Pregnant after a Loss

not out of the woods

Last Sunday I started bleeding and since then it hasnt gotten any better. Been to the doctor got and ultrasound and my jelly bean is good good heartbeat and although that brings me such joy....its also more worriesome because I'm still bleeding. I'm trying to be positive but easier said than done.
(8weeks pregnant)

Re: not out of the woods

  • Hang in there mama. Stay positive <3 When did your doc say to come in next? Have you tried and given her/him a call to ask to give an update and ask whether this is ok?
  • I am with you 9 weeks had big bleed at 6 weeks only after seeing scan heartbeat. Scan date tomorrow so nervous that little bean will be gone. But heard lots of positive feedback that many people bleed go on to healthy pregnancies.. we must remind ourselfs that these experiences can not take away our joy of pregnancy right now. X
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  • Just following up with you @mommymrina. How are you doing?

    ***Loss mentioned***
    Me: 38  DH: 38
    Married: 12-15-2012
    TTC: January 2014
    IUI 12-11-2014 ... BFP: 12-24-2014 MMC: 2-17-2015 @ 12 weeks
    IUI 6-1-2015 ... BFP: 6-16-2015 MC: 7-19-2015 @ 9 weeks 2 days
    IUI 3-4-2016 ... BFP: 3-20-2016 MC: 5-2-2016 @ 10 weeks 3 days
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