My UO is I hate icing. It ruins cake and everything really. No icing on my cinnamon rolls, no frosted cookies, unless you are using chocolate ganache as an icing. But does molten chocolate really count as icing?
Soooo I kind of don't mind when people touch my belly while being pregnant. Probably the most UO that will be on this thread haha! It makes me get all excited when someone else gets excited
I think a good percentage of kids should do two years of kindergarten. A lot of them are just not ready and it seems almost mean that parents push them on to struggle because they don't like the stigma of repeating.
Of course, the primary problem is that we ridiculously expect kids to activate" at 5 years old and all be ready to read, sound words out to write them, add, and subtract. But, if they can't do those things they will not be successful in 1st grade, and then struggle in 2nd (if they make it there.)
I think a good percentage of kids should do two years of kindergarten. A lot of them are just not ready and it seems almost mean that parents push them on to struggle because they don't like the stigma of repeating.
Of course, the primary problem is that we ridiculously expect kids to activate" at 5 years old and all be ready to read, sound words out to write them, add, and subtract. But, if they can't do those things they will not be successful in 1st grade, and then struggle in 2nd (if they make it there.)
Yes! My brother did 2 years because he needed it, it was definitely a good thing for him. He struggled the social aspect of sitting and listening as much as the educational aspect.
My UO is I hate icing. It ruins cake and everything really. No icing on my cinnamon rolls, no frosted cookies, unless you are using chocolate ganache as an icing. But does molten chocolate really count as icing?
Totally agree! (On everything but the cinnamon rolls I mean that's not icing that gooey goodness)
I love icing! Anyone heard of Eileen's Colossal Cookies? They've got these frosted sugar cookies you can buy for $0.25 each... HEAVEN. So much icing but sooooo delicious.
I love icing! Anyone heard of Eileen's Colossal Cookies? They've got these frosted sugar cookies you can buy for $0.25 each... HEAVEN. So much icing but sooooo delicious.
I think a good percentage of kids should do two years of kindergarten. A lot of them are just not ready and it seems almost mean that parents push them on to struggle because they don't like the stigma of repeating.
Of course, the primary problem is that we ridiculously expect kids to activate" at 5 years old and all be ready to read, sound words out to write them, add, and subtract. But, if they can't do those things they will not be successful in 1st grade, and then struggle in 2nd (if they make it there.)
DH and I both stayed back in 1st grade, and the delay made a HUGE difference for both of us.
I think wearing a spaghetti strap tank top in public is trashy.
Agreed. It's the equivalent of a man wearing a wife beater as a shirt. It's called an undershirt for a reason.
My UO: I hate the idea of elaborate and expensive push presents. I think it's something else "the industry" made up to make people spend money, and feel badly if they don't.
My UO: I hate the idea of elaborate and expensive push presents. I think it's something else "the industry" made up to make people spend money, and feel badly if they don't.
I had never heard of push presents until I joined TB. I'm cool with a big bottle of champagne as a present! But I really don't get it.
I think it's ok for a husband to get his wife a push present, ya know for bringing their child into the world. But I wouldn't expect it, nor would I expect anyone else to get me something. My friend said her dad brought her a 6 pack of her favorite beer. IDK, I am neither for or against it.
So on the push presents thing, I don't think this counts, but DH was so in awe of everything I went through to bring DS into the world that when he went out to get me some lotion for my poor swollen feetsies he also brought me a pint of phish food, the cutest little stuffed elephants hugging, and a card where he poured his heart out about how proud he was of me and how scared he was.... it was the sweetest thing ever and HE CRIED when he gave me that stuff. I still have the card and elephants
Im "meh" about push presents,I think its tacky to demand them or expect them ( I think that of all presents) but if your spouse wants to give you something by all means enjoy it with no guilt.
The term is really annoying to me " Push presents"? its just off putting.
I think a good percentage of kids should do two years of kindergarten. A lot of them are just not ready and it seems almost mean that parents push them on to struggle because they don't like the stigma of repeating.
Of course, the primary problem is that we ridiculously expect kids to activate" at 5 years old and all be ready to read, sound words out to write them, add, and subtract. But, if they can't do those things they will not be successful in 1st grade, and then struggle in 2nd (if they make it there.)
