November 2015 Moms

Dropped bump at 33 weeks

Hey ladies, I am a FTM so not really sure what to expect, but people have been saying that I have dropped, baby does feel lower and been getting a lot of pressure in my hips and pelvis, also had quite a bit of unusual discharge (TMI sorry) I don't see my MW until Wednesday, feeling as though I am overreacting so just after a bit of advice as to whether this is normal. TIA xxx

Re: Dropped bump at 33 weeks

  • If you're concerned then there is no harm in calling your midwife before you go to see them. That would be the most reassuring thing, if you ask me.
  • There's a few threads about dropping that you could try searching and see if those are any help.
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  • I had an appointment today and a cervical check and when she was performing it she said "wow your baby is SO LOW!! The head is right here". I was like uhh is that bad, and she said no, baby is just engaged, which is good I guess. No concerns about early labor or anything like that :) As always consult your doctor if you have concerns.
  • Dropping doesn't mean much in terms of labor starting and discharge is normal. But if you're concerned call your doctor.
  • Your baby can drop early; it doesn't mean labour is eminent. Don't worry- just means baby is getting in the right position!! But if you feel more comfortable call your MW for reassurance!!
  • Ds2 dropped early and we had to be induced 3 days past my due date. It does mean a different kind of discomfort but it doesn't really mean all that much in terms of labor starting soon. But if you are really worried I would call your dr office.
  • I dropped at 26 weeks butt down lol. Then she flipped and went head down. Good news is your ribs aren't kick. Or at less mine aren't.
  • Dropped at 31 weeks. So far he's still cooking with no prelabor symptoms so I wouldn't be too worried. Always ask your doctor though!
  • ShianeNicoleShianeNicole member
    edited October 2015
    I'm 32 weeks and have dropped, any suggestions for pelvic/hip pain? I feel like my hips are going to split in half! Tylenol had not touched it. Not sure if its because she dropped or because I did a lot of walking yesterday. Maybe both. Any advice to help with the pain??
  • I dropped at 30 weeks. At my 33 week appt, he's still doing great and has not engaged. My obgyn is not concerned, so I won't worry about it.
  • I'm 32 weeks and have dropped, any suggestions for pelvic/hip pain? I feel like my hips are going to split in half! Tylenol had not touched it. Not sure if its because she dropped or because I did a lot of walking yesterday. Maybe both. Any advice to help with the pain??

    Find a chiropractor that specializes in prenatal. I've been going for my pelvic/hip issues. Your insurance may cover chiropractic care, mine does.
  • Speak with your doc openly about pain. If it is terrible they may prescribe a safe option for you (mine provided oxyCodone which is class B - 5mg). I'm being tough and not taking but she said to do it if I need it - once per day so she said should not impact baby or withdrawal. Good luck with pain!
  • My lil guy clearly dropped about 3 weeks ago (@ 31wks) saw my midwife a week 1/2 later with lots of cramping. All was fine. He is low & engaged, but cervix is still long & closed, but a lil soft. MW didn't seem to have any preterm labor concerns. Good luck! But def go see MW even just for piece of mind
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