What do you do for fun with your LOs - like not playing at home but outside of the house. In laws are coming in May but I can't think of anything to do. In the past we've done beer tour, musesum, duck pin bowling, etc but none of that sounds like I want to take a good. Maybe an outdoor music thing if weather is nice? LO will be 6 months during their visit
What do you do for fun with your LOs - like not playing at home but outside of the house. In laws are coming in May but I can't think of anything to do. In the past we've done beer tour, musesum, duck pin bowling, etc but none of that sounds like I want to take a good. Maybe an outdoor music thing if weather is nice? LO will be 6 months during their visit
The beauty of them being so little is that you CAN still do all those things. Slap the kid in a carrier and go enjoy it while you still can. It's when they walk, talk and need scheduled naps that you can't do those things anymore.
We take S to festivals almost every weekend and she does really well. We Take the stroller and she falls asleep when she's tired. By festivals I mean different events going on around town like food truck competitions, art expos, etc.
How soon can I take LO to the zoo? She's already very attentive, but I'm not sure if its worth while.
If the weather is nice and it isn't expensive might be a fun day out. I don't think our LOs would have any idea what they're looking at but might be fun just to walk around and look at stuff. Our zoo here is pretty expensive so I don't think we will be going anytime soon but if we lived in Chicago or somewhere with a free one we would go for sure
How soon can I take LO to the zoo? She's already very attentive, but I'm not sure if its worth while.
We took ODD at 2 and she didn't care and she loves animals. Even now I'm not sure what she'd do. I say go for you and the experience but don't expect anything inspiring from LO.
How soon can I take LO to the zoo? She's already very attentive, but I'm not sure if its worth while.
I think at this point it would be more for you. In my town there is a wildlife sanctuary that has a bunch of birds, some wolves, deer, a fox, bobcat, mountain lion, and just a couple other animals (so not much). It is free and this weekend was super nice out. I went with LO. She fell asleep, but it was nice for me to get out of the house and walk around. Added bonus is this place has a ton of Pokestops so I was playing Pokemon Go the entire time.
@m6agua we have a Pokemon Go onesie one of H's friends got us because it was super popular when I was pregnant. We stopped playing although it was fun to do and get out and move more
How soon can I take LO to the zoo? She's already very attentive, but I'm not sure if its worth while.
My SIL took my nephew when he was 4-5 months and he seemed to enjoy it. She has a really cute picture of her holding him and helping him feed a Giraffe! We live fairly close to the Detroit Zoo, so I'm hoping to get a membership and go with some friends with kids of various ages (0-2 yrs) throughout the summer. There is also a Hike it Baby group that meets there weekly that maybe once I am a SAHM I'll actually be able to go to.
Me: 32 DH: 31
Married since 2010
MC January 2016
BFP February 2016 Baby Girl born 11/2016
BFP 8/16/2018 EDD 4/29/2019 MMC 10/3/2018 BFP 12/16/2018 EDD 08/26/2019 MC/CP 12/20/2018 BFP 03/28/2019 EDD 12/07/2019 Hoping for our rainbow
Anyone else feel confused on how to dress LO for weather? I know they say one level warmer than what you are wearing but I still get confused. Our Easter egg event will be 67 today but it depends on sun to me on what that is for clothes. Thank goodness for tiny zip up jackets
Anyone else feel confused on how to dress LO for weather? I know they say one level warmer than what you are wearing but I still get confused. Our Easter egg event will be 67 today but it depends on sun to me on what that is for clothes. Thank goodness for tiny zip up jackets
Does anyone's LO leave a dent in the crib mattress? I'm trying to figure out if this is a result of a big baby or the consequence of using the same mattress as the first kid.
Does anyone's LO leave a dent in the crib mattress? I'm trying to figure out if this is a result of a big baby or the consequence of using the same mattress as the first kid.
I feel like mine does that but I attribute it to having it slightly propped up on one end. My baby is 13 lbs so not a big baby prob lol
@SandNStarsNJ mine does but it also was a used mattress. I thought about buying a new one. Ecause my guess is it shouldn't have that but she seems fine.
@SandNStarsNJ mine does but it also was a used mattress. I thought about buying a new one. Ecause my guess is it shouldn't have that but she seems fine.
That's my predicament. I feel like this kid is getting the short end of the stick.
I just got the dreaded "teacher appreciation week" notification. Dreaded only in the sense of I knew there would be something and I don't really know what to do but I know we're supposed to do something. The notification says to write a note of thanks, draw a picture or bring flowers or a small gift card. Here's the problem: I have no idea how many "teachers" he has. He has his normal teacher in the mornings that I see the most, but some mornings she isn't there and someone else is covering, plus there are floaters during the day for ratios and in the afternoons it is usually one of 2-3 people when I pick him up. I have no idea what I would even do since there are so many "teachers" he has.
I'm all for appreciating teachers, but not a fan of being forced to do it. I would probably make a card, maybe with a picture or hand/foot print and address it to the head teacher "and everyone else who loves my child" or something like that. With what I pay for daycare, I'm not keen on the idea of spending more money. Gosh, that kind of makes me sound like an ungrateful b*tch...
I'm all for appreciating teachers, but not a fan of being forced to do it. I would probably make a card, maybe with a picture or hand/foot print and address it to the head teacher "and everyone else who loves my child" or something like that. With what I pay for daycare, I'm not keen on the idea of spending more money. Gosh, that kind of makes me sound like an ungrateful b*tch...
I agree 100%. If it was a parent heading it up then cool whatever but for the school to send out a newsletter... Kind of presumptuous. I definitely wouldn't go crazy either.
I'm all for appreciating teachers, but not a fan of being forced to do it. I would probably make a card, maybe with a picture or hand/foot print and address it to the head teacher "and everyone else who loves my child" or something like that. With what I pay for daycare, I'm not keen on the idea of spending more money. Gosh, that kind of makes me sound like an ungrateful b*tch...
I totally agree! I mean they seem to take good care of my kid and the whole staff knows him which is great but I sort of look at it as this is why I pay you... But I don't want to be that person who does nothing either. If I had time/energy I could make decorated sugar cookies like I used to make for Christmas because they are cute and keep well since I'm sure they will get lots of treats
As a public high school teacher, it is nice to be acknowledged, but only when it is geniune. I would be appalled to find administration told parents to do something.
On the other hand, if daycare facilities in Jersey are like anywhere else, these workers aren't treated like public teachers. The pay sucks for the time and effort put in, there is very little job security, and benefits are usually out-of-pocket. The facilities we have used are all hourly pay. It is for that reason that I tip generously at least twice a year - naturally, only the folks I know have a strong report with our children.
Re: Dumb Questions - April
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019BFP February 2016 Baby Girl born 11/2016
BFP 8/16/2018 EDD 4/29/2019 MMC 10/3/2018
BFP 12/16/2018 EDD 08/26/2019 MC/CP 12/20/2018
BFP 03/28/2019 EDD 12/07/2019 Hoping for our rainbow
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I think it's pretty tough to know what is right.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
- BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
On the other hand, if daycare facilities in Jersey are like anywhere else, these workers aren't treated like public teachers. The pay sucks for the time and effort put in, there is very little job security, and benefits are usually out-of-pocket. The facilities we have used are all hourly pay. It is for that reason that I tip generously at least twice a year - naturally, only the folks I know have a strong report with our children.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16