Baby Names


Hi, I am looking for opinions and suggestions on my name list.  We are having a girl, and have not been able to agree on a name for her yet.  We seem to be in the same ballpark name-wise but we have yet to agree on anything.  Let me know what you think of our current list and give me any suggestions you  may have.  My only limits are I am really trying to stay out of the top 10 and I am not a fan of uneek names or boy names/last names on girls.  Big brother is named Calvin.  Thanks!


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Re: Opinions/Suggestions

  • my favorite is melody!
    like rosemary, rosalie
    margot is ok
  • My fave is Melody followed by Eloise. My least favorite is Beatrice. Suggesting Melanie.
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  • I love Helen and Melody from your list! 

    I'll add Louise. 
  • Your list is fabulous.  Love all of them 


  • I have no suggestions because I love all your names. You have a great list! 

    Beatrice- love 
    Helen- like 
    Rosemary- like 
    Rosalie- love 
    Elodie- like 
    Iris- love
    Melody- not really a fan 
    Margot- love 
    Eloise- love 

    My favorite with Calvin is Rosalie then Iris. My least favorite is Melody. 
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • I'm loving all your names and I think Helen is really a nice name!!!
    also love Margot, Beatrice and Rosemary!

    Other suggestions:


  • Great names! Suggesting Magnolia, Marigold, Ada, June, Pearl and Anna.
    My furchildren, Dorothy and Johnny :)
  • I love all your names with the exception of Beatrice. Never have liked that name for some reason. My favorites on your list is Elodie and Rosalie as they were top contenders last July when I named my most recent daughter Elsie. 

    Eliza and Esme are two more pretty E names I really like. I also like Helena or Helene better than Helen. But you've got a great list!

    Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
    Mikey - 11/08/2000
    Eden - 02/23/2003
    Alora - 04/07/2006
    Elsie - 07/08/2015
    Expecting a baby girl 11/01/2016!!

  • Love Elodie. 
  • Elena is close to Helen and is also pretty.
  • Beatrice, Helen, Margot, Elodie - nms
    Rosemary, Melody, Eloise - ok
    Rosalie & Iris are beautiful! 
    Love @BabysMomma4's suggestions. 

    What MN are you thinking?
    The McC 3 - DH, (38) Me, (34) and DS (3)
    A.J.M. - Born 6/11/13 after 17 BFNs including 1 failed IUI.
    Maybe Baby #2 - Started TTC Feb 2015. Called it quits after 29 cycles. 
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