Babies on the Brain

Officially off the pill! Oh, and I'm new.

Hey all, 

I'm new here. My husband and I will have been together for 7 years and married 2 years this November and we have decided to start TTC! I've been on the pill since 2010, and took my last pill this morning. Here's hoping for a smooth transition and a positive within the next few months! 

How long did it take those of you on the pill to get a positive? 

Re: Officially off the pill! Oh, and I'm new.

  • Welcome! A lot of people in Babies on the Brain are waiting to TTC #1, myself included, so I can't answer your question from personal experience. I am also on the pill and first started hormonal birth control in 2005. I have been on with no breaks since 2009, and have 2 packs left (wahoo!)

    Some women may have difficulty regulating after birth control, but most research studies find that after a year of TTC rates of pregnancy are identical between those who used HBC prior to TTC and those who utilized non hormonal birth control. Fertility is different for everyone but the average chance of getting pregnant is about 20%-25% each month you have sex within your fertile window. 

    The Bump has an article addressing this where they cite a research study from a medical journal with the following results after following 346 women while they tried to conceive:

    38 percent were pregnant after 1 month.
    68 percent were pregnant after 3 months.
    81 percent were pregnant after 6 months.
    92 percent were pregnant after 12 months.

    several studies have similar results with the conclusion that most women conceive within 6 cycles of well timed intercourse, but consulting a physician regarding fertility is not recommended until after a year of trying (unless you are 35 or older). 

    I can't wait to be off the pill! Congratulations on taking this next step :) Temping and charting are highly recommended by the women on these boards, and they can help you to discover how your body is regulating and when you ovulate. Good luck! 
    Me (28) & DH (35)
    Met 4/2010+Married 8/2014 
    TTC #1 August 2016BFP 10/2016= DD Born 6.23.17
    NTNP April 2018. BFP 5/2018 EDD 1.29.19 *Team Green*

  • It took 3 years. GL. 
    background of: TTC, infertiltiy
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  • I've heard everything from the month after, to having a really wonky cycle for months after getting off... I think it really depends on your body. Good luck!!
  • My OBGYN said that your chances of getting pregnant are actually the highest the first month you're off the pill, so maybe turn up the heat this month! :) 

    I stopped the pill in Sept 2013 and got pregnant in Feb 2015. 

    Good Luck!
  • I used nuva ring and it took 4 months. Good luck!
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