Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Field trips

My LO is five weeks and I'm starting to get out of the house (field trip) more which feels great. However I have no idea how to BF DD without using boppy or some other type of pillow. Has anyone had succes BFing in public?

Re: Field trips

  • I've been venturing out quite a bit since the beginning but still haven't had a ton of success which is a big bummer b/c I told myself I'd have much more confidence this time around! I have BFd 3 places other than home - my parents house, the car and the mall (thankfully I stumbled upon the Nordstrom Mother's room b/c I tired on a mall bench and just couldn't do it.

    Part of it is the technique without the pillow and back support and using the cover successfully. I'm thinking I will start using the cover a few feedings at home so baby and I get used to it. As for the pillow, I was with a friend over the weekend who had a 4 mo old. She had a pillow that filded up into a cut little bag with handles. I think I'm going to look for one of those. While I can do it without a pillow and I am thinking that will get easier as baby gets bigger it would just be nice to make things a little easier.

    Good luck!!
    Married DH 08.28.10
    Pregnancy #1: BFP 04.10.11 EDD 12.23.11 DD1 Born 12.4.11
     Pregnancy #2: BFP 5.12.14 MC 5.20.14 @ 5wk4d
    Pregnancy #3: BFP 11.1.14 EDD 7.5.15 MC 11.13.14 @ 6wk4d
    Pregnancy #4: BFP 1.31.15 EDD 10.5.15 DD2 Born 9.23.15
  • I sadly never had the courage to BF in public other than my car. I would just pump ahead of time and give it to LO while out, or feed LO right before leaving.
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  • Can't you just hold her on her side and let her BF that way? I never used a pillow to prop DS up during the short time I BF'd.

    Don't be afraid to BF in public. EVER.

  • Until you get used to nursing without a pillow just bring the boppy with you and nurse in the car or a mothers room/dressing room. That's what I did with my first and the first couple of months with my second.
    <a href="" title="Baby Names"><img src="" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
  • I've never used a pillow to nurse and have nursed at BRU, chili"s, a bench at the outlet mall, the car, the pediatrician's office, a friends hospital room, and Chuy's. I wear a tank top under a loose shirt and pull the tank down and use the top Shirt as my cover so I don't use an actual cover. To support baby I cross the leg on the side I'm feeding over the other (ankle on thigh) and use the hand opposite the breast we are feeding on to support baby's head and the other hand to support my breast. I hope that makes sense and helps. I think it would help to practice at home without the pillow before you go out too.
  • I loved my breastfeeding pillow. In public, I either took my pillow with me or I supported him with my arm. I also practiced feeding him in the Moby wrap - look up how to videos on YouTube. I felt like supermom the day I was shopping at target while feeding LO and no one knew!

  • marajay6 said:

    I loved my breastfeeding pillow. In public, I either took my pillow with me or I supported him with my arm. I also practiced feeding him in the Moby wrap - look up how to videos on YouTube. I felt like supermom the day I was shopping at target while feeding LO and no one knew!

    The only problem I've had with nursing while wearing the moby is when daughter spit up a TON all down my shirt... That may have been the last time I nursed in the moby...
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