July 2016 Moms

Gender reveal party ideas for sibling

MDmomma1217MDmomma1217 member
edited February 2016 in July 2016 Moms
My 6 y/o is super excited she is FINALLY getting a sibling. Today is my anatomy scan and DH and I want to know the sex, if baby cooperates. DD knows the ultrasound is today and she has been counting down the days.

I wanted to do something simple to reveal to her the news if she is getting a brother or sister. I had thought about making a quick trip to Party City this afternoon and filling a bag with either blue or pink colored candy, so when she opens the bag she will know. Does anyone have any cute, simple ideas as to how to reveal to a sibling? 

Re: Gender reveal party ideas for sibling

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    LDSJM123 said:
    I love the idea of putting confetti inside black helium balloons and letting her pop them outside. Party City or any place should be able to do this for you easily. 
    @LDSJM123 That would be a fun idea! DD would like that!
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    My friends (that have done reveals for siblings), have done cupcakes and then when you bite inside, there is pink or blue frosting in the center. 

    We are Team Green, so DD really gets nothing from us except for saying "Its a _____!" and handing her the baby. HAHA
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    we're going to have a silly string war to reveal what our twins will be. Blue for boys, girl for girls, both if one of each. I think it's a fun way to get everyone involved. 
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    I've seen the silly string thing done and that's super cute. We did a cake for my 3 & 5 year old because... they love cake.
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    DD is only 2 so she doesn't really get it like your 6 year old. I am going to paint her hands pink or blue and then put them on my belly. I just bought a white shirt. I am also going to buy her pink or blue balloons. We are meeting the in laws for brunch after our appointment so DD will bring in the balloons with her :) 
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    holly142holly142 member
    edited February 2016
    This is what I hope to do!  Thank you Pinterest for another ideal photo idea that I am going to try and do. 
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    jlmartinez517jlmartinez517 member
    edited February 2016
    We're doing a pull string pinata at our reveal party - take a paper lantern, put a piece of paper with strings attached to the bottom, cover lantern with crepe paper, fill with colored confetti for the sex. You could also buy a pull string pinata from party city, but i wanted to make my own :)
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