I am new to the community and 17 weeks pregnant. I have a cruise booked for next week to the Caribbean. Has any Soon-to-be mom's traveled recently? Did you get blood tested after? Thanks!
The CDC is a level 2 which was updated in February from level 1 and is a precaution and the recommendations are bug spray (Deet). Have you traveled and did you do any blood work after? Thank you.
I think the bug spray recommendation is for if you are in those areas unwillingly. Not because you are selfish and putting your baby directly in harms way. If this was to a place Zika free or Zika mosquito free, you may be getting different responses.
The CDC is a level 2 which was updated in February from level 1 and is a precaution and the recommendations are bug spray (Deet). Have you traveled and did you do any blood work after? Thank you.
I am new to the community and 17 weeks pregnant. I have a cruise booked for next week to the Caribbean. Has any Soon-to-be mom's traveled recently? Did you get blood tested after? Thanks!
I don't feel like you understand their recommendation clearly. They say not to travel, and if you HAVE to, there are precautions you can take. I can't think of any circumstances in which you would HAVE to take a cruise.
I know what you asked, and I doubt there are many people here to answer you, as most women here seem to support following the CDC recommendations.
My response is because I truly am concerned that you are not aware of the risks, as more information has been coming out recently and the risk appears to be higher even than previously thought.
The CDC recommends to not travel to Zika areas unless you need to. A number of people on my BMB cancelled babymoons to the Caribbean due to the zika threat and that was before more recent data came out confirming a link between it and birth defects (at the point of cancellation, it was all still speculative).
Talk to your doctor and follow their recommendations. At the very least, they should be in the loop that you're planning to travel to the Caribbean and they can let you know if you need to get a blood test upon returning if you do go.
After reading this, yeah no, when people who science say it is scary. It is damn scary.
This is what I said in another thread directly on the first page of this board. My answer is still the same so I recommend you click this link and watch the video.
I honestly don't know why you would put you and your baby at risk. And what if you had your blood tested after your trip? What would you do if you had a positive? It'll be too late then. Why not prevent now when you can?
Also, just because someone might have travelled and ended up okay with their blood test. It has no bearing on what will happen to YOU.
Could you live with yourself if your child gets microcephaly just because you wanted to go on a cruise? Because this is a legitimate thing to think about.
leaving aside all of the Zika questions...are you showing? because it was my understanding that while you CAN technically book a cruise at 17 weeks, it is at the cruise line's discretion as to whether they will let you on the boat or not. I have heard stories of pregnant mothers showing up for booked cruises and being turned away. it is a MAJOR LIABILITY for someone to go into early labor on a cruise ship, nowhere sear a port, so they like to avoid that. it's not like it would be on an airplane that could easily and quickly reroute to another airport in the event of an emergency.
Now to Zika...there's no way on earth I'd be selfish enough to do this. And it's not just you - my biggest fear is that DH would get Zika. because based on preliminary research, Zika virus can survive in sperm for several months, otherwise undetected in the body/blood, and it can get sexually transmitted to you at any time during those months. So if you're going to go and cover yourself in bug spray and assume it's cool...I would do some more research on the subject first. we were invited to a wedding in Jamaica in December...I am not currently pregnant, but DH and I are not going, even though I may not even be pregnant at the time. not worth the risk.
@delujm0 most cruise lines have the policy that they will let you sail until 24 weeks because a fetus is not likely to be viable prior to then no matter what kind of care you provide. You are usually required to bring a doctors note confirming your due date as well as that you are healthy to travel. I have seen firsthand (on another message board) women bragging about abusing the system and having their doctors lie in order to still be able to go on the trip despite being 26 weeks along. What you've heard is likely the cruise line assuming people are lying about their gestation and refusing to let them on which, based on the flagrant disregard I saw on the other board, I don't blame them for.
I work in sport and I've been committed to work the Olympics in Rio in August for the last two years or so. I'm also over 35 and got pregnant with our first after several months of trouble ttc. I'll be 22 weeks or so in late July... Cancelled that trip last week. We'll make it work at my company. It is NOT worth the risk. Check your cruise's cancellation policy ASAP. I guarantee that have a refund for pregnant women.
