2. I'm feeling good. I thought I felt a flutter over the weekend and I've been waiting to have another one to see if it was movement or in my head! Other than that, my stomach/uterus just feels sore. Like I've done a bunch of sit ups.
3. I had an appointment on Friday to hear the heartbeat and get an early GD test. We were able to find the HB with the doppler this time which was awesome. For anyone that has to do a GD test soon, choose the orange drink! It's so delicious. I heard the fruit punch is gross. All my results came back normal so I get tested again at 28 weeks. I scheduled my anatomy scan for 10/20, I can't wait!
4. Does anyone here use an at home doppler? I had talked myself out of it previously (which was for the best because my OB wasn't able to find the HB last month without an ultrasound). I'm just wondering if they work pretty well or if it will just give me anxiety if I have trouble with it. I'm thinking about the Sonoline brand.
5. I've been told I look like Kirsten Dunst because of my dimples and in recent years (when I was skinny) Keri Russell. I think it's just because I have high cheek bones.
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married: May 2008 DD Born: March 2018 DS Born: April 2019 Due with #3 December 2020!
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 17 weeks -- a pomegranate
2. How are you feeling? I feel good, just tired. I've been getting more RLP and some other aches in my lower back. I think I have a pinched nerve that flares up once in awhile, so I'm trying to figure out if it's something I'm doing, how I'm sleeping, or what, and whether or not it'll get worse and I'll have to do something about it.
3. Any appointments next week? We have our a/s on 10/20 when I'm 20w3d, and I can't wait!
4. Rants, raves, questions? There's nothing like a third pregnancy and a super busy and physical schedule to make a woman feel super old. My body does not recover like it did with baby 1 or 2. I coached with both of them, and I am certainly worse for the wear. I'm ready for a weekend off so I can rest my body a bit!!
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? I have no idea. People say I look like Hayden Panettiere, features and mannerisms, so probably her? I want to know what the title of this movie would be Maybe next week we have to title the movie of our lives?
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 14! Peach! 2. How are you feeling? Currently have strep throat and still dealing with morning sickness so the past couple of days have been tough. 3. Any appointments next week? Nope! 4. Rants, raves, questions? Just ready to start feeling better! 5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? Back in high school when 10 things I hate about you came out, I had a few friends tell me I look like Julia Stiles. I don't really see it, besides we both had long hair at the time, but she seems cool to me, so I guess her!
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 15 weeks, navel orange!
2. How are you feeling? That awesome energy burst from last week has nearly fizzled out, but I'm definitely still feeling the 2nd tri relief. I feel human.
3. Any appointments next week? None until my ultrasound on the 12th of October. Feels so far away!
4. Rants, raves, questions? Nada
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? Stuck in bold and too lazy to fight it. My sister always tells me I look like Cole Sprouse. So maybe but some makeup and a wig on him?
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 2. How are you feeling? Better? I think? I have been having some weird right feelings around my lower abs but I'm not super concerned about it.
3. Any appointments next week? Possibly second round of blood work for NT scanning if I get my butt up and go to the doctor.
4. Rants, raves, questions? I wish people would stop talking about the Kylie Jenner pregnancy like it's 100% confirmed. If she hasn't said she's pregnant, stop talking about it like she is. Ugh. 5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? A Disney princess.
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 14 weeks, peach
2. How are you feeling? Energy getting a bit better. I feel like I have soooo long to go until the anatomy scan. And I'm so ready to feel movement, but I think I have an anterior placenta again.
3. Any appointments next week? Just a dental one tomorrow - does that count?
4. Rants, raves, questions? I told my principal last week. I told two coworkers and let them know they could tell people. And... it doesn't seem to be spreading. I'd prefer not to have to tell a bunch of people. Also told my college friend group - I'm the only one with kids (or with any interest in having kids at the moment), so they are excited for us.
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? I want somebody funny as sh*t and plus size, so Melissa McCarthy it is! Though I can't say I look like her. --------------------------------- @JBcakes08 Yay for feeling flutters! I don't have a doppler - I think it'd cause me more anxiety. And you are so close when you'll feel consistent movement - I don't think it'd be necessary at this point, but obviously up to you.
@Soashwifey So sorry you are sick and still dealing with MS on top of it! Hope you're feeling better on both fronts soon!
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 15 weeks/gala apple, my favorite kind of apple
2. How are you feeling? Okay. I wish I felt better. Digestion is hard this pregnancy, and I have to pee all the time. I feel like there's not enough room inside of me for all this stuff.
