Due to a super rare high risk pregnancy, I have been in the hospital for the past month. I turn 33 weeks tomorrow and they are planning my c-section for 34 weeks, so next Friday.
I am completely freaked about my c-section bc of a bad experience with my last c-section and all the risks involved with this pregnancy but that is another post!
My first two were born at 39 weeks and on her due date so I have no experience with a preemie, although I have heard that 34 weekers tend to do well. Who here has had a baby around 34 weeks? Any advice for the NICU stay? How long did they have to stay? How was the breastfeeding process with a baby in the NICU, especially if you have other little ones at home. I am sure I will think of more questions but those are the ones I can think of right now. I truly appreciate every single person that responds! TIA!
Re: 3rd baby about to be born at 34 weeks. Need advice from mom's who have given birth around 34 weeks!
He needed to be bottle fed fed after his tube came out since nursing was too strenuous. We attempted to nurse for about a month and he was just frustrated after becoming used to the ease of bottle feeding. I ended up pumping exclusively and it's what worked for us.
Good luck to all of you!
He is almost 2.5 years old now, and has no lingering issues.
**** Formerly Snoflakes4eva****
My best NICU advice is take lots of pictures. We don't think about it, because it's such a stressful time, but you'll want the memories to share.
DS2 spent 2 weeks in the NICU because he needed help learning to eat. He was tube fed once he came off the respirator and gradually syringe fed until he could tolerate more. If you plan to BF, pump while they're in the NICU. Most have hospital grade pumps you can use on site. I came out of there with a huge stash that came in handy later on after my supply dropped.
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
Formerly ChoicesMom
"Squishy" 2007
"Lyric" EDD Nov/4/11 - c/p Feb/11
"Fishy" 2012
"Bean" 2014
"Lux" EDD Apr/21/17 - c/p Aug/16
"Kokonah" EDD May/24/17 - m/c Oct/16
1 surprise - 1 Noonie - 1 preemie - 3 gone but not forgotten - One more on the way!!
Grab bag of mental health disorders