I have taken three trips and was just fine, I went on a cruise. It's not recommended but we had already booked trips and our doctor said it would be extremely rare. We did not eat or drink at any of the ports.
I have taken three trips and was just fine, I went on a cruise. It's not recommended but we had already booked trips and our doctor said it would be extremely rare. We did not eat or drink at any of the ports.
Zika isn't food or water bourne...it's transmitted via mosqitoes so not eating/drinking at a port won't save you from anything but Montezuma's revenge and hep A. You can easily be bitten by a mosqito and contract Zika if you are in a place where the mosqitoes are known reservoirs. Not worth the risk.
i had a blast on my trips and the not eating and drinking on port wasn't my idea, it was the advise of my physician and OB doctor. I could die at anytime, I'm not one to live my life in fear. I'm headed to the Middle East for work next week. My chances of dying in a car wreck is greater, but I'm not going to avoid cars. That's just my friendly views, but everyone is different. My physicians don't seemed concerned with the panic the media produces.
i had a blast on my trips and the not eating and drinking on port wasn't my idea, it was the advise of my physician and OB doctor. I could die at anytime, I'm not one to live my life in fear. I'm headed to the Middle East for work next week. My chances of dying in a car wreck is greater, but I'm not going to avoid cars. That's just my friendly views, but everyone is different. My physicians don't seemed concerned with the panic the media produces.
Hope if your child gets microcephaly you can tell them "hey I only have one life to live so me having fun was more Important than your fetal development".
Your view isn't friendly it's putting your child at risk. I personally couldn't live with myself if I did something so self serving and then my child had to pay the consequences. For the record it's not "media panic". And claiming so is complete and total BS! The CDC does not put out travel restrictions lightly nor do countries highly recommend not becoming pregnant as "panic" it's due to true concern.
I have taken three trips and was just fine, I went on a cruise. It's not recommended but we had already booked trips and our doctor said it would be extremely rare. We did not eat or drink at any of the ports.
If I had a doctor that didn't recommend following the CDC recommendations, I would get a new doctor! Seriously, your doctor told you to not eat or drink to avoid a mosquito born illness? What kind of quack doctor are you going to?
i had a blast on my trips and the not eating and drinking on port wasn't my idea, it was the advise of my physician and OB doctor. I could die at anytime, I'm not one to live my life in fear. I'm headed to the Middle East for work next week. My chances of dying in a car wreck is greater, but I'm not going to avoid cars. That's just my friendly views, but everyone is different. My physicians don't seemed concerned with the panic the media produces.
OP, cancel your trip. Usually you can get a full-refund with a letter from a doctor. Putting your child's development in jeopardy really isn't worth the risk.
I'm sorry your upset with my views, I've tested negative and will continue following the advise of two qualified and educated physicians over some worried mums on the "bump" putting me down doesn't really solve anything does it? I'm offering my advise to someone who asked, not everyone has to agree do they dear?
I'm sorry your upset with my views, I've tested negative and will continue following the advise of two qualified and educated physicians over some worried mums on the "bump" putting me down doesn't really solve anything does it? I'm offering my advise to someone who asked, not everyone has to agree do they dear?
If making sure anyone who reads your "advise" realizes it's against the recommendation of the CDC is "putting you down" then I would say that yes, it does solve something.
I'm sorry your upset with my views, I've tested negative and will continue following the advise of two qualified and educated physicians over some worried mums on the "bump" putting me down doesn't really solve anything does it? I'm offering my advise to someone who asked, not everyone has to agree do they dear?
Lurking...but I just want to say:
*Advice *you're =/= your
Also yes, you could die next week of some accident or freak occurrence. But Zika isn't about you dying. In all likelihood you'll survive Zika. But if your baby has microcephaly it could die. But if that's worth it to you to "have a blast" well ok then.
And could you please stop acting like the CDC is the media? For goodness sake....
So very much this. And as someone who has gotten screwed up by the CDC making conservative recommendations the first time, they're also not trying to cause a panic.
