July 2015 Moms


It's 4 AM here in Germany, just finished nursing DD and I can't fall back asleep. Why you ask? I'm anxious....
-We have a 10 hour flight ahead of us in just a few hours to get back home after our awesome 3 week vacation
-DD's sleep schedule is gonna be all jacked up when we get back to the east coast
-I return to work on Wednesday
-I have to trust that my au pair will take good care of DD for the hours that I'm working and that we can get over this language barrier
-I just realized that DD is such a loud sleeper, geez!
-I'm hungry...but it's 4 AM and I should be sleeeeeeeeping.

Anyone else wide awake?


  • It's just past 3:30am in the UK, just feeding DD in bed. Hubby has been snoring loudly for 5 hours straight! I keep prodding him he stops then starts again 2 seconds later!
    Realised DD is noisy too (she must get it from him)
    I need to sleeeeeeeep!
  • It's only 10pm here in ca. Hubby and I came with his family to visit babys great grandma. We took him to the river today and dipped his little toes in the sand, he was a happy baby today. Right now he's sleeping which is unusual because normally he's up till midnight. Hopefully this is the beginning of a new normal schedule for us.
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  • mrsrep123mrsrep123 member
    edited October 2015
    5am in Cali... LO teased us this past week by sleeping 8 hours straight two nights in a row! Thought we were onto a new schedule but he's been back to his regular one of sleeping 4-5 hours. I'm still grateful for those uninterrupted hours though!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • n3na94n3na94 member
    edited October 2015
    12:09am in MD and everyone is asleep except me. I'm currently just going through my phone but know I have to force myself to sleep. Have you guys ever felt tired but you can't put your phone down and just keep going through every app, but your eyes are closing!? Yeah that's me right now lol anyways I'll pump and then go to bed! Good night everyone! :P
  • It's 12:20am here in FL and I'm awake because I work the overnight shift and it's my day off. The rest of the house is sleeping. UGH! what to do?!?!?!
  • beccer123 said:

    It's 12:20am here in FL and I'm awake because I work the overnight shift and it's my day off. The rest of the house is sleeping. UGH! what to do?!?!?!

    I know I said I was going to sleep like 30 minutes ago but I'm still on my phone lol anyways you could catch up on shows ;) or force yourself to sleep
  • n3na94 said:
    It's 12:20am here in FL and I'm awake because I work the overnight shift and it's my day off. The rest of the house is sleeping. UGH! what to do?!?!?!
    I know I said I was going to sleep like 30 minutes ago but I'm still on my phone lol anyways you could catch up on shows ;) or force yourself to sleep
    Very true! I can start the next season of The Walking Dead. Can't sleep bc I work an overnight shift and tonight is my night off but back to work tomorrow night. It's harder if I sleep at night and am up all day and night the next day, or so I've found. 
  • 2:19 am here in NY. I'm trying out this whole "non co-sleeping" bullshit that so many people talk about. Let me tell you, this shit is for the birds. My daughter has been up every time I try to lay her down. Which has been since 9:30 tonight. I'm pretty sure co-sleeping is for us. More power to you ladies who have the patience to wait it out.
  • So frustrated. It's almost midnight and I started bedtime at 8pm. He's still not asleep. We were with my in laws all weekend and he slept like an angel starting at 8. With me he's just not having it. He Dallas asleep in my arms and the moment I put him down he's awake again.
  • Very tired and frustrated here too. I didn't think DD's sleep habits could get any worse, but so far tonight she's slept for 3 hr and 20 min then 2 hr and 20 min. She's over 3 months old now. It has to get better soon, right?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • After three weeks of successful nights in her bassinet and/or crib, I brought LO back into bed to co-sleep with us last night.  We both slept like angels.  She did't cry in her sleep or wake up crying (she woke up with huge grins!).  I still woke every so often to BF her, but I couldn't tell you how many times I awoke or for how long.  Sleeping felt continuous and with her IN my bed I finally feel rested.
  • 1:16 in Chicago, and I have mastitis again. :(( I am pumping while everyone else sleeps, and bummed because LO only nursed 7 mins on one side, so now she'll get a bottle when she wakes. Took 9 weeks to get her back to almost EBF, but I'm in too much pain to try after pumping if she wakes up soon. Fever of 101.5, so going to the OB again tomorrow. Really need to be healthy already!
  • Feel better @Hopeful715 mastitis is the worst :( I'm awake thinking about how my hubby is sick and praying he doesn't spread it to me, baby or my six year old
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