March 2018 Moms

Why my SO is awesome! - 7/22

What has your SO done lately that is the best?

Me: 30 H: 30
Married: June 2013
TTC#1: January 2015
BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
TTC#2: June 2017
BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18

Re: Why my SO is awesome! - 7/22

  • DH is currently cleaning and organizing our main closet where we keep first aid, kids' arts and crafts, paper products, toiletries, etc. He probably does this twice a year, and I love it. He's an organizer and he really doesn't mind cleaning (sometimes to a fault because he enables the kids to leave messes because he'll clean it up). But right now, he's amazing because I hate digging through there for kids' activities, and I'm totally not motivated to organize right now. :smiley:
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • DH got me ice cream after I had a bad day.   <3

    And he has taken over all of the spraying-off of the CDs.  <3
    Me: 30 H: 30
    Dx: PCOS
    Married: June 2013
    TTC#1: January 2015
    BFP #1 8/24/15 | MC 9/3/15 at 6w2d
    BFP #2: 12/12/15 | DD born 8/29/16
    TTC#2: June 2017
    BFP #3: 7/15/17 | DS born 3/20/18
  • Loading the player...
  • He got home from work this morning at 7 after picking up Tylenol for me. Then he changed the child's diaper when he woke up, made him breakfast and cleaned up after him. 
  • He's picked up all of my cravings so far (chips and dip and those mint Hershey bar things as of late) without complaining and surprised me with ice cream last night. Yay! 
  • DH is awesome because he brought home kolaches and orange juice this morning. He also brought them to me while I was still in bed! He's gonna be the reason why I gain too much weight :D
    DD born August 17, 2010
    DS born October 13, 2014
    Baby #3 due March 2018

  • DH is awesome because he brought home kolaches and orange juice this morning. He also brought them to me while I was still in bed! He's gonna be the reason why I gain too much weight :D
    This is awesome. Kolaches were a family favorite when I was growing up, and my grandpa would have a kolache baking day with all of the grandkids. Czech life? :smile:
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hubs has taken over dog poop pickup duty (I swear our dogs crap a million times a day, and we have two of them and a small backyard).

    Last pregnancy, he bought me monthly prenatal massages for my entire pregnancy after first trimester. I hope he does it again! 
  • @isntthatspeshul Omg, prenatal massage?! I need this.
    @LiveNLove44 Our local donut shop sells them, they're amazing. They have all kinds of pastries and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the reason I gain an extra 30 pounds. I already go enough for them to know what I want when I come in :blush::D
    DD born August 17, 2010
    DS born October 13, 2014
    Baby #3 due March 2018

  • My DH is awesome because he got up this morning with my 2.5 year old so I could sleep in.
  • Is anyone else's (STMs+) SO doing more awesome things this time around? I remember feeling a bit lonely in the pregnancy journey with my first. I think it was just really hard for him to connect my exhaustion and other symptoms, especially early on, to me growing a human in my body. The second time, he was better, and this time, he seems even more invested and understanding about how I'm feeling. I guess I want to put this out there just in case some FTMs are feeling that way--don't worry, you're not alone! And big kudos to the awesome SOs out there!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Awe I love reading all of these stories. DH is amazing. He's been downloading his own apps to keep up with the pregnancy. He's been planning how he's going to declutter our spare room into a nursery and just being super helpful (like going to the car to get things for me) and supportive. 
  • lexidawglexidawg member
    edited July 2017
    @joyjoyjoyjoyjoy    This cracked me up. My husband has a man cold and you would think the world was ending. I told him I'm growing a human so chill out!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Another! He knows I'm not tolerating the heat well but I'm feeling bad about the kids not doing much so he surprised us all with a movie date tonight! 
  • DH just did bathtime and bedtime by himself (we usually do it together every night)! I had a frustrating evening with DS and he could tell I needed a break. Thank goodness!! Of course my break was me crying in bed thinking how there's no way I can handle two children when one can be so difficult sometimes! I'm sure it will pass :-) 
  • Dh was awesome this weekend! He kept taking DS from me so that I can relax and nap when needed.
  • DH got me ice cream after I had a bad day.   <3

    And he has taken over all of the spraying-off of the CDs.  <3
    Lucky!! CD spraying is the ONE job my DH refuses to do. He does all the other dirty jobs (nearly all the diaper changes, scooping litter box, garbage, etc), but he flat out won't do that one. 
    *TW in Spoiler*BabyFetus Ticker

    Me 39 - DH 41

    Married 8/26/07

    TTGP #1 Jan '15 - 

         BFP 9/11/15 - DS born 5/31/16

    TTGP #2 July '17 -

         CP July '17

         Blighted Ovum MC Dec '17

         CP June '18

         BFP 1/30/19 - EDD 10/13/19

  • okay so I know this is SUPER BAD but I really wanted lemon Danishes and the grocery store only sells variety packs so he opened a few and traded them for lemon ones. So bad! but secretly....I couldn't help laughing.

  • I normally clean out the fridge on trash day from any food that's been sitting for just a bit too long...I have put this off for three weeks because I just can't stomach opening any containers or opening the garbage lid (side note: I literally make little trash piles on the counter every day and DH throws it away for me when I get home so I don't have to open the garbage can). I avoided asking DH to do it, figuring each time that I'd be able to stomach it "next week". Last night, DH noticed the fridge was really piling up with some stuff and asked me if I wanted him to clear it out? He threw out so much moldy and disgusting crap...I was literally crying the whole time thinking "you don't have to do that sweetie, I feel so bad, I'll just do it next week"...and he didn't even make a face.  <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 True love.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • He is usually amazing in every way! Sensitive supportive and thoughtful!,.. But today I am pissed at him!  Arg maybe it's the pregnancy hormones... but when he leaves his underwear in the middle of the floor after I just cleaned everything.  I lose my shit..... ...I need an ice cream cone! Chocolate! And a hug!
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