Hoping someone has some experience and may can shed some light...
I just left my MFM for my weekly BPP testing with them. I see my OB earlier in the week, which fell on Tuesday of this week due to the holiday. My AFI was 15 on Tuesday, but when my MFM measured my AFI today, it was only at 7.5. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the notion that I "lost" that much fluid so rapidly, without a leak. I've actually had my discharge thicken, so I am pretty sure I'm not leaking. I'm not dehydrated, either, so I'm at a loss.
Anyone experience this? I'm 36w4d, and I've been informed that if my fluid drops any further by the time I go back to my regular OB on Monday, that I will have a baby on Monday. While I'm (very impatiently) awaiting delivery, I want baby to be healthy first and foremost.
Re: Sudden drop in amniotic fluid, but not leaking? (some TMI inside)
They do it by measuring the 4 "pockets" or corner of your uterus. You can googling about Amnotic Fluid Index.
If the doctor didnt mention anything, hopefully it means evereything is O.K.
Drink plenty and kick your feet up and relax.
I hope this all made sense.
Preg #1 - PTL @ 23.5 weeks - angel in heaven (Addison Margaret)