfed and wish I had stopped much sooner.
Confession. I'm only planning on breastfeeding this time to save money. I have no desire to actually do it and will probably weaned before I hit my 6 month goal
I just went in Motherhood and she gave me the free sample pack and told me it was free bc it's my second baby. I didn't say anything (bc she is definitely not my second baby) and now I have tons of guilt. I might go return it. I think it's just samples and coupons, but I have lots of guilt now.
ETA @DDRRT1982 You should not feel guilty. Why don't those deserve coupons for their 3,4,5,6 etc. baby.
It was amazing though! Within 10-15 mins, her magic hands had very gently (and 99% painlessly!) removed everything and my skin was super soft and silky afterward. I'm loving the results!
@DDRRT1982 I was told you get the bag anytime you "come back"!
Confession: Too many times, I pee in a public restroom only to find I haven't pulled my pants down far enough and have peed on the back of my pants. I pull them up thinking, "Well, now I have piss on my back." I dislike when I do that. The confession is the frequency with which this happens. (Hand over face emoji)