Help us pick a name for our baby boy! Big brother's name is Colin.
I absolutely love Bennett but am afraid it's getting trendy. I also don't want to "timestamp" him - I have a name that peaked in the 80's and then never again, if that makes sense.
I really like Graham, too. I think it's handsome and classic. I haven't gotten as many positive responses in real life to Graham, though, and some people have mentioned the "cracker" reference. It doesn't bother me too much, though.
Re: Bennett Graham or Graham Bennett?
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
On the topic of trendiness: I have a friend who named her little girl Bennett last year. Odd to me because I think of it as masculine, but it might be one of the next names that goes to the girls. Only time will tell!
me: 27 | husband: 35
IR PCOS dx Sept. 2014
married May 2015 --> started NTNP
BFP 6.28.15 - EDD 3.6.16
baby #1 born 2.19.16
TTC #2 in April 2017
BFP 12.30.17 - EDD 9.6.18
Fertility Friend Chart