My DS was born 34+5 weeks (due to PROM) and spent about 2 weeks in the NICU. My DH and I would like to expand our family eventually but I'm a bit scared we'll have another premie. My midwife said next time around I'd see a maternal fetal medicine specialist and get progesterone shots, but curious if anyone has successfully had a full term baby after having a premie or if your second was a premie as well.
Re: Pregnancy after premie
Formerly ChoicesMom
"Squishy" 2007
"Lyric" EDD Nov/4/11 - c/p Feb/11
"Fishy" 2012
"Bean" 2014
"Lux" EDD Apr/21/17 - c/p Aug/16
"Kokonah" EDD May/24/17 - m/c Oct/16
1 surprise - 1 Noonie - 1 preemie - 3 gone but not forgotten - One more on the way!!
Grab bag of mental health disorders