
Hypnotherapy during IVF

Hello All,

I have been reading the posts for a few months now but am not a regular in the chats.  Last month we did our first round of IVF after many failed IUI's and years of trying.  Our first round did not work and have narrowed down it is an egg quality issue.  We are going to be trying IVF round #2 at the end of the month.  I have been going to acupuncture for about a year, plus taking herbs.  I went religiously during my IVF cycle as well.  I was doing more research and stumbled upon a few articles about women who have done hypnotherapy during IVF and how it has increases their odds.  Everyone is different and has different reasons on why they cannot become pregnant, why different treatments did not work, etc.  I am wondering if anyone had tried hypnotherapy?  Basically it comes down to being used for relaxation and imagery strategies.  Sound mind and body.  There may be some underlying emotions and feelings or things that could hinder one from falling pregnant after IVF.  Just curious to see if anyone had tried it!     

Re: Hypnotherapy during IVF

  • I have not but I totally would!! Sorry about your first failed IVF. Fx that the second one is a success.

    ***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***

    me 38 DH 39.  
    TTC#1 since July 2014
    AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
    Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
    2 Natural IVF cycles, 3 full IVF cycles, 4 transfers, 1 BFP - heard heartbeat at 6w5d
    Diagnosed MMC at 9w1d on 11/30/15
    Headed back home to Colorado 12/12/15

    DE attempt in Czech Republic!! 

    March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis. :sob:
    Headed to Prague April 30
    3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
    2 embryo's transferred (from 2 different donors) on 5/10/16
    BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
    Beta 1 = 81 at 8dp5dt, Beta 2 = 295 at 10dp5dt, Beta 3 = 891 at 12dt5dt. Beta 4 = 2114 at 14dp5dt, Beta 5 = 4916 at 16dp5dt, Beta 6 = 13252 at 19dp5dt
    Heartbeat at 6w5d 133BPM <3
    We are having a GIRL!!! Due Jan 26, 2017

    BabyFruit Ticker

    My blog:

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Hello! I haven't tried this too but this sounds really attractive. Even for improving your emotional state - why not?
    So I did a little bit of research and found out that "Hypnotherapy is a valuable tool for managing the stresses of an IVF cycle and helping you to ‘let go’. When couples are going through IVF treatment, they can become removed from the mind-body connection that we believe is fundamental to fertility. Tests and investigations focus on the ‘mechanics’, such as hormones, tubes and sperm count, yet a high percentage of couples having IVF have no identifiable physical problem, falling into the ‘unexplained’ group." Also "Whilst the applications of hypnosis are extensive and varied, there are four main ways in which we can use hypnosis to help people going through IVF. Firstly, clients can be taught how to achieve a deep state of relaxation using hypnosis which will help to significantly reduce levels of stress. Secondly, hypnosis can be used to ensure that they have access to the skills and inner resources needed to cope better and handle an unsuccessful outcome more easily. Thirdly, hypnosis can be used to help people prepare mentally, emotionally and physically for IVF. This preparation can range from positive lifestyle changes, changing limiting beliefs to eliminating a needle phobia. And lastly, hypnosis can help to increase the chances of a successful outcome." Anyway I think this might be a great benefit for couples to get rest and balance after years struggling. Unfortunately we didn't consider it earlier when were undergoing de ivf (Biotexcom, Ukraine). I think we will next time.
    PS. Sorry for you failed round. I also had them 2. :'( But I absolutely like your positive outlook and the way you're looking for such options. Wish you all the best of luck with cycle#2 <3
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  • I had looked into it but didn't have the $$$ I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'd try anything...
    Started TTC April 2011
    Me: 32, DH: 32
    Diagnosis: Endometriosis

    • 2012 - 3 Rounds clomid - all BFN
    • 2013 - 1 Fresh IVF with 2 day 3 embryos - BFN
    • 2014 - 1 Frozen IVF with 2 day 5 embryos - BFN
    • Took a long break, continuing trying naturally
    • Feb 2016 - Biopsy = Endo, DH sperm improved from 1% to 6% morphology
    • March 2016 - Fresh IVF cycle with acupuncture & intralipids: 20 eggs retrieved (17 mature), 7 ICSI'd fertilized, 9 naturally fertilized. 16 total embryos!
    • April 8th - 2 embryos (1ICSI and 1 Natural) transferred. (7 blastocysts frozen), April 18th - Beta = BFN
    • Sept 23rd - Lupron Depot Injection for Endo control
    • Nov 15th 2016 - Started daily Lupron Injections for upcoming FET
    • Nov 22 - Baseline US/BW - Intralipid Infusion - Start Meds for FET with immune protocol
    • Dec 16th FET transfer of 3 embryos (1 - AA, 2 - BB)
    • TW below
    • Dec 22nd - first ever bfp (very faint lines FRER & cheapie)
    • Dec 27th Beta = 192, Dec 29th Beta = 379
    • EDD - Sept 5th 2017

    - - -
    I'm a YouTube vlogger who talks about Infertility, IVF and Endometriosis. Check it out here!
    Follow along at
    Instagram @liv4todayvlog 

  • Thank you Angelic789 for the additional information and research.  I guess it just depends on everyone's individual situation.  I feel with mine be an egg quality issue, we are looking at what to do to improve that.  Hypnotherapy sounds like it is great for after egg retrieval and the 2WW, same concept as acupuncture.  It's like how do you know what to spend the extra $$$ on that will be the most benefit.  I guess trial and error!
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