November 2017 Moms

Re: UO Thursday 5/11

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    @av2323 DH hates the word moist, therefore I use it as often as possible!
    @Tourmalily I agree, although I think it's used a lot in the south. DD2 calls me Mama because she doesn't speak well so DH calls me Mama too and it infuriates me. I still go by Mommy. 
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    av2323av2323 member
    @Tourmalily  I'm guilty.  I use it all the time.
    @mariposa_767s  The snapchat pics drive me crazy also. 
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    I only ever want my children to call me mama. My husband and I also refer to each other as mama and daddy in the presence of DS. But I agree with the "you got this, mama" sentiment being annoying. I'm from the pseudo-south, ftr

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    pawcallpawcall member
    I hate the word "mama(s)" especially as used by other adult women. It sounds and feels infantilizing. 
    Mamas doesn't bother me but "mommas" is like nails on a chalkboard 
    ~Mom to an amazing Jan 2011 boy~
    ~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~

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    JDW0325JDW0325 member
    Mama doesn't bother me at all!
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    Lol.  Definitely a southern thing with "mama" and "friend."  Mama/Momma's always been my preferred name of choice and while "friend" annoyed me for the first half a dozen year I lived in the official south, I've now caught myself using it on occasion.  All my extended family is from the Chicago area so I was there a lot growing up too and hearing/using "Ma" isn't unusual either.  I called my mom "Mommy" first as a young child then moved to "Mom" as a kid and have actually gone back to "Momma" after high school based on both our preferences.  The only thing we never used because she always said she hated it was "Mother."  DH and I refer to each other as "Mommy" and "Daddy" when DD is around (which is most of the time now).  I get calling your friends/other women by any variant of "mom" being a little more weird and would just say learn their preference.  Even with my BFF, I don't refer to her as a "mom" variant unless I'm talking to her son or we're specifically talking about a kid-related issue in which she needs mom encouragement.
    I've never seen Seinfeld. 
    Me:27 (diagnosed anovulatory May 2016)  DH:29 (normal)
    Met 2008 | Dated 2010 | Married 2012
    TTC#1 since June 2015
    June 2016- 50mg generic clomid CDs 5-9 w/TI | 2 follies (14 & 12), thin (2.45) lining | BFN
    July 2016- 1mg estradiol CDs 1-7, 50mg generic clomid CDs 5-9 w/TI | 2 follies (14 & 10), thin (~4) lining | BFN
    August 2016- 1mg estradiol CDs 1-7, 50mg generic clomid CDs 5-9 w/TI | BFN | Referred to specialist, visited once, was told we have less than a 3% chance even on medication, recommended to IUI for up to a 50% chance, decided not to pursue at this time | Stopped "trying"
    October 2016- We became licensed foster parents
    November 9, 2016- Arrival of DD#1, 4yo
    March 1, 2017- 1 day late, feel like crap (low fever & exhausted) | Mom suggested test before taking meds, I laughed but did it anyway | BFP! *shock*

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    sojobasojoba member
    @QTAMum3 I think as long as there's *some* kind of acknowledgment that's fine. A thank you in person > card in my opinion. I hate when people don't acknowledge a gift at all. 

    My UO: I hate "cold shoulder" shirts. I don't want cold shoulders! Even when I was skinnier before pregnancy I just thought that there were so few that are flattering. 

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    @sojoba +1 to not liking the cold shoulder/off the shoulder trend. Especially on maternity wear.

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    Haha omg I LOVE the cold shoulder style! 
    Me: 32 Husbando: 49
    Married Since: 7/29/2012

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    edited May 2017
    QTAMum3 said:
    My UO...I don't send thank you cards. I say thank you in person or my kids will if they get gifts. I don't think the $ spent on making/shipping/etc is better than an IRL Thank you. 
    I think the extra effort that it takes to send a handwritten thank you note shows that you truly appreciate whatever the person did.  Two years I threw my little sister her bridal shower and was her MOH, gave her gifts on both occasions, and never received a thank you.  It would have gone a long way.
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
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    bcashawbcashaw member
    edited May 2017
    @ariasbabyblog fact. 

