July 2015 Moms

Csection-2 scars one baby???

I'm two months out from my c-section and I noticed I have two distinct scars on my stomach. The doctors never told me they cut twice so I'm really confused. I'm also still having pain on one side.

Does anyone else have this too?

Re: Csection-2 scars one baby???

  • Did you say anything at your 6 week checkup? Very weird. I sometimes still have pain but not often.
  • I didn't notice before now. In order to get a good look I have to lift my fat flab and I've been having pain so I didn't want to touch it (sorry TMI). When I went in for my 6 week the Dr. looked at it and said it was healing well and the pain is probably because I'm older (I'm 37). I just assumed he was right and I was blowing the pain out of proportion...until I saw two distinct scars.

    I'm going to go back for another appointment next week. It sounds like it's not normal at all!
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  • I'm 7 weeks PP and  I'm not hurting now. Abt 2 weeks ago, I did start to hurt but it was only a few days and it was gone and nothing since then either. I looked at my scar and I only have one. 
  • I am 10 weeks pp and I still have pain. The area is sensative to touch but it does not hurt when I move. I have only one scar but i did notice i have a scar above the insetion that does not look like it was a cut but it kind of looks like a burn but it has not hurt now or before and is not the stretch mark. But the pain is now getting annoying the doctor said it was normal.
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