My UO is actually the same thing. In Canada ( or here in Ontario at least) pre-school is 2-3 and you pay for it, it's like a glorified daycare. Kindergarten has two levels Junior (JK- age 4) and Senior (SK- age 5) then grade 1 at 6. Now JK is optional but most go to it and it helps them get in the habit. Growing up it was only half day but now it is full day and DS loves it. Since I am moving to Texas I was researching for this baby. OMG, school starts at 5 but he has to be 5 before September 1st to go into kindergarten. Which means he won't start any schooling until he is 6 and that will be kindergarten unless he is 11 days early.
Also, all of you are wrong. What's the point of a cinnabun without icing? cupcakes are muffins without it. Dry ceral is for babies, and pie & ice cream are soul food. The end.
1. I refuse to watch 13 Reasons Why. I don't really care how "awesome" of a show it is. I have had far too many friends commit suicide, and I have personally caught someone MID suicide and saved their life. I have no desire to watch this show. I still have PTSD from saving his life. I can't deal with the smell of car exhaust.
2. I don't understand why adults are posting things about "420" and how they are "celebrating" it on Facebook. Do you realize that it's the internet? Some of our friends ARE POLICE OFFICERS. Why would you post on the internet the illicit drugs you do? (Weed is illegal where I live & where I grew up). I think it's childish, immature, irresponsible, etc.
I like when cereal gets just a teensy bit soggy. Like right after you pour in the milk and then push it all under so it's coated, that first bite = heaven.
I can eat icing straight by itself. YUM.
I don't care when people wear spaghetti straps or wife beaters in public. Other people's clothes generally don't bother me but I also wear leggings (with a covered butt) like 5 days a week so there's that.
I would never demand or expect a present for giving birth but I'm never one to turn down a gift so if DH feels the need to get me something, I will gladly accept it. I agree that "push present" kind of makes me cringe, though.
I can't think of my own UO right now!
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
Im "meh" about push presents,I think its tacky to demand them or expect them ( I think that of all presents) but if your spouse wants to give you something by all means enjoy it with no guilt.
The term is really annoying to me " Push presents"? its just off putting.
My UO is I don't like ice cream, cookies, cake or pie.
Flame away.
I hate pie. It's basically just pure sugar wrapped in dough. With maybe the tiniest bit of sugar covered fruit. Ew. Ice cream, cookies, and cake on the other hand are necessities.
They are basically a gift that SO gives mama for all her hard work of birthing the baby. With my first, a friend's wife told him that he better be getting me a push present and it better have diamonds (and she is a really large, really intimidating woman - think Brienne of Tarth from GOT - so it was more of a threat than a suggestion). Anyone who knows me knows that I don't ever wear diamonds and I'm not really a good receiver of gifts, so it was a silly suggestion to begin with. Besides isn't the baby the gift? I mean that's what we've been working on for so long. But then, on our way home DH stopped and bought me sushi because it's my favorite and I hadn't eaten it in almost a year. So I decided that a gift is absolutely mandatory, but only if it is delicious food that you haven't been allowed to eat for months and months. On another note, calling it a "push present" is not ok. As if only the act of pushing deserves recognition and screw the ladies whose babies come into the world in other ways.
@labby18 I read an article not too long ago (I don't remember where) written by a woman who had attempted suicide in high school and who recently watched 13 Reasons Why. She talked a lot about how it was re-traumatizing for her because it is so spot on in reflecting her own experiences. She strongly encouraged anyone with a history of suicidal ideation, or with loved ones who have committed/attempted suicide, to completely avoid the show.
Me & DH: 32 Married 2013 Kiddo #1: Sept 2015 BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30
"I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
-snip- Well, let's be honest here, I'm not a huge fan of milk. -snip-
Eat or don't eat your cereal however you want, more power to you. This is the part I can't get over! I'm from the Midwest, we drink milk with everything. Milk is my favorite beverage. Milk is life. I can't imagine a world where I didn't like milk.
@labby18 I read an article not too long ago (I don't remember where) written by a woman who had attempted suicide in high school and who recently watched 13 Reasons Why. She talked a lot about how it was re-traumatizing for her because it is so spot on in reflecting her own experiences. She strongly encouraged anyone with a history of suicidal ideation, or with loved ones who have committed/attempted suicide, to completely avoid the show.
I didn't see that article, but I figured I should avoid it. My intuition was like "yeaaah you probably shouldn't watch that one."
Also, I get that Aaron Hernandez was a murderer, but all these memes celebrating that he took his own life is pathetic. All it does is foster the idea in someone's head that "Everyone is happy that he did it and he's famous, they probably would be happy if i did it too or wouldn't even care". Do you really want to spread that kind of message?
