Trying to Get Pregnant

Hating Myself for Not Temping This Cycle

So I started this cycle with a terrible upper respiratory infection. My temperatures were raging with fever and I was so sick, I could barely get out of bed. Add that to the simply fact that AF had decided to stop in for a visit. Yeah, it was a miserable week. I simply didn't chart the first week like I always do. Then I got better but continued not to chart into O week. I didn't stop to think that this would be when I needed to chart the most to see whether or not being sick would impact my ovulation. The few days I was supposed to O, I felt overall dry. Then a few days afterward, I felt wet but I'm not sure if that was O or not. So now I just feel left in the dark as to whether or not I did indeed O. We are back to playing the guessing game this month and I absolutely HATE it. BUt if nothing else I did learn that it is best to chart, especially when your sick. So here we are waiting and wondering. Just felt the need to rant about this for a minute. Poor FI, I'm sure he gets tired of hearing about my cycle. I'm sure at this rate, he pretty much knows it as well as I do. Lol. 

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