Has anyone gotten theirs yet? Once I had my baby shower I changed my due date to the beginning of August. I'm hoping it comes soon so I can order my car seat (which is always an exclusion on their coupons!)
@dparker721 I read that trick! Buy buy baby doesn't send you the coupon until after the baby is here so that is how people complete their registries by moving it up..
@Krysta6 I went in with my friend at the end of her pregnancy and she just told them she hadn't gotten it yet and the people were super helpful and just gave her 15% off (and apparently this is actually MORE than the 10% completion discount). If it's not too far I would just try to go in and see if they'll let you have the discount, especially if you are able to go on a week day or when it's not crazy for them.
When I made my registry (just to get the discount, as I'm expecting my 2nd) I put August 29 as the EDD just so I would get the coupon in time for shopping, which we are doing now. I received the coupon in the mail at the end of July and today received an online completion coupon. Both were 10% off. Hope that helps!
I thought the completion coupon was 15% damn, I guess it's only 10%
Here is a tip I just did today. Our car seat is always excluded from those 20% off coupons. But I want to bed bath and beyond and they ordered it online for me (shipped to my house) and gave me 20% off (didn't even check the coupon!)
I didn't realize we would get any kind of additional discount. Woohoo!!!
I knew about the BBB discount, but I didn't realize Target has one as well, and that it's better! I just registered there because it's way more convenient for me and most everyone who would be buying from my registry. Score!
I registered at BBB just so I could get stroller, car seat, and Bassinest at a discount. Last Saturday was my shower, and I bought out my registry Tuesday. They told me they'd give me 10% off everything I purchased that day, so I went ahead and bought the rest of what I needed for the nursery (and frankly, probably way more than I needed, which was probably their plan anyway )
Unfortunately it's one or the other, @Krysta6 . But most of the big ticket items like strollers and some of the pricier car seats are excluded from the 20% coupons anyway, so that's as good as you can probably get (although if you find a way around that, I'm all ears!).
Unfortunately it's one or the other, @Krysta6 . But most of the big ticket items like strollers and some of the pricier car seats are excluded from the 20% coupons anyway, so that's as good as you can probably get (although if you find a way around that, I'm all ears!).
@CaitLewis15 go to bed bath and beyond! We went and bought a mattress protector and asked if they could order our car seat (which is excluded from all coupons as its uppababy). They ordered it for us $60 off! They didn't look at the coupon because they aren't as familiar with the baby brand restrictions. It was easy and will be shipped to our house
I'm going to change my date now. Even though I bought most of the rest of stuff on there that was essential with gift cards. I had like 6 coupons so I made hubby go through multiple times ! $5 is a lot when adding it up multiple times! I know I'll need some feeding stuff and gender specific clothes later on so completion coupon will be good for that. We bought our stroller travel system early on Bc I didn't want to wait til too close to the date. Yea I could've gotten the $30 off with completion coupon but for that it was worth the piece of mind to have earlier!
Yassss! Ok I'm not above returning our carseat and stroller (both UPPA baby) for an additional 10% off
@CaitLewis15 make sure it will work first as I was really nervous they may read my coupon! Then go back and return would be my suggestion. Someone bought our stroller otherwise we would have done it this way. I am eyeing the extra base I need wondering if I should do it again!
Re: Buy Buy Baby completion discount
Here is a tip I just did today. Our car seat is always excluded from those 20% off coupons. But I want to bed bath and beyond and they ordered it online for me (shipped to my house) and gave me 20% off (didn't even check the coupon!)