I'm wondering if any of you have switched REs. If so, how long did you wait and what were the reasons that you switched?
My issue is that my RE is super close to my house and has convenient early morning hours for US and BW but I haven't been happy lately with the way that some of my appts are rushed and the subtle and not so subtle hints of suggesting IVF because of my age (37). My diagnosis is PCOS and I have produced one follie each cycle on oral meds. Hoping the Bravelle injections work this cycle and I don't have to worry about switching.
But my DH and I have already started to talk about switching.
Re: Switching REs
You can also decide that IVF is just not for you. Your doctor could try switching up medications to see if any of them work. However, different meds are not likely to fix all the issues above if one of them is actually the issue for you. Other tests you can do are a laproscopy, hysteroscopy, and dye test if you haven't already. Studies have show that the older you are, the higher likelihood of being diagnosed with unexplained infertility. I'm guessing they're pushing IVF more on you because your well of eggs is diminishing, and they may be concerned that if you wait too long, your ability to do IVF may be reduced.
I'm in the process of switching RE's, kind of. I'm getting a second opinion. I actually like my RE quite a bit, but he is unable to successfully and consistently get a catheter through my cervix plus I have unexplained infertility as well. Not being able to get the catheter in is a major issue for doing IVF, making it not even an option if they cannot figure out how to make this work. My doc has been doing this for 30 years and has said I'm literally the only person he has had this level of trouble with. We already tried a D&C to stretch out my cervix more, but it didn't work. We're starting to get into no-man's land and I wanted to make sure my doc's suggestions were in line with other doctors.
The next closest RE is about an hour away, which totally stinks. He is confident that he can "thread the needle," but my doc would have said the same thing... I want this guy to succeed, but going to him will be a huge pain due to the travel time. Driving an hour there and another back for a 5 minute U/S will be horrible. Sigh.