3. Any appointments next week? Normal prenatal appointment with a nurse practitioner on Thursday. Hopefully we will be able to hear the heart beat on the doppler this visit.
4. Rants, raves, questions? Aah, I'm just so tired of being pregnant already. I would like my new baby now, kthanks.
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? Selena Gomez
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 16 weeks - an avocado
2. How are you feeling? Mostly great, but the heartburn and abdominal stretching can get pretty annoying now.
3. Any appointments next week? Nothing until late October
4. Rants, raves, questions? I'm rather put out that mango juice caused such awful heartburn, for some reason that was super unexpected. The Indian food? Yeah I knew I wouldn't feel awesome, but it ended up being the mangoes that betrayed me.
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? Uhm... well, Lady Gaga is the right height for it xD
2. Feeling? Maybe 5% better. Had a rough day yesterday (would have been my mom's 66th birthday, and I coded two babies-one lived and one didn't.... horrible story of abuse), so in addition to feeling nauseous and tired, I'm super sad and angry. Hug your kids.
3. Appointments? More bloodwork today. Saw my hematologist last week and my counts were better then ever (you're). I see my Ob Friday. I'm hoping the results of my quad screen (drawn today) will be back by then, but they say it can take up to a week.
4. Rant: Mostly just that people are assholes and our child protection system is broken.
5. Hmmm. 50lbs ago many people said I looked like Julia Roberts... so maybe Julia Roberts after she lets herself go?
PgAL (MC@7w 29/10/11 - lost you before we knew we had you)
1. How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 16 - avocado 2. How are you feeling? Okay, mostly just getting a little antsy at going 5 weeks between appointments this time around. (My regular dr. had hospital duty.) I'd really like some reassurance! 3. Any appointments next week? Nooooo. 4. Rants, raves, questions? So glad the heat here broke. It's been mid-90s for like 1.5 weeks, which is weird for September in Michigan, but it dropped to 70s today, and I am so happy! 5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? The only actress anyone has ever said looked like me was 'a young Sally Field', but since she's about 40 years older, 6 inches shorter, and probably 80 pounds lighter, that's probably a no-go. Personality-wise, I wish it could be Lauren Graham, but we look nothing alike. I'm taking this way too seriously, so I just put my face into one of those 'which celebrity do I look like' things, and they said Caroline Rhea, so woohoo Aunt Hilda!
Re: Tuesday Ticker Change
2. I'm feeling good. I thought I felt a flutter over the weekend and I've been waiting to have another one to see if it was movement or in my head! Other than that, my stomach/uterus just feels sore. Like I've done a bunch of sit ups.
3. I had an appointment on Friday to hear the heartbeat and get an early GD test. We were able to find the HB with the doppler this time which was awesome. For anyone that has to do a GD test soon, choose the orange drink! It's so delicious. I heard the fruit punch is gross. All my results came back normal so I get tested again at 28 weeks. I scheduled my anatomy scan for 10/20, I can't wait!
4. Does anyone here use an at home doppler? I had talked myself out of it previously (which was for the best because my OB wasn't able to find the HB last month without an ultrasound). I'm just wondering if they work pretty well or if it will just give me anxiety if I have trouble with it. I'm thinking about the Sonoline brand.
5. I've been told I look like Kirsten Dunst because of my dimples and in recent years (when I was skinny) Keri Russell. I think it's just because I have high cheek bones.
Married: May 2008
DD Born: March 2018
DS Born: April 2019
Due with #3 December 2020!
2. How are you feeling? I feel good, just tired. I've been getting more RLP and some other aches in my lower back. I think I have a pinched nerve that flares up once in awhile, so I'm trying to figure out if it's something I'm doing, how I'm sleeping, or what, and whether or not it'll get worse and I'll have to do something about it.
3. Any appointments next week? We have our a/s on 10/20 when I'm 20w3d, and I can't wait!
4. Rants, raves, questions? There's nothing like a third pregnancy and a super busy and physical schedule to make a woman feel super old. My body does not recover like it did with baby 1 or 2. I coached with both of them, and I am certainly worse for the wear. I'm ready for a weekend off so I can rest my body a bit!!
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie? I have no idea. People say I look like Hayden Panettiere, features and mannerisms, so probably her? I want to know what the title of this movie would be
14! Peach!
2. How are you feeling?
Currently have strep throat and still dealing with morning sickness so the past couple of days have been tough.
3. Any appointments next week?
4. Rants, raves, questions?
Just ready to start feeling better!
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie?
