October 2015 Moms

Sudden drop in amniotic fluid, but not leaking? (some TMI inside)

Hoping someone has some experience and may can shed some light...

I just left my MFM for my weekly BPP testing with them.  I see my OB earlier in the week, which fell on Tuesday of this week due to the holiday.  My AFI was 15 on Tuesday, but when my MFM measured my AFI today, it was only at 7.5.  I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the notion that I "lost" that much fluid so rapidly, without a leak.  I've actually had my discharge thicken, so I am pretty sure I'm not leaking.  I'm not dehydrated, either, so I'm at a loss.

Anyone experience this?  I'm 36w4d, and I've been informed that if my fluid drops any further by the time I go back to my regular OB on Monday, that I will have a baby on Monday.  While I'm (very impatiently) awaiting delivery, I want baby to be healthy first and foremost.

Re: Sudden drop in amniotic fluid, but not leaking? (some TMI inside)

  • Did they check baby's bladder? With my first, I had a really low fluid level (no leaking), but the tech said his bladder was completely full. They had me do another check later in the day (after he peed, presumably) and the level was back to nornal again. I was further along than 36 weeks so not sure if baby is drinking/peeing tyay much yet at this point, but maybe it's a possibility!
  • I am experiencing the same thing. Fluid level at my bpp last week was 12, today it was 7. I will be going back Monday for another bpp and could be facing an induction next week. Will be 36 weeks tomorrow and I'm worried my baby will have to come before he is ready.
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  • I was just told mine is at a 9 but since it's still technically normal they told me to hydrate a lot. So I've upped my water in take. But I plan to ask if they are going to test it weekly or anything because I just had my last ultrasound how are they going to know if it drops?
  • The Dr. actually double checked the technician's numbers when he came in, and checked the bladder as well.  He found a little pocket right by my little guy's penis, to which he said, "Looks like he just urinated, since that pocket is still sitting right there."

    Is this why his movements have been so much more painful the last couple days??
  • This may be a stupid question, but how do they measure the fluid levels? My Dr has never mentioned the levels so I'm curious.
  • alba17alba17 member
    edited September 2015

    This may be a stupid question, but how do they measure the fluid levels? My Dr has never mentioned the levels so I'm curious.

    They do it by measuring the 4 "pockets" or corner of your uterus. You can googling about Amnotic Fluid Index.

    If the doctor didnt mention anything, hopefully it means evereything is O.K.

  • I found that the afi numbers varied wildly depending on who did the test and also if the baby was moving a lot at the time (ie the fluid pocket may move around if he's moving). I had twice weekly afi's while on hospital bed rest and found them to range from 8.8 to 19 in the month I was being tested. So I didn't trust the figures. They were only concerned if it fell under 5 so I stopped worrying about the variation.
  • I've been checked at least twice weekly (with one unexpected, emergency visit) for the last six weeks, and there has never been this much of a variance; that is what caused my concern.  I've varied from 12 to 17, but never as low as 7.5.  

    I guess since the drop was so drastic in the last two days, my main concern is that I don't cut in half again (or worse) before I can get back to the doctor on Monday.
  • The fluid could be lower because baby had not peed. Also, if baby had a bit of a growth spurt it can throw it off for a couple of days. i had mine go from 32 to 18 in 4 days because of growth spurt earlier in this pregnancy.

    And yes, lower fluid levels can make movements seem more intense, You lost all the cushioning you had. 
  • I've had amniotic fluid level issues a little over a month now. From my understanding the baby produces fluid (they urinate and end up drinking it and it's a cycle ) the placenta also produces fluid. I was told that my placenta numbers were not where they were suppose to be. They said when I would be doing an activity my muscles in my legs for example would be pulling extra blood and oxygen. Which would make my placenta have to work extra hard. I was placed on bed rest for this issue. *I've had a previous miscarriage and other complications with this pregnancy, so we are all being cautious.
    Drink plenty and kick your feet up and relax.

    I hope this all made sense.
  • I have the opposite issue (too much fluid). My AFI has ranged from 23 to 29 from week 25 to early in week 36. Today I had to be monitored in the hospital due to a heart rate deceleration during an NST. The resident did a fluid measurement and said it was 17. I had one in my doctor's office 3 days ago and it was around 25. It likely didn't go down that fast. My point in sharing is that a) it varies wildly based on when it is measured and b) is dependent on who is measuring. I am sure your next measurement will be fine.
    Me: 39
    DH: 39

    TTC: #3 - first cycle TTC - 10/2014
    Preg #1 - PTL @ 23.5 weeks - angel in heaven (Addison Margaret)
    Preg #2 - PTL @ 30.1 weeks - Kellen born @ 3 lbs. 5 oz in Jan 2010 - My Pride and Joy
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