I was part of the October/November IVF group. That was our first round and only treatment we have ever tried. We got a BFP but the Endometrin was causing a lot of bleeding so I switched to PIO. First ultrasound went great, even heard the heartbeat! Second ultrasound there was some type of band thing going partially around the baby. Our RE suggested we see a high risk OB and asked if we had any frozen embryos so I guess we kind of saw the loss coming. Yesterday we saw the little baby but with no heartbeat. Tried to listen to it just in case and it was silent. Worst experience of my life. OB said it was the placenta that separated and it was caused from a chromosomal abnormality so nothing we could have done to prevent it and nothing we did to cause it. But I feel totally responsible. Our RE told us numerous times to get the PSG testing done but I convinced my husband that because I'm in my early 20's there's no reason to spend the extra 5k. I guess in my mind at the time I told myself younger people don't have unexpected issues pop up?
I have the option to miscarry naturally. I should be 9 weeks and 5 days today but baby is only measuring at 8 weeks 1 day. Because it is so small I also have the option to do a D&C. I know this is such a hard question but for the ladies that have been through this, which route would you recommend going? Part of me wants it over quickly but part of me wants to hang on to the baby a little bit longer.
We have three frozen blasts left. My OB said 1 in every 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage due to chromosome issues so maybe our other 3 are fine but we're leaning towards doing the chromosome testing. Has anyone frozen their embryos, then unfroze to do the test, then refroze to do a transfer and had success? I don't want to lose the 3 because we're messing with them so much.
Thank you all so much. I have always felt good coming to this board.
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
Re: *Loss Mentioned* Not sure what to do
I am so so sorry to hear about your loss. I've been there (similar timing) and it is so heartbreaking to go through. I went ahead with a d&c because the baby had passed two weeks prior and my body still had not miscarried naturally. ALSO, a d&c will allow you to do testing of the fetal tissue that would give you a more definitive answer related to possible chromosomal issues. In my case, there was no chromosomal issues, which was reassuring in a way, I guess. On the other hand, it might be safer to miscarry naturally or with cytotec, because a D&C can result in some scar tissue. So, it is definitely a difficult decision. I am really uneducated on PGS, so I can't comment on if you can thaw, do PGS, then re-freeze. Your OB is correct though, chromosomal issues are common, even in younger people. I guess if it were me, and I had 4 frosties, I might try a FET before considering PGS. That's just my initial inclination, but I see justification for either decision. I'm so sorry for your loss.
*Loss & bfp mentioned*
me 28 (Lean PCOS, hypothyroid) dh 33
TTC #1 since early 2011
May 2011- natural pregnancy (metformin only); m/c @ 9 weeks + D&C
July 2011- lap to remove dermoid cyst
August 2012-current- 9 rounds of Clomid, 1 cycle of Femara, several cycles of soy isos, 1 IUI, O'd every cycle, BFN
August 2014- lap to remove uterine septum. Everything else looking good.
Moving onto IVF Feb/March 2016 Just kidding. Natural bfp 1/30/16. 1st beta 2/1 = 110. 2nd beta 2/3 = 332.
First ultrasound 2/19 - one baby with a heart rate of 127! EDD 10/11/2016
Thanks for your answers!
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
Positive vibes headed your way!
While I haven't had much experience with IVF, when I met with my RE to discuss moving onto IVF, she highly recommended AGAINST PGS based on my age (31), even though I have had two chemical pregnancies with IUI. She basically said that out of all my eggs, those two just weren't it based on the odds of 1 in 4 being abnormal and didn't have any major concerns moving forward.
It's not an easy decision to make (nothing in this process is) especially since if you polled 100 women going through IF and 100 REs, you may get 100 different perspectives and reasons why to do or not do something and their experience. Sometimes you have to just go with your gut and do what feels best to you. Just know that you are doing everything you can to have this little one and don't beat yourself up over any one decision. Your little one is very lucky that you are already so concerned about their well-being, even at the embryo stage!
@knklein10 Thanks I'll check it out! I've turned to blogs a lot through the entire process. I also started my own to cope with the rollercoaster of feelings.
Our RE said it wouldn't be a good idea to do the test now that they have already been frozen. Not doing it almost makes me want to not even use the frozen ones we have because I don't want this to happen again. Now we know DH and I can at least get a BFP together so that is somewhat comforting.
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
If you are publicly sharing your blog, I'd love to check it out. Let me know! I just added the option on my page to follow via Email, or I am on Twitter if you'd ever want to connect. @2015dee I see you are planning to start the IVF "adventure" soon, too. Feel free to "live vicariously through me" my first cycle this month.
Blog: Threelittlebeans.com
Twitter: @ThreeLittleBean (no S!)
**BFP and loss warning**
@knklein10 You can find me here https://thejessicanicol.com/ There are a ton of us with blogs. It always makes me feel a little more at ease knowing I'm not the only one.
@mskeenan We had the money to do the testing which makes me feel worse. I truly thought it was unneeded. Both our OB and RE agree that it ended because of a chromosome issue. I would much rather have gotten a BFN or known to not use this egg. It is a pretty big added expense and I know a lot of women that don't do the testing and have no issues. We just happened to not get so lucky. Just another bump in the long road though!
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
Whether or not you use your frozen embryos is definitely a very personal decision. Odds are the worst news you would get is a BFN and won't have to go through this again. Then again, so much of these tough decisions have to be based upon your own emotional health just in case there is a worst case scenario.
Thoughts and prayers with you and your husband during this rough time.