June 2016 Moms

Spotting @36w5d FTM

Let me preface this with it's too early to call my doctor's office, but I will when they open. 
I just went to the bathroom and had a bowel movement. I wiped and had some blood. Light spotting.  Thought for a moment it was from my rectum but it is not. My last doc appointment was Wednesday and I was 1cm & 40%.
My husband is gone on business til this Friday but can hop on a plane anytime need be. 
My question is, can this be the start of labor as in today or could this take some time?
just trying to gauge the situation. 
Also, baby is active & my due date is June 15 & I'm 40.
thanks for your input while I wait for doc office to open. 

Re: Spotting @36w5d FTM

  • Thank you!!:)
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  • I think bleeding always warrants a call. Good luck and let us know 
  • Thanks Ladies! Def FTM jitters!!  I only had the one spotting so far today. No cramps, nothing.  I guess I just freaked myself out! I see my doc on Wednesday, so barring any changes I will wait til then to go in. 
  • DSTtots4lyfeDSTtots4lyfe member
    edited May 2016
    Did you call? If you haven't, please do, while it could be nothing, it could also be something (like placental abruption). It's very important to tell your doctor about these things, far more so than telling internet strangers. I don't think any responses suggested waiting several days to your next apt....
  • If it was just that little bit and you feel fine, I'm sure everything's ok. If you're carrying low, your cervix might have been scraped when you wiped, or at another time, causing mild bleeding. That tends to be red, fresh blood. There's also a chance it could be bloody show, if it was brownish-pink in color and mixed with clear-ish gooey discharge. Anyone can lose their plug at any time, and it doesn't necessarily mean labor is coming soon. Hang in there until Wednesday! If you are in any pain/discomfort, or you start leaking, go to labor and delivery and they'll check you out.
    Me: 32, DH: 35
    Married to DH: 11-13-10
    DS #1: EDD: 9/25/12, Born 10-9-12
    DS #2: EDD: 6-19-16, Born 6-14-16
  • If it was just that little bit and you feel fine, I'm sure everything's ok. If you're carrying low, your cervix might have been scraped when you wiped, or at another time, causing mild bleeding. That tends to be red, fresh blood. There's also a chance it could be bloody show, if it was brownish-pink in color and mixed with clear-ish gooey discharge. Anyone can lose their plug at any time, and it doesn't necessarily mean labor is coming soon. Hang in there until Wednesday! If you are in any pain/discomfort, or you start leaking, go to labor and delivery and they'll check you out.
    Yeah.... unless you're her OB, are you really comfortable saying that based on the limited information provided? As in, I'm 100% positive you are at no risk of negative outcome "sure"?

    You get that placental abruption can present the same way with the same small and one-time amount of blood depending on how it's situated? Is it a small risk? Certainly (1 in 100). Is it something the individual's particular care provider should determine? 100%. Just saying. 
  • goldie987goldie987 member
    edited May 2016
    I would still give your doctor a call tonight.  If they're closed they should have an on call doctor to take your questions at any time, I know mine does and they emphasize that if I have anything concerning like bleeding regardless of the hour, I should call.  If it is something to worry about, waiting another 48 hours could be really bad.  

    Eta - the VERY first thing the nurse and doctor ask me at every appointment is if I have had any spotting or cramping because it isn't something to mess with.  That's when they remind me to call if I experience either. 
  • crdocrdo member
    Seriously OP, please call your doctor. @DSTtots4lyfe is absolutely right.
  • If it was just that little bit and you feel fine, I'm sure everything's ok. If you're carrying low, your cervix might have been scraped when you wiped, or at another time, causing mild bleeding. That tends to be red, fresh blood. There's also a chance it could be bloody show, if it was brownish-pink in color and mixed with clear-ish gooey discharge. Anyone can lose their plug at any time, and it doesn't necessarily mean labor is coming soon. Hang in there until Wednesday! If you are in any pain/discomfort, or you start leaking, go to labor and delivery and they'll check you out.
    I'm confused on how this would even happen, given that your cervix is at least two inches above the opening to the vagina. 

