Hi everyone! I just found out I am pregnant with #2 this past Friday. It is very much so a shock and I've been anxious about it since. My son was born at 25.6 after I experience a placental abruption. I had gone to the PET (maternity ER) at our hospital twice before returning a 3rd day that week already at 4cm dilated. I was already considered a high risk pregnancy because I have Factor V Leiden (blood clotting disorder) and need to be on daily Lovenox injections. The NICU experience was very hard for me and I spent most of my son's first year anxious, sad, terrified. He's a beautiful 1.5 year old with no lingering health issues as a result of his early arrival. Just wanted to know if there were other moms who had successful pregnancies after a preemie.

me: 33, Factor V Leiden, MTHFR + hubs: 37
BFP #1: 9/25/14 -- EDD: 6/4/15
Jesse, our baby boy: 2/25/15 @ 25.6 weeks, 2lbs 2oz & 13.5 inches. spent 66 days in the NICU.

BFP #2: 7/29/16 -- EDD: 3/30/17

baby #2 on the way.

Re: successful pregnancy after premature birth
**** Formerly Snoflakes4eva****