OP, take some time and research microcephaly. (https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/birthdefects/microcephaly.html for example) Maybe even look at some pictures of actual babies who have microcephaly, and then think about what you're asking again. Trust me. Knowing that you have an even a slightly elevated risk is scary as hell, and definitely not worth a cruise, even if you don't get any money back.
Edit: typo
Me: 30 DH: 32 ~~ TTC #1: Sep 2015 ~~ BFP: Mar 2016 ~~ Daughter: Nov 2016 TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
i had a blast on my trips and the not eating and drinking on port wasn't my idea, it was the advise of my physician and OB doctor. I could die at anytime, I'm not one to live my life in fear. I'm headed to the Middle East for work next week. My chances of dying in a car wreck is greater, but I'm not going to avoid cars. That's just my friendly views, but everyone is different. My physicians don't seemed concerned with the panic the media produces.
I'm sorry your upset with my views, I've tested negative and will continue following the advise of two qualified and educated physicians over some worried mums on the "bump" putting me down doesn't really solve anything does it? I'm offering my advise to someone who asked, not everyone has to agree do they dear?
Putting your unborn child at risk because you refuse to follow the advice of the teams of physicians who consult on CDC recommendations is reckless. The advice of your physicians has likely changed since you were originally advised it was okay to travel to Zika affected areas. If it hasn't, you ought to ask yourself and your physicians why and seriously reevaluate your medical team.
I'm sorry your upset with my views, I've tested negative and will continue following the advise of two qualified and educated physicians over some worried mums on the "bump" putting me down doesn't really solve anything does it? I'm offering my advise to someone who asked, not everyone has to agree do they dear?
You understand this is transmitted by mosquitoes, right? So it doesn't matter if you test negative now. That just means you have not yet been bitten by an infected mosquito. Yay! But it doesn't mean you're immune for the future.
This isn't freaking out over eating some sushi. This is a serious concern and frankly I'm astounded anyone, let alone their alleged doctor, doesn't get the difference between a vector-borne and foodborne illness. Seriously, before you spout your opinions on the internet, educate yourself a little bit.
It's true it's rare, but it's devastating enough to pay attention to. I really feel for the women that live in these areas and don't have a choice as to whether thy can totally avoid exposure or not. Risking it for a freaking cruise? Nope.
LFAF/Nov 16 challenge: Bad TV moms that shouldn't be celebrated
BFP #1 10/30/15 MMC found 11/30/15 D&C 12/11/15 EDD 7/9/16
healing comes in waves, and maybe today the wave hits the rocks and that’s ok, that’s ok, darling. you are still healing, you are still healing- Ijeoma Umebinyuo, be gentle with yourself BFP #2 3/21 EDD 11/28/16
All it takes is one mosquito bite, and a totally healthy baby can develop this disease in utero, and have issues for a lifetime. There isn't anything you can do to guarantee you won't get bitten by an infected mosquito, other than avoiding the areas where those mosquitoes currently thrive. It's actually pretty simple to avoid getting Zika if you currently live in a Zike-free area, and to think that it's not worth it to do something so simple to potentially save your baby's life is astounding.
Just go on the cruise after your baby is born. Is that so hard? I mean I love to travel too, and I accepted the fact that having a baby probably meant I'd have to skip international trips for a few years while she was young, or leave her behind with her grandparents in order to go away. Being a parent is about making sacrifices. Like I don't WANT to spend my night washing and preparing bottles for daycare tomorrow, I would much rather hang out with DH and watch some TV, but you know, I'm a mom now, so I make sacrifices. THIS IS WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR. Sigh.
I went on a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean back in Feb and I was 13 weeks pregnant. Definite scare from the virus. But DH and I stayed on the ship (did not get off on the islands), we wore bug spray everyday, and I never saw one bug! We had support from our family and made time just having fun on the ship. We didn't do any excursions or got off the ship because we didn't want to enhance the risk. I don't regret going, and loved getting in one last vacation before having children (and baby is as healthy as can be). (and even my ob said to go for it). Now, just because everything turned out fine with mine, doesn't mean it will for everyone. If you feel comfortable going and want to, do it. Just take the necessary precautions.
