November 2015 Moms

Cramping after peeing

Hello ladies. Iv been experiencing for quite a while now. Iv mentioned it to my doctor since it gets to the point that it puts me in a fetal position and a very tight stomach. She told me that it's just pressure since he is very low. Does anyone else experience this. Do I listen to her or next time go to the hospital just for peice of mind. Since I'm on blood thinners I was told that if I go into labor early they (the hospital nurses) will deny me the epidural. What are your thoughts !! Hope all is well with everyone

Re: Cramping after peeing

  • I have a very good relationship with my OB, so I would trust him above all internet strangers. 
    Honestly it's your choice, only you and your OB know your medical history, if you feel better going to the hospital, then go. We can't make that choice for you. 
  • I've had this on and off, to the point where it can get pretty painful, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should ignore it. I haven't bothered having it looked into myself, but mostly because baby is doing well so for me I wasn't concerned.
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  • This happens to me a lot in the morning. I get heavy cramping (like a Charlie horse) in my abdomin. Doc said its round ligament pain and that after holding urine for more than a few hours and the pressure of the baby on your bladder, it can cause cramping.
  • I get it every time after I pee. At night it's the worse !!
  • I get BH before and after going pee nearly every time. They aren't painful usually, though, just an uncomfortable tight feeling.
  • I get BH when my bladder is full or just emptied. Did they check you for a UTI? They checked me when I mentioned feeling pressure down low, but it came out normal.
  • I was also told that this can be from holding urine too long, although I pee frequently sometimes I feel like I have to go and I just can't! I was advised to drink a glass of cranberry juice during the times I am having difficulty. I assume they were worried about a UTI's really helped.
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