So, I'm on the mini pill because I breastfeed. Ever since I started it my periods have been totally irregular and I've had lots of breakthrough bleeding. However, for the past few weeks I haven't had any bleeding (period or breakthrough), and I can't help but to assume pregnancy, which I am so not ready for again already. I have no idea if I'm late because my periods haven't been on any type of schedule whatsoever. I took two pregnancy tests over the weekend and both were negative, but I still find myself wondering.
Could this just be my body finally regulating itself? I'm on week three of the birth control pack I'm taking right now. Hoping this is the case because it would be so nice to finally be back on a schedule. Lol! Has anyone else who has taken the mini pill while breastfeeding had a similar experience? My OB said the breakthrough bleeding would last for three or four packs, and I am on my fourth pack now so maybe the breakthrough bleeding has just finally stopped. Who knows.
Re: Mini pill. Worried about pregnancy.