Don't let people make you feel guilty for wanting to live your life. I risk mine and my babies life by driving everyday, does that mean I'll driving? Nope. And when that mosquito gets here with the virus, I will once again have to make precautions at my own home.
Don't let people make you feel guilty for wanting to live your life. I risk mine and my babies life by driving everyday, does that mean I'll driving? Nope. And when that mosquito gets here with the virus, I will once again have to make precautions at my own home.
I mean, it's possible to stop driving but overall it's probably pretty necessary for you to get to work, get groceries, for emergencies, for living your life. Going on a cruise? Not essential to carrying out your life. I mean, I personally haven't been on one and don't feel I'm missing out on much. I love travel, but I love having a healthy pregnancy/baby more.
LFAF/Nov 16 challenge: Bad TV moms that shouldn't be celebrated
BFP #1 10/30/15 MMC found 11/30/15 D&C 12/11/15 EDD 7/9/16
healing comes in waves, and maybe today the wave hits the rocks and that’s ok, that’s ok, darling. you are still healing, you are still healing- Ijeoma Umebinyuo, be gentle with yourself BFP #2 3/21 EDD 11/28/16
I'm in the U.S. and scared to death to be outside at night! I am seriously a Mosquitos best friend. I'm canceling going to parties which are outside at night. Short term and it will help me stay sane Maybe I'm a little over the top
I had no idea that there are so many selfish, idiots on the bump. If you are this reckless and self centered during your pregnancy I fear for your children when they are born... If they make it.
My husband and I we're in Belize when I was about 2 weeks pregnant and didn't know yet. We we're both bit probably 4 or 5 times. When we came home we found out that Zika virus had spread to moswuitos in Belize and we also found out we we're pregnant. Once I told my doctor she immediately called and got the test ordered. It took about 8 weeks for the (negative) result to come back but those 8 weeks we're some of the most scary weeks of my life. In hindsight, I would never have gone had I known, and will not be traveling anywhere close to Zika affected areas while pregnant or even considering/trying. They are recommending women not get pregnant in entire countries. Come on, if you think this ia joke then u will believe whatever u want to believe it's not about your baby.
I conceived in Mexico in early June and now am waiting for results of my blood test (though I was in an area with only 3 cases and had 1 bite, husband 0). It's scary stuff. Good luck. I believe CDC is taking this so seriously because they are aware that so many cases go undetected. 4/5 people have no symptoms and don't get tested.
Re: Travel - Zika
Not sure why you would do that....
I don't feel like you understand their recommendation clearly. They say not to travel, and if you HAVE to, there are precautions you can take. I can't think of any circumstances in which you would HAVE to take a cruise.
I know what you asked, and I doubt there are many people here to answer you, as most women here seem to support following the CDC recommendations.
My response is because I truly am concerned that you are not aware of the risks, as more information has been coming out recently and the risk appears to be higher even than previously thought.
Talk to your doctor and follow their recommendations. At the very least, they should be in the loop that you're planning to travel to the Caribbean and they can let you know if you need to get a blood test upon returning if you do go.
I honestly don't know why you would put you and your baby at risk. And what if you had your blood tested after your trip? What would you do if you had a positive? It'll be too late then. Why not prevent now when you can?
Also, just because someone might have travelled and ended up okay with their blood test. It has no bearing on what will happen to YOU.
Talk to your OB and be safe than sorry.
leaving aside all of the Zika questions...are you showing? because it was my understanding that while you CAN technically book a cruise at 17 weeks, it is at the cruise line's discretion as to whether they will let you on the boat or not. I have heard stories of pregnant mothers showing up for booked cruises and being turned away. it is a MAJOR LIABILITY for someone to go into early labor on a cruise ship, nowhere sear a port, so they like to avoid that. it's not like it would be on an airplane that could easily and quickly reroute to another airport in the event of an emergency.
