Colorado Babies

Daycare recommendation - Sunflower Hill

For anyone looking for a wonderful daycare for children 2 and up, I heartily recommend Sunflower Hill Child Care. It has two locations: 1520 S. Glencoe St., and 2374 S. University Blvd. It's a small Waldorf-inspired daycare with absolutely wonderful staff. The kids spend a lot of time playing, being outdoors, going for walks, making bread, gardening, etc. My son has been there for a year and a half at the University location, and just moved to the brand new Glencoe location. Both sites are great, and enrollment is limited, so your kid won't get lost in the shuffle like he/she might at a large daycare center or preschool. Open 7:30-5:30, Monday-Friday. There's availability now so if interested, e-mail

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