I took my last birth control pill on Saturday. I had already kind of planned on stopping them this month, and then it just so happened that the end of this last pack was the last pack in my yearly prescription. No point in refilling this time. I'm excited but crazy nervous.
I'm curious what my body is gonna do now. I've been on birth control pills for over a decade straight. I have no idea how long it's gonna take my body to even out, or if I ever will. Time will tell! We still plan on using condoms until around April when we are going to just stop trying to prevent and see what happens. I'm getting super baby crazy though. We went to the birthday party of one of DH's coworkers little girls on Saturday. Seeing all these cute little kids really didn't help. As I was standing there with DH off to the side, I was like, 'Omg, I want a baby. What if we just started to try now?' He's like, '*shrug* I've just been waiting on you. Whenever you want.' LOL. Oh man. We'll see if we even make it to April...
That's all. We aren't talking to anyone about our plans, even though our moms have been bugging us left and right about when we're gonna have a baby. (We are coming up on our first wedding anniversary in March.) Just wanted to vent and share some of my excitement to someone.
houston, tx. eharmony 7.3.11. married 3.7.15. oilfield wife.
Re: Last pill.
I wonder if you can hang on till April. I was going to wait maybe another month but it seems like I've been looking for reasons not to wait, so here we are having thrown caution to the wind already (literally as of yesterday), so we'll see what happens. And of course I should be doing mountains of work, not obsessing about baby stuff!!
Is there a reason you're waiting for a bit after coming off the pill (I haven't been on the pill for a while, so I'm not really in the know).
Like you I was on BC for over a decade and when I went off it to get pregnant nothing changed at all. My periods were regular too. I know everyone is different but that's my story.
Good luck! Babies are a whirlwind of crazy shit!
Started TTC #1 November 2015
BFP 6/10/2016 - EDD 2/22/2017
In a perfect world, I'd actually love to get pregnant in June/July-ish so I'd have a Spring baby. For some reason, I really want to try to avoid having a holiday baby. I, myself, am a semi-holiday baby and it's something that has always tied into my birthday so some part of me wants to try to avoid that for my child. Also, if we got pregnant this second, it'd give us a Fall baby and I knew too may Fall babies growing up. SUCH STUPID REASONS. But trying to control those two aspects is what is giving me something to grasp onto... so as of now, I'm hanging on. LOL. Control freaks and baby making, never a good mix really. We'll see how long this charade really holds out though. Haha.
We talked about starting NTNP in April because we were attempting realism in the idea that we most likely wouldn't get pregnant first cycle trying. So April gave a little wiggle room of a couple months if that were the case. I'm getting over the idea of hoping to get pregnant in June/July and just letting go a little control in thinking that anytime in or after April I would be fine with.
Stupid. But that's what it is. LOL. Because of all this, karma will probably make us wait months before even conceiving. Here's to hoping we just don't have issues. (Which I don't foresee, but such is life with this baby making stuff. You never know what's gonna happen until you start trying.) DH works offshore, so his schedule being home is wonky and another thing I worry about. But I really need to just not... and have fun with it all. At least at first, before I start freaking out. That's one big thing I'm trying to get into the mindset of is just having fun with it at first. I don't want to let myself overthink it once we do "pull the goalie."
Aside from all that, it really exciting but really scary. We've always talked about "someday" and when "someday" becomes now, it is super surreal. I'm more ready than I've ever been and that's actually saying a lot. I know I'm never going to be 100% ready because of my tendency to just overthink things, but the fact that DH is so excited and ready at anytime gives me more confidence in this next step. It is really exciting.
Enjoy the journey!
DD 1 10/2012
CP 9/2013
DD 2 6/2014
CP 3/2016
BFP 12/8/2016
I have had AF yet so we will see how long this cycle is.
I've read around here a lot and it seems so many people have such different reactions. Enjoy trying to get to know your body again!
Also - try not to count on a particular birth month. It could take 1 cycle, could take 9 which would throw your plans out the window. Just have fun trying and let nature do its thing!
I'm currently having my first withdrawal "period" since ending my last pill pack last Saturday. After this is over, we'll see how long it takes for a real one to happen. Curious. My sex drive has already kicked up a little bit, which sucks because I'm currently bleeding (which necessarily wouldn't stop us, but it's not an ideal jump your bones situation so it's not happening. LOL.) and DH is leaving to go back to work on Tuesday and will be gone for three weeks. (He works offshore on a drilling rig. Three gone, three home.) I'll still be bleeding when he leaves and I'll be super pissed if as soon as he gets home, the real AF comes to visit. WTF. I already really hate not being able to schedule my periods... sigh. Oh well. Lol.
Yeah, I'm trying not to put too much thought into the planning part. I know it's not possible... gotta keep that in mind. Haha.
Everyone is bugging us so much on it. We are not telling anyone we are trying. No ones business. Besides if we do potentially have problems in don't want people to know or ask questions. So its between us and it will be a surprise. I think people are convinced we don't want children at all.
Oh. I came off pill last may. I felt nothing. My period came back the first month completely normal and comes every 29 days (once it was 24 days). Very regular..no issues. Not as painful as they used to be but that might be a good thing. Some women take a while to bounce back and regulateb things. Others might come back to normal right away. Take the months of February and March to get to know your body and your normal. Keep an eye on CM and you will know your "fertile window" generally
So I finished my "withdrawal" period last week and I just started my first actual period today. WTF. I really hope I regulate out to regular length cycles quickly. This is annoying. Lol. Dangit.