Back in high school when 10 things I hate about you came out, I had a few friends tell me I look like Julia Stiles. I don't really see it, besides we both had long hair at the time, but she seems cool to me, so I guess her!
15 weeks, navel orange!
2. How are you feeling?
That awesome energy burst from last week has nearly fizzled out, but I'm definitely still feeling the 2nd tri relief. I feel human.
3. Any appointments next week?
None until my ultrasound on the 12th of October. Feels so far away!
4. Rants, raves, questions?
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie?
Stuck in bold and too lazy to fight it. My sister always tells me I look like Cole Sprouse. So maybe but some makeup and a wig on him?
2. How are you feeling?
Better? I think? I have been having some weird right feelings around my lower abs but I'm not super concerned about it.
3. Any appointments next week?
Possibly second round of blood work for NT scanning if I get my butt up and go to the doctor.
4. Rants, raves, questions?
I wish people would stop talking about the Kylie Jenner pregnancy like it's 100% confirmed. If she hasn't said she's pregnant, stop talking about it like she is. Ugh.
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie?
A Disney princess.
14 weeks, peach
2. How are you feeling?
Energy getting a bit better. I feel like I have soooo long to go until the anatomy scan. And I'm so ready to feel movement, but I think I have an anterior placenta again.
3. Any appointments next week?
Just a dental one tomorrow - does that count?
4. Rants, raves, questions?
I told my principal last week. I told two coworkers and let them know they could tell people. And... it doesn't seem to be spreading. I'd prefer not to have to tell a bunch of people.
Also told my college friend group - I'm the only one with kids (or with any interest in having kids at the moment), so they are excited for us.
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie?
I want somebody funny as sh*t and plus size, so Melissa McCarthy it is! Though I can't say I look like her.
@JBcakes08 Yay for feeling flutters! I don't have a doppler - I think it'd cause me more anxiety. And you are so close when you'll feel consistent movement - I don't think it'd be necessary at this point, but obviously up to you.
@Soashwifey So sorry you are sick and still dealing with MS on top of it! Hope you're feeling better on both fronts soon!
@jeanbean15 Yay for feeling human again!
@LiveNLove44 Ahhh your a/s seems soo soon!
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
15 weeks/gala apple, my favorite kind of apple
2. How are you feeling?
Okay. I wish I felt better. Digestion is hard this pregnancy, and I have to pee all the time. I feel like there's not enough room inside of me for all this stuff.
3. Any appointments next week?
Normal prenatal appointment with a nurse practitioner on Thursday. Hopefully we will be able to hear the heart beat on the doppler this visit.
4. Rants, raves, questions?
Aah, I'm just so tired of being pregnant already. I would like my new baby now, kthanks.
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie?
Selena Gomez
16 weeks - an avocado
2. How are you feeling?
Mostly great, but the heartburn and abdominal stretching can get pretty annoying now.
3. Any appointments next week?
Nothing until late October
4. Rants, raves, questions?
I'm rather put out that mango juice caused such awful heartburn, for some reason that was super unexpected. The Indian food? Yeah I knew I wouldn't feel awesome, but it ended up being the mangoes that betrayed me.
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie?
Uhm... well, Lady Gaga is the right height for it xD
2. Feeling? Maybe 5% better. Had a rough day yesterday (would have been my mom's 66th birthday, and I coded two babies-one lived and one didn't.... horrible story of abuse), so in addition to feeling nauseous and tired, I'm super sad and angry. Hug your kids.
3. Appointments? More bloodwork today. Saw my hematologist last week and my counts were better then ever (you're). I see my Ob Friday. I'm hoping the results of my quad screen (drawn today) will be back by then, but they say it can take up to a week.
4. Rant: Mostly just that people are assholes and our child protection system is broken.
5. Hmmm. 50lbs ago many people said I looked like Julia Roberts... so maybe Julia Roberts after she lets herself go?
16 - avocado
2. How are you feeling?
Okay, mostly just getting a little antsy at going 5 weeks between appointments this time around. (My regular dr. had hospital duty.) I'd really like some reassurance!
3. Any appointments next week?
4. Rants, raves, questions?
So glad the heat here broke. It's been mid-90s for like 1.5 weeks, which is weird for September in Michigan, but it dropped to 70s today, and I am so happy!
5. GTKY - Who would play you in a movie?
The only actress anyone has ever said looked like me was 'a young Sally Field', but since she's about 40 years older, 6 inches shorter, and probably 80 pounds lighter, that's probably a no-go.