I was wondering if any of you ladies have gone to see one? I have an appointment May 6th and I'm curious about it.
I'm personally adopted so all of this is interesting to me, I already did the Counsyl test and everything was negative. We had a miscarriage in Nov (blighted Ovum) and our second miscarriage in March (Tripoidy xxy). Even though from what I've gathered in researching the Tripoidy XXY is not hereditary we are still being referred.
Any other women gone through this?
Re: Genetic counselor
Me:28 DH:31
Diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve March 2015
IUI # 1 May 2015 - BFN
December 2015 - Natural BFP - Our Angel baby Mila Grace went to heaven @ 21 weeks on 4/21/16 (D&E) due to Triploidy
Currently waiting to start TTAL
@Cubslove12 sorry nothing to add to your question, but hope the appointment goes well.
/loss mentioned/
TTC#1 July 2014
dx: MFI (morphology)
IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w
d&c, followed by cytotec
TTCAL April 2016
IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
Obvioisly everyones situation is on is different but I was kind of disappointed in my appointment. We still haven't decided if we want to do the testing or just keep trying and hope that we get to have a take home baby some day.
I went to a genetic counselor right around my 10 week of pregnancy...she explained a slew of tests and screenings that they could do and based on my age & family history a chance of any issues. At that appointment I had the panorama test done (I'm 41 so insurance covers it)...got the call a little over a week later that everything looked great and we were feeling good that we were nearing the end of our first trimester.
Fast forward to this past Monday when I went in for my 12 week ultrasound...I went in thinking we had nothing to worry about (we found out we were having a girl) and so I thought it would just be routine. During the ultrasound, it looked like the baby wasn't cooperating during the ultrasound because I could not see the nice outline of a baby (like we saw with my two children). But I still wasn't concerned. The dr saw us and said she was concerned about what they saw and then that same day they sent me to a high risk dr for another round of ultrasounds.
Long story short, the baby had severe abnormalities - her skull hadn't developed (possibly at all) & their appeared to be organs outside her body, fetal swelling, and probably other issues...but we still see a heartbeat. On Tuesday I went to that doctor again for a CVS and more ultrasounds but I met with the genetic counselor beforehand. She told me she may never have an answer for me on what the issue is or what caused this but it didn't hurt to try. She also helped me feel comfortable in knowing she's been doing genetic counseling for 20+ years and that having a D&C at this point is not a question of ethics (which is what I had in the back of my mind because of her heartbeat)...but she stressed that the issues my baby have will not at this point correct themselves and that this pregnancy will miscarry on it's own but we don't know when (and at that point because of the fetal swelling it could pose a danger to my health).
And in my first round of testing from the panorama she found out that I'm a carrier for a genetic mutation (an autoimmune disease) but not one that causes my current issues)...needless to say it's good information to pass on to my children one day. She also had my husband tested to see if he's a carrier and we should get his results back in two weeks.
I think seeing a genetic counselor has been reassurring that any issues your baby has is not your fault and can really help put things in perspective. I'm assuming most have seen a number of issues or have studied extensively so just hearing other stories of women that they might share helps too. Even yesterday I called her with a couple questions I still had and she took the time to really listen to my concerns. I've only had positive experiences.
ds born 10/12 via IVF
surprise BFP 3/14 MMC 5/14
surprise BFP 2/25/16 - EDD 11/1/16
ttc July 2015 ~ bfp Nov 2015 (cp)
bfp Dec 2015 ~ (tfmr 17wk, March 2016, genetic disease)
ttcal May 2016