    I'm cool with mama , but don't want my child calling me mama. I have issue with people calling me mummy, like please no. Also can't stand it when couples call eachother mom and dad when the kid is out of the room. Like isn't this something you should be saying only for the benefit of your child? My aunt and uncle do this and I do not like it. Their youngest kid is 20, it's time to stop. 
    Cold shoulder not my fave , I haven't bought ANY maternity clothes and probably won't because a bunch of my friends just had babies and so I have bags and bags of cute maternity clothes. 
    I also do not like sienfeld , or any cartoon like the Simpsons or family guy. I don't really like TV in general except shonda rhymes (minus HTGAWM) and my guilty pleasure Kardashians. 
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    I don't have a problem with Mama, but I do have a problem with anyone but my husband calling me "sweetie, hunny, darling, dear, etc" 

    @ariasbabyblog agreed and on that note, pop tarts are better not cooked! 

    My UO is that I hate spring! :unamused: sure, the weather is getting warmer and new life is in the air. But seriously, I hate it. The weather in New England is questionable at best during spring, usually rainy and cold. We already have issues with mosquitos and ticks. And allergies are out of control! 
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    liz4382liz4382 member
    I don't mind mama, but I also despise when it's spelled "momma!"  Nope, that's not how you spell it!  

    @cmessamore I had a craving for uncooked pop-tarts the other morning. Like, I dreamed about them. I was so disappointed that we didn't have any. 

    I love spring--I hate the brown grass in winter and it makes me so happy to see green again!

    My UO--I think huge bow hair bands are so cute on babies!
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    @QTAMum3 My rule of thumb is don't send thank you cards if you open the gift in front of that person and say thank you. I have always sent thank you cards for showers or events where gifts are expected. We live far away from all family and anyone that mails us gifts always get thank you card as well. Our one aunt gets a thank you card no matter why because they mean a lot to her! 
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    pawcallpawcall member
    Agreed, if I open it in their presence and thank them, I'm good. If they're not there for opening, I need to send a note. 

    Exception is christmas, a call is fine
    ~Mom to an amazing Jan 2011 boy~
    ~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~

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    liz4382 said:
    I don't mind mama, but I also despise when it's spelled "momma!"  Nope, that's not how you spell it!
    Agreed. But some people act like mama and momma are pronounced differently and I don't get that either! I

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     I get slightly ragey when I learn people shop at Walmart, Gap Inc or use Uber (though I never say so to them). Explanation in spoiler because it got long and has sensitive topics discussed.

    Walmart: When Walmart had that whole sexual harassment lawsuit, a good friend of mine was one of the victims. She ended up quitting as soon as her boss propositioned her (she hadn't been getting paid for the overtime she was working and he told her they could take care of it in aisle 10) and got out without actually getting hurt but I think it's so disgusting.

    Uber: Same with Uber, they blatantly allow sexual harassment in their corporate office and haven't apologized for it or done anything to correct the behavior.

    Gap Inc: (Gap/Old Navy/Banana Republic/Athleta) WILL NOT STOP using child/slave labor even though they've been caught three times and it breaks my heart to think about kids who should be in school and pregnant women worked much harder than their bodies can take.


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    BayCampBayCamp member
    I am totally guilty of spelling it Momma, it's just how we always spelled it and now the other way looks weird to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   
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    I'm with you, @BayCamp!
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    I have no idea if I've called people on this board mama or not! I'm in the south and have a lot of family and friends with Hispanic background, so I always think of mama as endearing. I'll try to stick with "ladies."
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    I like mama, I've gotten called that a couple times by my mom and dad. It's endearing to us.

    my UO(even though it's Friday) I hate glittery, pink, Barbie doll clothing for girls. I think someone said this before or maybe it was about skulls I don't know... I'm just not a girly girly..
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    bcashawbcashaw member
    As I said momma and mama don't bother me but today some random called me a yummy mummy and I gagged. 
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