2nd Trimester

Any guesses- sex of your baby?

We don't find out the sex of the baby until the end of the month- which I can't wait for-  and I keep thinking it's going to be a girl...Anybody else have a "feeling", too?  Has anyone had a feeling- and found out they were right? 

Re: Any guesses- sex of your baby?

  • I kept thinking it was a boy, but wasn't sure if I thought that because that's what I wanted, but I turned out to be right. Also, just before I woke up the morning of the big u/s I dreamt that I was getting the u/s and the tech said "it's a boy".
  • I was convinced I was having a girl.  My gut feeling along with old wives' tales and Chinese gender charts all said girl.  I was wrong.  He's definitely a boy!
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  • I had a super strong girl intuition from before I got my BFP until right before my big u/s when I started second guessing myself. Turns out my intuition was right all along :)
  • I have felt from day one that it was going to be a boy, but lately I haven't felt like it was or the other...I did have my first dream last night though about this:

    I dreamed that I had this piece of glass you held up to your stomach that let you look inside (in color btw)...and at one point my baby did a little flip and I saw the goods, it was a boy! lol  Weird.  I'll find out in exactly one week.  Eeeek! :)

  • I think (and hope) it's a girl. I've had a few dreams but the gender wasn't involved in any of them. I have a long wait!
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  • I was guessing and hoping for a girl..but it's a boy for sure! :-)
  • I had a feeling since the beginning that it was a boy. DH thought it was a girl, and once we started looking at girl names my gut started leaning towards a girl. The closer we came to the big u/s the less certain I was of either one, but in the end, we have a boy! So I still get to say I was right :-)
  • I'm thinking it's a boy. But the only reason for that is that I have not been sick at all. This pregnancy has been easy breezy, dare I say. And the old wives tale is that that's associated with having a boy.
  • I have a fealing its going to be a boy . Tomorow we can find out for sure . Cant wait !!!!

  • just got back from my apt and i was convinced it was a girl and was right!!!good luck!!!
  • EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We just found out last night!  IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!

    the first few months i was really wanting a girl but for the past
    month or so i have been having a really strong feeling that is was a boy and strangely enough all the people around were all thinking the same.  My mom had a dream it was a boy and when my brother saw my face he was like "yeah you're totally having a boy"

    I absolutely didn't care either way but I can't wait to watch my hubtar fall in love!!!!!

     The lady even gave us a secret sneak peek in 3D of his face and i almost died of happiness, it was so amazing to see the face.  IT HAD MY NOSE!!!  and it's little fists were up by its face like his squealing mama :)

    GOOD LUCK!  wishing you all the happiness in the world!

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  • My U/S is on the 26th and I can hardly wait. I feel like I am having a girl! :)
  • with my first i was convinced i was having a girl even after an ultrasound revealed it was most likley a boy, i even brought a dress to the hospital just in case, it was still a boy though, i didnt realize until the moment i saw him that it didnt matter if he was a boy or girl, he was beautiful and healthy and i guess thats all i ever wanted all along...

  • We were convinced it was a girl, but it wasn't. Back to the drawing board for names!
  • I thought from the beginning that this baby is going to be a boy.. but up until this week, I'm not so sure anymore. I've had a super easy pregnancy - no sickness or anything, but my hair and nails are not growing..I dont know what everyone is talking about in that department! (i am talking a prenatal vitamin) Anyways, I want to find out the sex sorta.. but not enough to ruin the surprise. I've always wanted the "It's a ___" moment and it'll be one more thing to keep me "going" ...hopefully! ;-) So excited!!

    Plus, not knowing will help me from buying every cute little thing that I see!!

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  • For some reason in the very beginning I was convinced I was having a girl (no reason just a feeling). But now that I'm further along and I cannot stop eating what I call "man food" I think its a boy.  All I want is cheeze, burgers, fried chicken, pizza, ice cream haha.  I'm making the effort to eat healthier but now I'm convinced its a boy.  I think we'll be able to find out if February, and you know I'll be on here announcing it to the bump world.
  • Everyone I know says that we are having a girl. I have the girl feeling too....I'll be so surprised if it's a boy. Either way I'm super happy.
  • I have a feeling its a boy as does everyone else it seems but we will have to wait and see until 2/11 its going to be a long month
  • So, it looks like I was right!  We're having a girl!!!  Looks like my mother's intuition was right on!
  • The whole time I felt I was going to have a boy, I don't know what it was, just a feeling.  Before the ultrasound my DH asked me if I still thought it was going to be a boy, and I said I know it is a boy (I secretly wanted a girl at the time, not anymore).  I'm a naturaly emotional person, not crazy or anything, but I can cry at sappy movies and stuff... but since preg I haven't cried once.  Made me think even more that it's a boy!  My feelings were rite.  We are having a boy.

  • The night we conceived, I told DH, "I think you just got me pregnant. And it's a boy." Then when I found out I actually was pregnant, I thought "Damn, I'm good!" And, sure enough... it's a boy!
  • I am thinking boy because I have a daughter and she was not nearly as cruel to me as this one has been!
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