March 2018 Moms

GTKY: Pregnancy traditions

Do you have any traditions you participate in with each pregnancy?  Do you do anything special to celebrate or make the pregnancy special?

For FTMs, do have any ideas of something special you want to do with this pregnancy?  Maybe if you are planner each pregnancy? For example, maternity photos?  

Re: GTKY: Pregnancy traditions

  • DH and I read this book during every pregnancy. We read it the evening before my "Ticker Change". It's a prayer book for baby. It's so we can pray specifically for whatever parts are developing that week. It also goes through what mom might be noticing that week as well. 

    We also take a weekly progression photo. Although this time around I am starting my pregnancy much heavier than with DS. So I just feel fat at this stage.  

    We plan on doing maternity photos and newborn photos when the time comes :)
  • DDRRT1982DDRRT1982 member
    edited August 2017
    I have two...

    1.  I keep a journal with each.  I got The Pregnancy Journal with my oldest 14 years ago and have gotten the same one for my other four pregnancies.  Some are more filled out than others, but it's cool now to read the differences and similarities.  I hope one day my kids will be able to read through them and learn a little about what life was like pregnant with them.

    2.  My second tradition is related around my son's premature birth.  He was born at 25w5d and so with each subsequent pregnancy I have him make his siblings that I am pregnant with a bear from build-a-bear on the day I am 25w5d pregnant.  It's kind of a cheesy tradition, but one day I hope they understand the significance.  My due date is three days prior to what my oldest's son's due date was, so this time it will be very close to his birthday.

    I am hoping you guys can give me a unique idea of something to do special for this baby.  I have done newborn photos, maternity photos, birth photos, and maternity boudoir photos with my pregnancies.  I need a new idea!

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  • @justkeeptrying what is the name of the prayer book? I love that!
  • @garnetmama, hopefully this link works. Sorry it's the Canadian Amazon, not sure where you live. I love this author. She's written books on different stages of women's life (marriage, sex, pregnancy). I think she has a parenting one too but I haven't read it.
  • @DDRRT1982 the Build A Bear tradition is so sweet!
  • I take weekly pictures once I'm showing enough. That's really about all I guess. Never really thought about starting traditions! 
  • Take a million HPTs, and roll a dice to see if it's a baby or an ectopic pregnancy 

    50/50 so far 

    Spontaneous pregnancy #1
    DD1 July 31, 2011

    Trying for #2 since Oct 11
    732973 Clomid Cycles
    2 IUIs 
    3 Fresh IVFs= 1 Ectopic treated with MTX
    Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
    Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
    Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
    Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Take a million HPTs, and roll a dice to see if it's a baby or an ectopic pregnancy 

    50/50 so far 
    Have you had an appointment yet? This is a very sad statement to make.  I'm sorry you're feeling this way.
    ***March '18 October Siggy Challenge: Halloween Costume Fails***

  • You gotta get to know @pettycrocker. I'm not an online board kinda person but the longer I'm on here, I read the personalities coming out.
    Me: 39 <3  DP: 49
    TTC since Jan 2017
    BFP #2 7/11/17 | EDD 3/24/18
    BFP #1 5/2/17 | EDD 1/12/18 | MC 5/18/17

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • DDRRT1982DDRRT1982 member
    edited August 2017
    @garnetmama, hopefully this link works. Sorry it's the Canadian Amazon, not sure where you live. I love this author. She's written books on different stages of women's life (marriage, sex, pregnancy). I think she has a parenting one too but I haven't read it.
    This is honestly one of the sweetest ideas.

    I take weekly pictures once I'm showing enough. That's really about all I guess. Never really thought about starting traditions! 
    I think I might do this.  I have always enjoyed those progression videos.  Maybe this is my idea for something special, too.

    pettycrocker said:
    @bettyvonsomethingstein oh yes. They monitor me very closely with my history. I'm 8wks and some days and I've had about 6 u/s already. It's a baby  :)
    I know it's rough after what you've experienced.  I am really glad to hear that things are going well this time.
  • vflux33vflux33 member
    edited August 2017
    FTM here... I think I'm gonna skip even private baby bump photos, and def not doing professional maternity photos. But I am thinking of doing some kind of scrapbook type thing, which is something I have never done before but think it would be cute for them to look at when they're older. Has anyone done that, and how did it work out? If your kids are old enough now to look through and understand it, do they like it? 
  • @vflux33 I don't have any experience with that, but I can say that I would've loved having a scrapbook to look at when I was a kid!

    On my end, I don't really have anything specific planned but it's important to me that my second child doesn't feel like my first pregnancy was more important than theirs. Not really into photos, so I may end up doing a scrapbook/journal thing. I did a more structured pregnancy journal with my first (with writing prompts and whatnot) and don't really want to do another one- kinda over that idea.
  • @bookishbaker I agree on not wanting to do a full on journal. Have you found any good scrapbooking stuff? I just started poking around for it on the internet this morning and haven't found anything good yet that isn't too journal-y. 
  • Barfing is my only pregnancy tradition.
  • This is my third, and I guess my only "traditions" are bi-weekly belly photos, and I do a Shutterfly scrapbook. We also do maternity and newborn photos. 
  • @heatherdubrow OK I'll consider it  :)

    @hullabalou The email idea is super cute! 
  • @hullabalou I love this idea and may steal it. ;) Now to find an email service that has a variation of DD's name available. Darn super common last name. 
    Me: 30 H: 30
    Dx: PCOS
    Married: June 2013
    TTC#1: January 2015
    BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
    BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
    TTC#2: June 2017
    BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
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