Hi guys, first post here. I'm 4 weeks 6 days and had my first appointment since my loss in November. I expressed some concern about progesterone because my sister had two losses in similar circumstances at my age and she swears progesterone is the reason that she's had two healthy kids since. I've seen some conflicting information on that, but anyway- I asked to have my levels done and they said that they don't really like to do that based on numbers because normal is different for different people and they'd just give me a script just in case.
Anyway, I have suppositories, 200 mg each to be taken twice a day. That seems like a lot to me, especially for not even knowing if I really have an issue with P4? It sounds like 100 mg twice a day is more typical. Any experience/thoughts?
BFP #1 10/30/15
MMC found 11/30/15
D&C 12/11/15
EDD 7/9/16
healing comes in waves, and maybe today the wave hits the rocks and that’s ok, that’s ok, darling. you are still healing, you are still healing- Ijeoma Umebinyuo, be gentle with yourself BFP #2 3/21 EDD 11/28/16
Re: Progesterone dosage?