Hi! Was wondering if I could get some feedback about my pumping plans. I'm currently on maternity leave and will be returning to work in January. LO is fourteen weeks old and I breastfeed him, with the exception of the occasional bottle of expressed milk. LO eats really well and is gaining nicely (he was born 8 lbs 2 oz and is now 15 lbs). Currently he eats about 8 times a day, with the first feed taking place at 5 am. From there he feeds every two or three hours until 9 pm, when he goes to bed. He sleeps through the night and doesn't wake for any feedings between 9 pm and 5 am. I don't wake up to pump at night, and to avoid engorgement, I pump right before bed after LO's last feeding. I've been pumping after his first morning feeding as well.
Since LO was born I have been pumping enough to have a few spare bottles in the fridge to have on hand (usually about six 5 oz bottles at a time), but hadn't been freezing any. I am just starting a freezer stash and currently have about 25 oz. stored. I'm worried that when I go back to work I won't be able to pump enough each day to sustain breastfeeding, because I'm a 3rd grade teacher and will really only be able to pump during my lunch break (that's once a day). So I'd like to have a good freezer stash ready. By the time I go back to work LO will be six months and probably eating less than the roughly 40 oz of milk per day he currently eats. I'm estimating that he'll probably take three five ounce bottles per day while I'm at work, so I'll be needing to pump 15 oz per workday.
So here is where I am asking for feedback: Do you think my current pumping habits (pumping twice a day - once in the morning and once at night) can produce the kind of stash I'll need? Should I pump in the middle of the night?
Any thoughts are much appreciated!
Re: Would love feedback on pumping for freezer stash