July 2016 Moms

Twatwaffle Tuesday


Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday

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  • My feet - going to retire my favorite pair of flats soon and start wearing some open sandals to work.
    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
  • My stretch marks have started turning red. Poop.
    The artist formerly known as Butters.
      Pregnancy Ticker
    July BMB June Signature

  • Jodi1980Jodi1980 member
    edited May 2016
    MIL didn't mention she's not been too well and now in the hospital with Colitis! She was having pain after eating for months and wasn't saying anything! She JUST has surgery on Friday on her right foot. Love getting those phone calls on the way to work!

    Edited: Update: DH and FIL can't go visit her in the hospital because she is also contagious with something and we have yet to find out what she has. Icing on the cake considering we just visited her for Mother's Day! REALLY?! 
    whitehall, pa
    every adventure requires a first step- C.C.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My stretch marks have started turning red. Poop.
    Me too. :( 
  • My stretch marks have started turning red. Poop.
    Mine have been red since they first appeared and just keep creeping up further and further. DH calls me tiger lady. Oh well.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
  • @Kellyj103 - GURLLLLLLLL....was JUST talking about this with SIL, DH and MIL....everyone wants to be in your business when happy times are upon you! It's hilarious to me!
    whitehall, pa
    every adventure requires a first step- C.C.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My TW #1 is the appraiser of our condo. He appraised our condo last Tuesday and our realtor stressed the importance of handing in the appraisal report before Friday, so that we could close this Thursday.  The TW didn't hand in the report until Monday afternoon, further delaying an extremely delayed process. Now we are hoping the bank pulls through so we can close Friday, if not it is going to be at least another week!

    My TW #2 is the developer of our condo. We were supposed to close at the end of January! We even changed our loan type so that we could close sooner, not that the project has been riddled with delays, none cause by my husband and I, we are going to have to pay a loan lock fee because we are not going to close on time and a fee for not using our IRA funds within 120 days.  Our realtor told the developer that he is going to have to pay the fees, since the project has been extremely delayed and us the buyers just want to buy this place and move in considering we are now living out of boxes and in temporary housing.  The TW developer said that we didn't use his preferred lender, therefore its our fault and we are going to have to pay the fees! Are you F%ckin' kidding me dude, my husband and I signed a contract in November before we even knew we were expecting, now I am almost 31 weeks, c'mon bro realize you are in the wrong here!

    Sorry, I feel like all I do is complain about moving and not being able to move into my home, but I want some security as to when I am moving in and closing, so I can relax and somewhat enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy stress-free. 
  • @Kellyj103 I have pointedly reduced my FB usage just because of the weirdos coming out the woodwork. If you didn't care when I got married, ran my first race, adopted my dog, moved to CO or any of my other major news, you don't get to know what's going on with my pregnancy either.
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
  • My mom texts me like every other day suggesting baby names when she knows we have already decided on a name. Why not just come straight out and say you don't like the name? Not that it matters what she likes lol 
  • Racso12Racso12 member
    @soberkfell that is disgusting. He had to have been pretty drunk to shit himself. I'm gagging just thinking about it. 
  • @PinkLady2015 Yes!  I'm not as swollen this time as I was with my first, but I've still gotten comments of "are you sure there's not two in there?"... the latest offender was my own grandmother!  If they can't say something nice (perhaps commenting on how glowing the pregnant lady is... or how she looks amazing..), they don't need to say anything at all!

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


  • Today is a TW.

    We had Car Max appraise a car we want to sale. They are literally offering less than 50% of Kelly Blue Book, due to 'bent frame'..umm, no, there is not a bend frame on the car. We asked them to point  it.
    Dh works in automotive and literally argued with them what is or is not a frame. And then we took it to another Master Tech that we know and they agreed, that is not a frame nor is it really bent. He took a hammer to it and now it is perfectly straight.

    But offer still stands. Now we are going to try to private sell it.
  • @BecauseBabyIamAPug We had a similar experience trying to sell to CarMax earlier this year. We seriously laughed at their offer. The poor sales lady was all, "There just isn't a market for large SUV's." REALLY?!? I find that hard to believe. We sold our car private party in less than 24hrs, for double what they were going to give us. 
  • My doctor's scale is a TW today. I did pretty good with my eating this week and gained 6 lbs in 2 weeks :(  Part of that is due to my appointment being way later than usual and I had a big brunch with my mom. But still...stupid TW scale :(
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • @elenabrent - I know the feeling.  Our culprit ended up being a couple of rather large (and obviously well-fed) raccoons that were actually digging under our pen and getting a chicken or two a night.  At one time, I had about 26 chickens... by the time we caught the raccoons, I was down to 5 hens and 2 roosters.