*end rant*
ETA: SORRY FOR BEING A DEBBIE DOWNER. I didn't mean to be like boom super serious.
-snip- Well, let's be honest here, I'm not a huge fan of milk. -snip-
Eat or don't eat your cereal however you want, more power to you. This is the part I can't get over! I'm from the Midwest, we drink milk with everything. Milk is my favorite beverage. Milk is life. I can't imagine a world where I didn't like milk.
When I was a baby, I was allergic to a lot of fruit, so the ONLY thing I could drink was milk or water. So once I was able to drink other things, I was like Eff that noise, I'm not going back. I do love water tho. IDK, I only drink milk when I eat a PB&J sandwich, or in my coffee, or in the form of icecream. My brother is also mildly lactose intolerant, so that may have also contributing to my lack of milk drinking. Also, I apparently say it funny, my dad is from Pittsburgh, so some of that accent has rolled over into how I say certain words...DH teases me about it. Apparently, I say "Melk" or "Mulk" instead of "Milk"...according to DH.
@labby18 I hate those memes too. Celebrating anyone's suicide is awful. My dad has been a prison chaplain for the last 25 years, and if there's anything he's taught me its' that every criminal is still a person with a chance at redemption. I believe there are very few people too far gone to experience redemption, and celebrating someone's demise just reaffirms the (incorrect) notion that once you've done something bad enough you are stripped of your humanity.
I can't get on board with the food opinions today... I love frosting/icing, and I also enjoy my cereal with milk. Especially certain cereals when the milk gets flavorful or sweet at the bottom, like with Frosted Mini Wheats or Cocoa Puffs. Yum.
My UO is that I did not like La La Land and I am thrilled it did not actually win the Oscar for Best Picture. (I think this is an unpopular opinion, although I know I'm not totally alone in it.)
@mrs_tacos that's a really incredible way of looking at it I never have understood a celebration of that kind of thing. It's terrible to celebrate an untimely death. I truly appreciate what your dad taught you.
I hate Milk and mushy cereal. I too often eat cereal without milk.
I love frosting and could also eat it straight. I actually wont go to a specific cupcake shop in town because they don't put enough frosting on their cupcakes.
I love all sweets, bring on the cookies, ice cream and pie. I would rather have chocolate cream or French silk pie over fruit pie.
I don't mind push presents. I joked with DH about it when I was pregnant with DD. Mainly because I really wanted a new Pandora Bead for the baby. He had already bought it before I even mentioned anything. I just think its nice to be appreciated by DH/SO. What @wyomama0427's H did was super nice and perfect. We did get presents for our other two kids from the baby, and we will do that again.
I haven't watched 13 Reasons Why yet, but I will probably be watching it soon. I hope it isn't a trigger for me. DD 1 has talked about it and apparently has been watching it, so I like to watch some of the same stuff so I can connect with her.
My UO is that I hate when people ask "Do you know what the baby will be?" Or when people refer to the baby as IT. It is a baby, and I will be having a baby. If you want to know the sex, then ask, "Do you know the sex?" or "Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?"
@DPandMB I hate that too.. I already know what my baby is. My baby is a person. And I would very intentionally point out to anyone who refers to my baby as "it" that I do not appreciate my child being referred to as "it"!
I didn't realize this was really a UO anymore until it came up in conversation a few times IRL recently, but we will most likely homeschool this child. I'm not one of those people who thinks everyone should homeschool, or is anti-public or private school at all, and if our kids really needs to be in a traditional school for one reason or another, we'll do what is best for him. But DH and I were both homeschooled for various portions of our schooling, and we both loved it. I was able to do more as a homeschooler than I would ever have had time to do when I went to a regular school. We're going to live in a big city with nearly endless resources, so our child won't be denied the opportunity for sports or music or arts is we don't send him to a traditional school.
My UO is that I hate when people ask "Do you know what the baby will be?" Or when people refer to the baby as IT. It is a baby, and I will be having a baby. If you want to know the sex, then ask, "Do you know the sex?" or "Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?"
I saw someone with a t-shirt the other day that said, "We're hoping for a dinosaur." I kinda want it.
