September 2015 Moms

Christmas gifts for baby

jennsammutjennsammut member
edited October 2015 in September 2015 Moms
what will everyone be getting there babies for Christmas. I know it's far away but I am on tight budget and I need to start early.

Re: Christmas gifts for baby

  • So far I have some clothes and books to give her. I was thinking of getting a tummy time play mat and maybe a few toys for when she's older. I don't plan on going crazy, she won't remember it!
  • I made a lot of things for dd last year. she still plays with the shaker bottles and the fabric scraps in a wipes container was her favorite thing for a long time. they don't need anything fancy at this age. anything that encourages crawling, grasping, shaking etc. and things that introduce new things for baby to touch, look at, or listen to.
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  • I don't know! I plan to look for great deals on anything baby related on Black Friday but I was thinking just clothes and things he's going to grow into. Some books and toys?
  • Baby is still so little we will be getting mostly books and things like rattles. Keeping it simple this year.
  • With our first we just wrapped up things he needed, like some long sleeve onsies and a new pacifier. I knew he wouldn't remember anything, so we didn't go crazy on gifts until he was 2. Saved us some money!
  • I don't think we'll do too much because we have tons of baby toys.  I was thinking of buying ahead a little one of those activity tables that converts to a walker and can also take the legs of for when baby starts sitting up because ds's activity table and walker were hand me downs to begin with and we've had them outside on the porch as they got older and they got a little yucky and we tossed them.  So even though she won't enjoy it straight away, she'll have it when she's ready and probably dh and I will pick out a little toy each for her.  Also, since her room isn't done or even started, maybe stuff for her room.

    DS 1 was the same age at his first Christmas and we got him one of those play mats with things that dangle overhead with a little piano that went down by his feet to kick, he liked that.

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  • I really want to get him a special handmade teddy bear from Polka Dot Club and the Plan Toys wooden pineapple rattle.
  • I'm getting an object permanence box (montessori) and making a puzzle ball. We'll get some shirts and tights for her stocking. I'm sure we'll get loads of things we don't need from relatives, so we'll be keeping it to a minimum here.
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  • Diapers! Ha. I'm sure we will pick up a couple of things, but he will be spoiled enough gifts-wise from grandparents! He won't remember a thing from this year. Next year, however I'm sure we will do more!
  • Pajamas for Christmas Eve (it's a tradition ☺️) and Christmas Day outfit. A tummy time mat and maybe a few little things he needs :)
  • I'm going to start a tradition of buying her a Christmas tree ornament every year. I'll probably also do books and maybe a toy.
  • I'm going to start a tradition of buying her a Christmas tree ornament every year. I'll probably also do books and maybe a toy.

    That's a great idea !!
  • Diapers and wipes from Santa. This is my third girl so we have enough toys and clothes. Going to start her a trust account and deposit money instead of gifts.
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  • I'm going to buy a special Christmas tree ornament(like I do nieces and nephews), and a Christmas book with a message from mommy and daddy on the cover! We had so many hand me down toys/clothes from my sister....I'm going to go for building baby boys library! Ohhhh and I LOVE Montessori things!
  • With DD1 we chose one of the new series of ornaments Hallmark came out with, and we get her the new one in the series each year. We lucked out, they started their 12 Days of Christmas series that year. IMO, this year's choices suck, especially for a boy. I'm either going to do the classic car series or the miniature Christmas scene. I'm guessing his future wife will thank me if I do the Christmas scene ones. Lord knows I'd just roll my eyes if my MIL gave me 20 classic car ornaments for my tree right after hubby n I got married.
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  • @gollygeeitsamy my mom did that with all 5 of us. When I moved out and had our first "married" tree it was really funny because it was mostly covered in princesses. 22 years of ornaments there was a lot of pink and princesses haha I've continued to do that with my oldest so it's starting to turn more blue. My mom has even bought my husband some. It's a really neat tradition.
    I'll probably by crawling toys and hard boars books and I'm sure clothes for Lo. Christmas gets way more fun at 2 :)
  • I was thinking since family will want to get her things im going to suggest development toys since she'll be around 4 months. I guess we might pick something special for her but probably won't do proper gifts till she's 1 or 2
  • DS1 was born 9 weeks early 4 days before Christmas, so he got Pooh and Tigger stuffed animals from Walgreens for his first Christmas. :) He gets tons of toys and clothes from family since he has birthday and Christmas together, so we generally don't go crazy. We get one big gift for him for Christmas - 2013 was a Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair (bought at a discount from and 2014 was a toy kitchen.

    I like to go by the guidelines of "something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read."
  • I know our family will probably spoil ds. But I was planning on getting him an excersaucer and some books and maybe clothes. Not a lot but mostly something to have under the tree. most of our money will be spent on decorations since this will be our first Christmas in our house, And our family's will be spending Christmas day at our house.
  • We decided to start a little holiday tradition this year. On all major holidays we are going to get her a Disney movie, we need to build a collection and this seems like a good way to do it without dropping a butt load at once. She'll be about four months old, so I'm not sure what to get her. Probably clothes and a few little toys or books. The most expensive thing we'll be buying her is the outfit to wear for Christmas and pictures. 
  • We aren't going to do much especially because I am taking the whole 12 weeks and I am not getting paid for all of them. Also we have an 11 year old and we'll mostly focus on his things. They are more expensive and baby isn't going to be old enough to have any idea of what is going on. I say this now...but my DH might have other plans. 
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  • Have any of you seen the "lost my name" book? It's a really cute idea! I'm definitely getting my LO this! Other than that I'm sure he will get enough from his grandparents and others <3
  • LO is my third girls so we are pretty set on clothes and toys except our vibrating chair and exersaucer were borrowed from a cousin for all of the kids, but this time she is due in February so I might get one of those. I love the idea of wrapping diapers and wipes. DD2 was due on 12/22 and I was too superstitious to purchase gifts ahead of time, should something go terribly wrong. She ended up being born three weeks early. My brother asked me what she got for Christmas and I replied "milk, I even made it myself." :)
  • I typically crochet new hats and mittens for the kids in the family at Christmas time too. so possibly that. I may do the baby a few headbands or pairs of booties.
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  • tlc11934 said:

    Going to start her a trust account and deposit money instead of gifts.

    Such a good idea! We opened a bank account for our 3yo and every time he gets cash (Christmas/birthday/Lunar New Year) it all goes right into his account. When he is older he will have a nice little nugget that he didn't even realize was being saved. It also helps when relatives ask for gift ideas and we are not afraid to say he has his own bank account for future use. It helps eliminate useless toy gifts that he doesn't really need. We will be doing the same thing for LO pretty soon. I highly recommend this!

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