September 2015 Moms

Christmas gifts for baby

I know there was a thread started awhile ago but I thought I'd ask again - what (if anything) are little ones getting for Christmas? I want to get a few things for baby just so it seems as if Santa came for him too. He's the third child and third boy so he really doesn't NEED maybe a toy or two just for fun.

Re: Christmas gifts for baby

  • I'm getting toys that he's going to grow into throughout the year since their birthdays aren't until the summer
  • I got a few toys and some 9-12 month jammies. From his four legged brother and santa :)
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  • Clothes (I can't help it!), personalized blocks of her name from etsy too!
  • Stickers and silicone bands for bottles and Tupperware at daycare, diapers, Banana toothbrushes, socks and 2-3 small toys for teething and the bath. Only because I have two older kids who believe in Santa. Also, a contribution to her savings account.
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  • I got my little one a chair like this one:

    And a few books and small toys. Of course this is more for us than her, but still very fun! I was really excited to buy her a stocking this year.
  • I finished shopping for him last week. He got 1 big gift from Santa which is a play mat with a soft piano for kicking. The rest are from mommy and daddy and they're much smaller toys. I did get him a sophie the giraffe since he'll be teething soon around or after Christmas. The rest is like soft toy blocks, books, stuff like that.
  • I got her soft blocks, links, a rock a stacker, and one of those toys that plays songs. she's probably too young for all of these, but she'll grow into them.
  • We'll be moving to a new house after Christmas, and he'll be in his crib in his own room FT when we do (right now, I'm transitioning him from bassinet in our room to his crib in his room in our now-house, but he's only in it for daytime naps right now).  So, for Christmas, I'm getting him a mobile to hang above his crib.  I'd registered for one, but didn't get it.  I think I might also get him a white noise machine for his room.  I didn't want to buy one before knowing if white noise did anything for him, and he likes it when I use an app on my tablet.  By getting him a machine for his room, I can reclaim my tablet, which is also my e-reader, during his naps/at bedtime. 
  • He's a first born so I told family books, toys that do not take batteries, or any winter clothes 9 month size! He's only 11 weeks and already wearing 6 month stuff..and some are the exact same length as by Christmas/January we could be in 6-9 month or just 9 month. So crazy.
  • I have three older boys and two still believe so I have to make it look somewhat equal. LO needs clothes, he's 13 weeks and in 6-9 month clothing, He'll likely be in 12 month clothing in a month or so and while we received a bunch it's all spring/summer clothes. He'll get some toys and a crib soother as well as a collection of Sandra Boynton books and CDs. Our older three just loved her books but wore them out so we're starting fresh.


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have three older boys and two still believe so I have to make it look somewhat equal. LO needs clothes, he's 13 weeks and in 6-9 month clothing, He'll likely be in 12 month clothing in a month or so and while we received a bunch it's all spring/summer clothes. He'll get some toys and a crib soother as well as a collection of Sandra Boynton books and CDs. Our older three just loved her books but wore them out so we're starting fresh.

    My baby shower was in the summer time and lots of people got me 9 month summer outfits! I was so excited...too bad it will be December/January? when he wears them! LOL It wouldn't be warm enough where I live to wear them until late May. Ugh! I'm so bummed that he will never even get to wear them. Some of them were PRECIOUS!!!
  • We got LO a vtech alphabet activity cube. Clothes and small toys. DD believes, so I'm sure she will drop a few things on her xmas list for DS

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks ladies! I got some nice suggestions. So far I have two new books for him and a rattle. I think I'm going to get him a mobile too, that's a great idea and we don't have one. I just ordered two new carters outfits too, good deals today! I think he's probably done!
  • I got my little man a beat bo, books and a couple packs of blocks :)
  • I want to get LO this 4 in 1 trike so she can join in with her big brother and sister next summer. I really love that she can grow into using the trike all on her own as she gets older.
  • I'm getting toys that he's going to grow into throughout the year since their birthdays aren't until the summer
    I'm doing the exact same thing. : )
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      Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Something he wants, something he needs, something to wear, and something to read. And something from Santa. He's the first child from my generation of children, so he's going to be spoiled rotten by my parents and in laws, as well as his aunts and uncles, so we're trying to establish the precedent of a low key Christmas, gift wise. We want the season to be more about family, traditions, and the faith that the holiday is supposed to inspire.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
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