My UO is that I hate when people ask "Do you know what the baby will be?" Or when people refer to the baby as IT. It is a baby, and I will be having a baby. If you want to know the sex, then ask, "Do you know the sex?" or "Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?"
i was asked "when do you find out what it is?" i replied "oh, my baby is a human, won't know if my baby is a boy or girl for a little longer"
my response to "what do you want it to be?" is..."well, i hope it's a human, if not, I'll take some more kittens."
also to be a jerk i sometimes just respond **TW** "I just want my baby to be healthy. After multiple losses, to be so selfish and want a specific sex of a baby just doesn't appeal to me."
all of which catch people off guard and they usually reword their question.
eta: I saw a "Hoping it's a Kitten" shirt and OMG I WANT IT.
@DPandMB I hate that too.. I already know what my baby is. My baby is a person. And I would very intentionally point out to anyone who refers to my baby as "it" that I do not appreciate my child being referred to as "it"!
Yes. I haven't gotten the question a lot with this pregnancy, but with DD, I heard it so much I started responding with, "Well we are hoping the baby is a human, but the dad is a vampire, so its a 50/50 chance."
On Easter everyone took it upon themselves to let us know that we are definitely having a boy and DH got so annoyed when he was asked for the 1000th time what he wants, he started saying that he hoped it was a dinosaur. This went over REAL well with my family. lol
P.S. I tried to quote and failed, it cannot be that hard right?
Re: UO Thursday 4/20
Of course, the primary problem is that we ridiculously expect kids to activate" at 5 years old and all be ready to read, sound words out to write them, add, and subtract. But, if they can't do those things they will not be successful in 1st grade, and then struggle in 2nd (if they make it there.)
Flame away.
DH and I both stayed back in 1st grade, and the delay made a HUGE difference for both of us.
Agreed. It's the equivalent of a man wearing a wife beater as a shirt. It's called an undershirt for a reason.
My UO: I hate the idea of elaborate and expensive push presents. I think it's something else "the industry" made up to make people spend money, and feel badly if they don't.
Your life must be sad
Umm...what are push presents??
@jena333-2 push presents make me mad. They're ridiculous.. pretty sure the push present is the baby.
The term is really annoying to me " Push presents"? its just off putting.
June Siggy Challenge: Workout
Since I am moving to Texas I was researching for this baby. OMG, school starts at 5 but he has to be 5 before September 1st to go into kindergarten. Which means he won't start any schooling until he is 6 and that will be kindergarten unless he is 11 days early.
DS #1 [S-5]
3 Step Daughters [A-8] [E-6] [I-4]
Baby #2 09/10/2017
It's a BOY!
The end.
love you all.
DS #1 [S-5]
3 Step Daughters [A-8] [E-6] [I-4]
Baby #2 09/10/2017
It's a BOY!
1. I refuse to watch 13 Reasons Why. I don't really care how "awesome" of a show it is. I have had far too many friends commit suicide, and I have personally caught someone MID suicide and saved their life. I have no desire to watch this show. I still have PTSD from saving his life. I can't deal with the smell of car exhaust.
2. I don't understand why adults are posting things about "420" and how they are "celebrating" it on Facebook. Do you realize that it's the internet? Some of our friends ARE POLICE OFFICERS. Why would you post on the internet the illicit drugs you do? (Weed is illegal where I live & where I grew up). I think it's childish, immature, irresponsible, etc.
3. I don't like Lularoe.
I can eat icing straight by itself. YUM.
I don't care when people wear spaghetti straps or wife beaters in public. Other people's clothes generally don't bother me but I also wear leggings (with a covered butt) like 5 days a week so there's that.
I would never demand or expect a present for giving birth but I'm never one to turn down a gift so if DH feels the need to get me something, I will gladly accept it. I agree that "push present" kind of makes me cringe, though.
I can't think of my own UO right now!
Me & DH: 31 | Married: 5.4.13 | TTC: April 2016 | BFP: 1.8.17 | EDD: 9.13.17
@wyomama0427 That's so sweet of your husband!!!