Now to Zika...there's no way on earth I'd be selfish enough to do this. And it's not just you - my biggest fear is that DH would get Zika. because based on preliminary research, Zika virus can survive in sperm for several months, otherwise undetected in the body/blood, and it can get sexually transmitted to you at any time during those months. So if you're going to go and cover yourself in bug spray and assume it's cool...I would do some more research on the subject first. we were invited to a wedding in Jamaica in December...I am not currently pregnant, but DH and I are not going, even though I may not even be pregnant at the time. not worth the risk.
Your view isn't friendly it's putting your child at risk. I personally couldn't live with myself if I did something so self serving and then my child had to pay the consequences. For the record it's not "media panic". And claiming so is complete and total BS! The CDC does not put out travel restrictions lightly nor do countries highly recommend not becoming pregnant as "panic" it's due to true concern.
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
Me: 28 DH: 27
Me: 28 DH: 27
Lurking...but I just want to say:
*you're =/= your
Also yes, you could die next week of some accident or freak occurrence. But Zika isn't about you dying. In all likelihood you'll survive Zika. But if your baby has microcephaly it could die. But if that's worth it to you to "have a blast" well ok then.
LFAF April Siggy Challenge - TV/Movie BFFS - Romy & Michele
OP, take some time and research microcephaly. (https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/birthdefects/microcephaly.html for example) Maybe even look at some pictures of actual babies who have microcephaly, and then think about what you're asking again. Trust me. Knowing that you have an even a slightly elevated risk is scary as hell, and definitely not worth a cruise, even if you don't get any money back.
Edit: typo
TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
Also, punctuation and grammar.
This isn't freaking out over eating some sushi. This is a serious concern and frankly I'm astounded anyone, let alone their alleged doctor, doesn't get the difference between a vector-borne and foodborne illness. Seriously, before you spout your opinions on the internet, educate yourself a little bit.
It's true it's rare, but it's devastating enough to pay attention to. I really feel for the women that live in these areas and don't have a choice as to whether thy can totally avoid exposure or not. Risking it for a freaking cruise? Nope.
BFP #2 3/21 EDD 11/28/16
This thread makes me so sad.
All it takes is one mosquito bite, and a totally healthy baby can develop this disease in utero, and have issues for a lifetime. There isn't anything you can do to guarantee you won't get bitten by an infected mosquito, other than avoiding the areas where those mosquitoes currently thrive. It's actually pretty simple to avoid getting Zika if you currently live in a Zike-free area, and to think that it's not worth it to do something so simple to potentially save your baby's life is astounding.
Just go on the cruise after your baby is born. Is that so hard? I mean I love to travel too, and I accepted the fact that having a baby probably meant I'd have to skip international trips for a few years while she was young, or leave her behind with her grandparents in order to go away. Being a parent is about making sacrifices. Like I don't WANT to spend my night washing and preparing bottles for daycare tomorrow, I would much rather hang out with DH and watch some TV, but you know, I'm a mom now, so I make sacrifices. THIS IS WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR. Sigh.
I went on a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean back in Feb and I was 13 weeks pregnant. Definite scare from the virus. But DH and I stayed on the ship (did not get off on the islands), we wore bug spray everyday, and I never saw one bug! We had support from our family and made time just having fun on the ship. We didn't do any excursions or got off the ship because we didn't want to enhance the risk. I don't regret going, and loved getting in one last vacation before having children (and baby is as healthy as can be). (and even my ob said to go for it). Now, just because everything turned out fine with mine, doesn't mean it will for everyone. If you feel comfortable going and want to, do it. Just take the necessary precautions.
Don't let people make you feel guilty for wanting to live your life. I risk mine and my babies life by driving everyday, does that mean I'll driving? Nope. And when that mosquito gets here with the virus, I will once again have to make precautions at my own home.
Met: 2005 | Started Dating: 2009 | Married: 2013
Surprise Pregnancy #3; BFP: 01.11.2020; Due Date: September 19, 2021
BFP #2 3/21 EDD 11/28/16
waiting for results of my blood test (though I was in an area with only 3 cases and had 1 bite, husband 0). It's scary stuff. Good luck. I believe CDC is taking this so seriously because they are aware that so many cases go undetected. 4/5 people have no symptoms and don't get tested.