Hi everyone!
This is my first time on this board, so I felt like I should say a quick hello. I'm Casey and I'm 31. DH is Neil and he is 32. We got married in Oct 2014 and almost immediately started TTC. After a chemical this summer and a miscarriage on Christmas, we ended up getting referred to a RE who ran the usual tests and discovered that I'm a pre-mutation carrier for Fragile X. After consulting with a genetics counselor and my doctors, DH and I decided to go ahead doing IVF w/ PGD the mutation won't be carried on to future generations. Right now we are in the "limbo" period while waiting for my immediate family to all get tested, and for the genetics lab to send/receive cheek swabs/blood samples from DH and me and my parents so they can set up for the PGD. Doc says if things go as planned we should be able to do a May IVF cycle with a June FET.
Can't help feel a little anxious and frustrated as to how long all of this is taking, and getting all this new information has been a whirlwind. I was on TB in the TTGP boards for a lot of last year but took a break, and now that I'm back figured I would come say hi over here since I assume that this board is more of "where i'm at" at this point...
...so, hi!
Re: My Introduction (loss mentioned)
Best of luck to you on your road ahead!
I'm sorry to hear about your loss and your struggles.
Its indeed a long wait, but try to do a lott of fun things before hand, things you get tons of energy from, so that you are ready to get going in may!
Wishing you GL on your journey!