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


  • toddler bedwetting regression is the TW today. My 3 year old has been fully potty trained for months and she's peed the bed like 6 times in the last 2 weeks. She is VERY independent and I think we're going to have a hard/impossible time getting her back in Pull-Ups after not wearing them for so long. Ugh.
  • My body for not cooperating with my plans for this afternoon. I was lazy after work yesterday so the house is a mess today and I had so many chores on my list for when I got home from work that I am actually motivated to do today....but my ankles and feet are swollen, I can't stand for more than a minute without getting lightheaded and weak feeling, and heartburn is majorly flaring up right now. So I'm on the couch. Hopefully putting my feet up for awhile will help and I can at least do one or two things that I need to do!
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
  • My car was the TW today. I tried to get out of it after arriving at work and the interior door handle broke. I then had to crawl across to the passenger side to get out, which took a lot of work considering the fact that I'm slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter when walking. I'm sure my co-workers had a good laugh. It's getting fixed tomorrow and still covered by the warranty, so it could be worse. It's still very annoying though.
  • @sami1784 we've had a few raccoon attacks, so I looked for the normal signs and didn't see anything. My best guess is she flew out of the run yesterday without anyone noticing and went on a grand adventure in the woods. Which surely ended with her being eaten. 

  • @TiffRox81

    I am so glad my mom is against social media.
  • Was going to post this in randoms, but it's kind of a TW rant. 

    I'm about to go all Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino on my neighbors. We live on a gravel dead end that is maybe 100 yards off the main road and the ONLY other place past us is my neighbors' horse boarding facility. I don't mind the traffic or the noise, I have my own horses, but I swear to little baby Jesus the next person that comes screaming past my house doing 40mph is either going to get a rock through the window or a shiny new asshole courtesy of this grumpy 8-month-pregnant lady. I'm ready to set up my lawn chair in the front yard. I have dogs, chickens, goats, and horses not to mention CHILDREN. While we do our best to contain the livestock and supervise the dogs/children, they are all unpredictable and there is NO reason your impatient ass needs to go that fast. It's irresponsible, discourteous, and it stirs up a terrible dust cloud. I don't care if you own the place or pay big money to keep your animal there, you do NOT own the road. 

    I am am currently debating contacting the manager and doing the mannerly, politically correct thing to express our discontent. Either that or letting DH do it... Hes a little too harsh sometimes but we don't give a flying duck about maintaining a neighborly relationship anymore (for other reasons). If they don't remedy the situation, I will flag down every car I see moving faster than a crawl and I won't be polite about it. 
  • My mother. She's very controlling. I've had 2 miscarriages before. The first one I took about 6 pregnancy tests before I even missed a period because she was stressing me out so much about giving her a grandchild. They all came out positive, so my doctor counts that as one. Second one, she wanted to tell everyone because she couldn't wait, and she started planning a baby shower before I was even out of the first trimester. This time I never told her I was pregnant. She wasn't too happy when she found out through a family member from Facebook after 12 weeks. Since then she's backed off, but she keeps saying these horrible things behind my back, and she's the only person who has a problem with the name my husband and I picked for our daughter. I suspect she has a name picked out because she really really really wanted me to have a girl. I don't think she likes the people my sister and I have become, so she wants another shot with my daughter. I don't plan to ever bring my daughter anywhere near her.
  • Ugh, I am sorry @Whovian_4

    She sounds like a real peach.
  • DarkCatDarkCat member
    I'm the TW today. After saying for the last two weeks that the baby is head down because: feeling lower left hiccups, feeling jabs in my bladder, feeling a dome shape in my left rib, and feeling kicks in my right rib, I was proven right by my ultrasound today. Take that everyone who said I had no idea because "I'm a FTM", "it's too early for the baby to be head down", etc.
    Weird.... My kiddo has been head down since 20 weeks. I've had ultrasounds at 20, 24, 26 and 28 weeks to confirm that she stays head down. 
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