
Swollen & Painful Feet

I'm 35 weeks with fraternal twin girls. I usually have swollen feet in the evenings but it's gone by morning. This morning however I woke up and went to stand up and I almost fell, I can't bear any weight on my right foot at all it feels like it's bruised but there's noting there plus both of my feet are still swollen ... I know it's not preeclampsia though as I was checked for it last week and was negative, plus my face and hands are normal. Just wondering if anyone else has suffered with this and should I be worried??

Re: Swollen & Painful Feet

  • I'm 34+3 With fraternal twins. I've been swelling a lot in my legs. My skin is definitely tender in the mornings, and very uncomfortable to get out of bed. One thing about pre-e, it can develop over night. I've been monitored on and off for it. Just keep an eye on it. If you're really concerned about the pain, I'd call your doctor.
  • I do wake up with significant swelling but generally after moving around for a bit, it subsides. Have you elevated your feet, or perhaps soaked them in cold water, or put ice packs on them? I would try that and see if the level of swelling subsides. If nothing changes, maybe just go get your blood pressure checked just in case. Like PP said, pre-e can develop quickly.

    Hope all is well!!

    Missed M/C natural cycle 10/2013

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    2 cycles Clomid 50 mg + Ovidrel + TI

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    1 cycle Letrozole 7.5 mg + 150 mg Follistim  - no response, repeated Letrozole 7.5 mg + 150 mg Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI = success! 12/2014

    Beta 1 - 15 dpiui, 324, Beta 2 - 17 dpiui 750. Twins!!

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  • My feet were VERY swollen toward the end of my pregnancy with my twin boys. It hurt to walk the last 2-3 weeks (I delivered them at 37w4d). My doctor wasn't concerned and I was going for check ups every week because I was dilating, so we knew it wasn't pre-e. My boys are almost 3 months old and my feet aren't totally back to normal--not painful but still a little swollen. I don't know if it has anything to do with hemorraging after delivery and getting a transfusion but they are still slightly puffy. My doc says it will take a while to lose all the puffiness.

    Good luck, I know how miserable it is!
  • These were my pre-e feet at 33 weeks. I am normally an average weight & 5'8". I spent 3 weeks in the hospital prior to delivery & the dr was sympathetic but never actually concerned with even this level of swelling. He was much more concerned with swelling in your hands & face. My other pre-e symptoms were also much more concerning to him (protein in urine, high bp, large weight gain in a short time).

    Hang in there, though. I know it's not fun walking on logs! Mine shrunk completely back to normal all of the sudden about 2 weeks pp. I shoved them in a pair of sneakers, took them off 3 hours later & had magical shrunken feet!
  • Thanks for your replys I called the hospital and they were saying with twins we also have double the fluid and it goes down to my feet and tries to go back up to belly but can't get there because of the big bump and to just elevate my feet and stay off of them and it will be ok :)
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