Type 1 Diabetes since 2001, MTHFR hetero A1298T
Dogs: Raider 4 yrs, Dex 4 yrs
BFP #2 7/6/16 SCH, D&C 8/4/16
BFP #3 12/26/16 EDD: 9/6/17
My Chart / My Diabetes/Pregnancy Blog
My Type 1/TTC/Pregnancy Podcast:
Juicebox Podcast Episode 118
1/12/16 6.7%
5/25/16 6.0%
11/2/16 6.1%
3/22/16 5.8%
4/27/17 5.4%
6/13/17 5.3%
"Sugar Fancy Tutu"
They are basically a gift that SO gives mama for all her hard work of birthing the baby. With my first, a friend's wife told him that he better be getting me a push present and it better have diamonds (and she is a really large, really intimidating woman - think Brienne of Tarth from GOT - so it was more of a threat than a suggestion). Anyone who knows me knows that I don't ever wear diamonds and I'm not really a good receiver of gifts, so it was a silly suggestion to begin with. Besides isn't the baby the gift? I mean that's what we've been working on for so long. But then, on our way home DH stopped and bought me sushi because it's my favorite and I hadn't eaten it in almost a year. So I decided that a gift is absolutely mandatory, but only if it is delicious food that you haven't been allowed to eat for months and months. On another note, calling it a "push present" is not ok. As if only the act of pushing deserves recognition and screw the ladies whose babies come into the world in other ways.
@labby18 I read an article not too long ago (I don't remember where) written by a woman who had attempted suicide in high school and who recently watched 13 Reasons Why. She talked a lot about how it was re-traumatizing for her because it is so spot on in reflecting her own experiences. She strongly encouraged anyone with a history of suicidal ideation, or with loved ones who have committed/attempted suicide, to completely avoid the show.
Married 2013
Kiddo #1: Sept 2015
BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30
"I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
Also, I get that Aaron Hernandez was a murderer, but all these memes celebrating that he took his own life is pathetic. All it does is foster the idea in someone's head that "Everyone is happy that he did it and he's famous, they probably would be happy if i did it too or wouldn't even care". Do you really want to spread that kind of message?
*end rant*
ETA: SORRY FOR BEING A DEBBIE DOWNER. I didn't mean to be like boom super serious.
When I was a baby, I was allergic to a lot of fruit, so the ONLY thing I could drink was milk or water. So once I was able to drink other things, I was like Eff that noise, I'm not going back. I do love water tho. IDK, I only drink milk when I eat a PB&J sandwich, or in my coffee, or in the form of icecream. My brother is also mildly lactose intolerant, so that may have also contributing to my lack of milk drinking. Also, I apparently say it funny, my dad is from Pittsburgh, so some of that accent has rolled over into how I say certain words...DH teases me about it. Apparently, I say "Melk" or "Mulk" instead of "Milk"...according to DH.
My UO is that I did not like La La Land and I am thrilled it did not actually win the Oscar for Best Picture. (I think this is an unpopular opinion, although I know I'm not totally alone in it.)
I love frosting and could also eat it straight. I actually wont go to a specific cupcake shop in town because they don't put enough frosting on their cupcakes.
I love all sweets, bring on the cookies, ice cream and pie. I would rather have chocolate cream or French silk pie over fruit pie.
I don't mind push presents. I joked with DH about it when I was pregnant with DD. Mainly because I really wanted a new Pandora Bead for the baby. He had already bought it before I even mentioned anything. I just think its nice to be appreciated by DH/SO. What @wyomama0427's H did was super nice and perfect. We did get presents for our other two kids from the baby, and we will do that again.
I haven't watched 13 Reasons Why yet, but I will probably be watching it soon. I hope it isn't a trigger for me. DD 1 has talked about it and apparently has been watching it, so I like to watch some of the same stuff so I can connect with her.
My UO is that I hate when people ask "Do you know what the baby will be?" Or when people refer to the baby as IT. It is a baby, and I will be having a baby. If you want to know the sex, then ask, "Do you know the sex?" or "Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?"
i was asked "when do you find out what it is?" i replied "oh, my baby is a human, won't know if my baby is a boy or girl for a little longer"
my response to "what do you want it to be?" is..."well, i hope it's a human, if not, I'll take some more kittens."
also to be a jerk i sometimes just respond **TW** "I just want my baby to be healthy. After multiple losses, to be so selfish and want a specific sex of a baby just doesn't appeal to me."
all of which catch people off guard and they usually reword their question.
eta: I saw a "Hoping it's a Kitten" shirt and OMG I WANT IT.
I can't with yall today with these food opinions.
Yes. I haven't gotten the question a lot with this pregnancy, but with DD, I heard it so much I started responding with, "Well we are hoping the baby is a human, but the dad is a vampire, so its a 50/50 chance."
@mrs_tacos I've seen that shirt and I want it!
On Easter everyone took it upon themselves to let us know that we are definitely having a boy and DH got so annoyed when he was asked for the 1000th time what he wants, he started saying that he hoped it was a dinosaur. This went over REAL well with my family. lol
P.S. I tried to quote and failed, it cannot be that hard right?