    Regardless, ALWAYS call about bleeding, even if the office isn't open. They should have an answering service and someone on call to respond to any off-hours questions. 
  • I had a bit of bright red bleeding with small blood clots 24-48 hours after my first cervical check at 35w. I called and my ob sent me to l&d. luckily, the bleeding stopped and all was fine, I was only dilated to 1cm. 
    I've had weekly cervical checks since (I will be 39w friday) and always bleed a bit.
    I would call your ob just to make sure.

  • Please call your OB. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • lm45678lm45678 member
    If it was just that little bit and you feel fine, I'm sure everything's ok. If you're carrying low, your cervix might have been scraped when you wiped, or at another time, causing mild bleeding. That tends to be red, fresh blood. There's also a chance it could be bloody show, if it was brownish-pink in color and mixed with clear-ish gooey discharge. Anyone can lose their plug at any time, and it doesn't necessarily mean labor is coming soon. Hang in there until Wednesday! If you are in any pain/discomfort, or you start leaking, go to labor and delivery and they'll check you out.
    I'm confused on how this would even happen, given that your cervix is at least two inches above the opening to the vagina. 

    Regardless, ALWAYS call about bleeding, even if the office isn't open. They should have an answering service and someone on call to respond to any off-hours questions. 
    Very confused about how this is anatomically possible.

    OP, hopefully it's nothing but bleeding is always worth the call to the doc. 

    Keep us posted!
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • I had a bit of bright red bleeding with small blood clots 24-48 hours after my first cervical check at 35w. I called and my ob sent me to l&d. luckily, the bleeding stopped and all was fine, I was only dilated to 1cm. 
    I've had weekly cervical checks since (I will be 39w friday) and always bleed a bit.
    I would call your ob just to make sure.

    So what you're saying is, you had a legitimate known cause that was highly likely to be the culprit and your medical professional still sent you to L&D?

    Hmm OP, I'd say that's very, very interesting.... Or you could take the advice of someone who doesn't know where the cervix is. 
    I was having contractions as well. my first pregnancy, I never bled after a cervical check so it def. freaked me out when I did with this one.
    Hopefully OP called her doctor.
  • Well Ladies, you can all congratulate me on my first ever hemorrhoid!  Yay Me.  
    Thanks for all the advice!:)
  • SMLmomSMLmom member
    Oh!  Well thanks for the update.  I'm unfortunately not so unfamiliar with hemorrhoids.  Anusol works wonders. Good luck
  • lm45678lm45678 member
    Glad it was nothing serious!!
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • I have read so many posts on them you would think it would of clicked for me....but nope!  This week has been lots of swelling, my first hemorrhoid and now I have a full blown cold. Good grief!!:)
  • meggymemeggyme member
    Well, at least it wasn't your cervix falling out...
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • If it was just that little bit and you feel fine, I'm sure everything's ok. If you're carrying low, your cervix might have been scraped when you wiped, or at another time, causing mild bleeding. That tends to be red, fresh blood. There's also a chance it could be bloody show, if it was brownish-pink in color and mixed with clear-ish gooey discharge. Anyone can lose their plug at any time, and it doesn't necessarily mean labor is coming soon. Hang in there until Wednesday! If you are in any pain/discomfort, or you start leaking, go to labor and delivery and they'll check you out.
    I'm confused on how this would even happen, given that your cervix is at least two inches above the opening to the vagina. 

    Regardless, ALWAYS call about bleeding, even if the office isn't open. They should have an answering service and someone on call to respond to any off-hours questions. 
    It's called a mild protrusion of the womb, or cervix. I have it. My baby is so low, it makes my cervix protrude to just inside the opening.
    Me: 32, DH: 35
    Married to DH: 11-13-10
    DS #1: EDD: 9/25/12, Born 10-9-12
    DS #2: EDD: 6-19-16, Born 6-14-16
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