I hope this isn't a repeat question, I tried to search first but couldn't find anything on it...
I am a little stuck on what to get my LO for Christmas. I usually do my shopping now because coupons etc come out in late October. I want to get her some things she loves, but nothing too crazy because she will only be 7 months and won't really "get it" yet.
What are you all getting for your babes? Looking for some good ideas! So far I have no ideas at all, she got a jumperoo as a gift recently already and that was my one and only idea...
Re: Christmas gifts for baby?
Someone suggested a rocker, and I really liked that idea! I just started making a list today so I can be prepared for when grandparents ask what LO wants. I figured anything to help with walking would be good since that won't be too far behind. Ideas I had were walkers and or a pull-behind puppy. (I have no idea what any of these things are actually called, so hopefully you know what I'm talking about).